Flynn reverses guilty plea!

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  • 03-16-2018, 12:01 AM
They both said Flynn didn’t lie. Under oath. Mueller and his crew are mercenaries. Flynn will walk. Originally Posted by bambino
Let's bet then.

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  • 03-16-2018, 08:59 AM
lustylad's Avatar
Putin had nothing to do with this attack. Originally Posted by WTF
As president, he (Putin) is responsible for Russia's actions. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
^^^ Gotta love the way the lib-retarded Putin apologists on this board can't even keep their stories straight, even when they think they are WKing for each other and defending Pooty-Poot!
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  • 03-16-2018, 11:17 AM
^^^ Gotta love the way the lib-retarded Putin apologists on this board can't even keep their stories straight, even when they think they are WKing for each other and defending Pooty-Poot! Originally Posted by lustylad
Awww did you misquote posters yet once again lustyturd?

Trump loves him some Putin or is scared shitless of or the other. You Trump lovers tell me which.
lustylad's Avatar
All of the warring parties in Syria have been committing war crimes, but we never let the ones that committed crimes against the Americans or the allies who did the dirty jobs for us get away unpunished, that is, before Trump's timid ineptitude in front of the Muslim Turks. Originally Posted by andymarksman
Like snitchy and munchy, you are a Russian apologist, andy the little nazi boy. You are here to vigorously defend Putin's interests in Syria. So it's understandable for you to want to stir up shit between the US and its allies, the Turks and the Kurds. By the way, little nazi boy, both sides in that dispute are Muslim, not just the "Muslim Turks". The Kurds practice a more tolerant strain of Islam. They even let their women fight in the peshmerga. That scares the shit out of those ISIS fucks, who believe if they are killed by a woman in battle they will go straight to hell.

Since you profess to be all concerned about war crimes, little nazi boy, allow me to put the situation in perspective for you, using numbers from my previous link:

"Among those killed are more than 96,000 civilians, said the Srian Observatory for Human Rights, which has used a network of contacts across the country to maintain a count of casualties since near the start of the conflict.

It said government forces and their allies had killed more than 83,500 civilians, including more than 27,500 in air strikes and 14,600 under torture in prison.

Rebel shelling had killed more than 7,000 civilians, the Observatory said.

The Islamic State jihadist group has killed more than 3,700 civilians, air strikes by the U.S.-led coalition have killed 920 civilians and Turkey, which is backing rebels in northern Syria, has killed more than 500 civilians, it added."

So here is the BOTTOM LINE, you little Putin puppet - Seven years into the Syrian civil war, you suddenly want to complain about war crimes, after turning a blind eye while Putin's ally Assad slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians and accounted for 87% of all civilian deaths.

Putin's allies get a pass when it comes to genocide and war crimes, right punk?
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  • 03-16-2018, 11:37 AM
Sounds like you lustylady are backing the ISIS led group vs. the Syrian government.

I suppose you really hate those nerve gas bombers...well at least when they kill kids with nerve gas. If they kill them any other way, you're ok with that.
lustylad's Avatar
Trump loves him some Putin or is scared shitless of or the other. You Trump lovers tell me which. Originally Posted by WTF
The only Putin lovers in this thread are you, dickmuncher and andy the little nazi boy. The three of you do a fine job of sucking his KGB dick 24/7.

Sounds like you lustylady are backing the ISIS led group vs. the Syrian government.

I suppose you really hate those nerve gas bombers...well at least when they kill kids with nerve gas. If they kill them any other way, you're ok with that. Originally Posted by WTF
Now you're babbling and confused and making no sense again... while you squirm to deflect from your Putin dick-sucking proclivity.

bambino's Avatar
This from a real legal expert:
lustylad's Avatar
This from a real legal expert: Originally Posted by bambino

Nice allusion to Animal Farm... everyone lies in Washington DC, but some liars are more equal than other liars!
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  • 03-16-2018, 12:20 PM
This from a real legal expert: Originally Posted by bambino
So Trump wants McCabe fired because McCabe hurt Clinton in the run up to the 2016 election. Are you two numbnuts trying to sell ocean front property with that BS? .

. Jesus, do you guys even understand the game being played or are you two like the Parrot Gay Rey? This from your own link

McCabe could be fired for allegedly helping to leak information on the 2016 Clinton Foundation probe and not being forthcoming about the FBI's Hillary Clinton email probe.

lustylad's Avatar
So Trump wants McCabe fired because McCabe hurt Clinton in the run up to the 2016 election... Originally Posted by WTF
McCabe didn't hurt Clinton, you lying idiot. He covered up for her after she corrupted him by steering $700k of DNC money into his wife's VA state race campaign coffers.

McCabe interviewed hildebeest on July 2, 2016 without putting her under oath or transcribing the FBI interrogation session. I guess he didn't want anyone to be able to read his softball questions or her disingenuous answers.

When McCabe discovered over 600,000 hildebeest emails on Carlos Danger's laptop, he sat on this bombshell for weeks before telling his FBI colleagues.

Only a MORONIC BUFFOON would even think of trying to spin the FACTS into a lie that McCabe "hurt Clinton in the run up to the 2016 election" rather than doing everything in his power to help her!
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  • 03-16-2018, 12:43 PM
McCabe didn't hurt Clinton, you lying idiot. He covered up for her after she corrupted him by steering $700k of DNC money into his wife's VA state race campaign coffers.

McCabe interviewed hildebeest on July 2, 2016 without putting her under oath or transcribing the FBI interrogation session. I guess he didn't want anyone to be able to read his softball questions or her disingenuous answers.

When McCabe discovered over 600,000 hildebeest emails on Carlos Danger's laptop, he sat on this bombshell for weeks before telling his FBI colleagues.

Only a MORONIC BUFFOON would even think of trying to spin the FACTS into a lie that McCabe "hurt Clinton in the run up to the 2016 election" rather than doing everything in his power to help her! Originally Posted by lustylad

The Carlos Danger revelation killed Clinton. ..FBI should have never released that right before the election.

Only a dumbass would think that was some effort to HELP Clinton.

Look, i would have never voted for Clinton because all the Clinton Foundation but Trump by not disinvesting is just as bad and Flynn was using his position to enrich himself. Fuck all of them
bambino's Avatar
McCabe didn't hurt Clinton, you lying idiot. He covered up for her after she corrupted him by steering $700k of DNC money into his wife's VA state race campaign coffers.

McCabe interviewed hildebeest on July 2, 2016 without putting her under oath or transcribing the FBI interrogation session. I guess he didn't want anyone to be able to read his softball questions or her disingenuous answers.

When McCabe discovered over 600,000 hildebeest emails on Carlos Danger's laptop, he sat on this bombshell for weeks before telling his FBI colleagues.

Only a MORONIC BUFFOON would even think of trying to spin the FACTS into a lie that McCabe "hurt Clinton in the run up to the 2016 election" rather than doing everything in his power to help her! Originally Posted by lustylad
And then there’s this:

Do you think Flynn’s lawyers knew Strzock, Page and the FISA judge colluded to set Flynn up? The same judge that accepted Flynn’s guilty plea? The same judge that mysteriously recused himself from the Flynn case? The same Strzock that said he didn’t believe that Flynn lied to him. I wonder why Flynn’s sentencing was delayed until May???
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  • 03-16-2018, 12:58 PM
And then there’s this:

Do you think Flynn’s lawyers knew Strzock, Page and the FISA judge colluded to set Flynn up? The same judge that accepted Flynn’s guilty plea? The same judge that mysteriously recused himself from the Flynn case? The same Strzock that said he didn’t believe that Flynn lied to him. I wonder why Flynn’s sentencing was delayed until May??? Originally Posted by bambino
Then bet me you silly sob.

If Flynn changes his plea by May, I'll lwave this shithole for 6 months. you do the same if he doesn't

You're sounding more and more like that know it all, bet nothing, LexyLiar.

I'll bet your queer friend lustyturd the same bet.
bambino's Avatar
Then bet me you silly sob.

If Flynn changes his plea by May, I'll lwave this shithole for 6 months. you do the same if he doesn't

You're sounding more and more like that know it all, bet nothing, LexyLiar.

I'll bet your queer friend lustyturd the same bet. Originally Posted by WTF
Why would I bet a shithead like you. You would come back as Janis Joplin or Bamscum or something retarded like that. You didn’t stay off the board when you were officially banned by the site for a year.