List of Despicables

LexusLover's Avatar
Let's see... you bitch constantly about ...
just anything and everything.

One of the characteristics of WTF is that if he has NOT done something or doesn't know something anybody WHO HAS is just "lying" or "making it up"! That's why some of us recall having heard little turds on the elementary school playground during recess .... incessantly yelling "You liar!"

Another characteristic of WTF is the tendency to "break" shit that someone else has when he doesn't have it .... another behavior some of us saw from little turds during recess on the elementary school grounds ... that permeated those years after leaving grade school by sticking their nose in others' business in order to screw up what they have ... and relevant to the instant board it is sometimes called .... "cock blocking"!

If you don't believe me ... look at all the threads he keeps bumping in his little turd tantrum to make it more burdensome to find threads so mature and informative responses can be posted to the discussion .... for which he has NO (AS IN NONE) mature and/or informative contributions to make other than his little turd screaming fits by posting repetitive bullshit, name-calling, and generally making himself nothing but a nuisance.

A reasonable guess is he didn't even know there was a German restaurant in Guadalajara, and clearly had no idea who established it or owned it subsequently. Of course one would have to live down there for awhile and know some "locals" so they could introduce you to the owners ... so one could have a conversation with them .... and one would have to know a successful farmer in the area who raised corn and pigs with which delicious ham hocks could be prepared. Not to mention carry on a conversation with the owners AND LISTEN to their personal and family history ... rather than TALKING BULLSHIT!

I can understand why he would feel inadequate as an ignorant little turd .... like his carpet bagger butt buddy who wants to make Texas into another New York state, or New Jersey as shining examples of U.S. ingenuity. But that's the internet for you!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-05-2017, 12:48 PM
DAAYYUUMM! Snitchfuck's stupidity is rampant today! Originally Posted by lustylad
See, had this and Iffy's thread had more conversation like this, you'd never hear me bitch.

"Bump" and "to the top" is not debate. Defend their abuse of common decency all you want, will not make what they are doing right.
lustylad's Avatar
Now watch the stupid little bugger bump it again! Originally Posted by lustylad
See... more conversation like this, you'd never hear me bitch... Originally Posted by WTF
Told ya the little bugger would take the bait... just like clockwork!

Now watch him do it again!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-05-2017, 12:55 PM
LL you best hope one of those elementary school turds does not get tired of your lying and decides to do you real damage.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

I can understand why he would feel inadequate as an ignorant little turd .... like his carpet bagger butt buddy who wants to make Texas into another New York state, or New Jersey as shining examples of U.S. ingenuity. But that's the internet for you! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not at all. But I would like to get rid of lying, ignorant, redneck, hillbillies who think that 1950 Texas is far superior to 2017 Texas. Keep those coloreds away from my drinking fountains!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Keep those coloreds away from my drinking fountains!! Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I knew you were a racist pretending to be a Liberal. You and your ILK who pretend are the primary cause of the division in this country! Go kiss Obaminable's Ass ... she needs it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-05-2017, 01:00 PM
Told ya the little bugger would take the bait... just like clockwork!

Now watch him do it again! Originally Posted by lustylad
We can debate all day whether bumping for bumps sake is right....even in this thread.

Some peple are prone to debate the chicken or egg....but in this case clearly the unnecessary bumping is the problem.

I have no problem with them bumping it really, just gives me a reason to do the same.

I kinda get a kick outta you crying about me doing so. I suppiae it does expose your hypocrisy.
lustylad's Avatar
LL you best hope one of those elementary school turds does not get tired of your lying and decides to do you real damage. Originally Posted by WTF
Lemme guess... you'll "fuck him up" if he "jacks with you", right snitchfuck?

That's your fifth bump today of a thread you bitch and moan about seeing too much of! LOL! Who's the big hypocrite now???
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-05-2017, 01:06 PM
Lemme guess... you'll "fuck him up" if he "jacks with you", right snitchfuck?

That's your fifth bump today of a thread you bitch and moan about seeing too much of! LOL! Who's the big hypocrite now??? Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm not "bumping" it snitchT H O R.

It appears not this thread has turned into a healthy debate about bumping threads...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-05-2017, 01:08 PM
Lemme guess... you'll "fuck him up" if he "jacks with you", right snitchfuck?

? Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm like Trump and he is like NK.

Don't want LL to fuck up and cross my red line!
lustylad's Avatar
I have no problem with them bumping it really, just gives me a phony excuse to shit all over this forum and be an even bigger asshole to everyone than I usually am. Originally Posted by WTF
FTFY, little bugger.
lustylad's Avatar
I'm not "bumping" it.... Originally Posted by WTF
Congratulations! Your 7th bump today!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-05-2017, 01:44 PM
Congratulations! Your 7th bump today! Originally Posted by lustylad
You are missing the point...but we should not be debating the practice of bumping threads in a thread that is being bumped.
TryWeakly's Avatar

First lie was saying they were farts! What do you expect from a "house builder"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Ir depends......on who built the house.
lustylad's Avatar
You are missing the point... Originally Posted by WTF
8th bump today!