LL my guess is , it will not take long to get approved.
Originally Posted by WTF
My "concern" about the publicity and hype is that people's expectations of having insurance "in place" on January 1st have been raised to an unattainable level, particularly given #1 .. computer problems ... and #2 .. the purported government shutdown ... plus the reality that insurance companies have not yet been able to settle on the "underwriting" standards to accommodate their NEED for a profit ....
I'm not advocating "price controls" on anything, but the ONLY way the U.S. government (via the states) can implement "guarantied" premiums for a given service and product is establishing mandatory price controls on the basis of benefits to be paid by the carriers to the providers AND mandatory premium guidelines. When the government starts taking away Jags, BMWs, Mercedes SUVs, and country club memberships, not to mention annual visits to "the homeland" ... providers will stampede to the doors like a theater on fire. They are already exiting the system.
The law has not established how much a carrier can pay for a "flu shot" etc.
When the adjustments in health care provided, premiums, and copays get made in early 2014, the shit will hit the fan again. It's got to be done or carriers will bail out of the system and will cancel contracts, just like they did.
There is a helluva lot of difference in REQUIRING coverage for "pre-existing conditions" and REQUIRING a set premium for the coverage. That will be the first step to socialized health care, and hopefully the last one.
The pinhead in the WH put as much thought in this "perfect storm" as he did in threatening to bomb Syria .. or tearing out the insolation of a housing project with no replacements standing by. He can't run a one-car funeral.