Way to keep exposing YOUR preferred perversions ! So, how is it that YOU are familiar with being " under the table " ??? And how many times have YOU been down there ???? Maybe they will let YOU be the " pivot man " at the next reach-around crew MEATing since YOU have all that talent as a " receiver " !
And YOU say YOU are not attracted to Men ? We'll seArgent shitburner ISN'T a man. He's a stolen valor POS and a HERO to YOU and the rest of the reach-around crew ! So YOUR " reputation " is intact ! We promise not to tell YOUR " gay friends " in the DFW area !
Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Do you know how sad it is when someone takes every fucking thing posted and repeats it? Do you not have even one original thought?
At least HFC is creative a little bit. You are just lost without DSK to Parrot aren't you?
Poor baby, go get some more tube steak at HEB. Maybe you will run in to Luke and you can mend the fence with him.
By the way I spoke with a few of my gay friends. They said they already knew who you are. You're DSK's tag along. They said no thanks. They may suck dick but not a little man clit such as yours besides you smell like Bologna.
As for Luke not being a man, sounds like you are doing a kiss and tell. Why don't you write a review about him?