Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

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  • WTF
  • 11-03-2013, 09:23 AM
LL my guess is , it will not take long to get approved. They already have preapproved my cc payment. My guess again is that come Monday , somebody at Cigna will get to working on it. If I do not hear back by the end of this week then I would be disappointed with Cigna. But it wasn't like I had to take a physical or answer a bunch of medical questions. The only medical question was smoking. That can't be to hard to process!

You have to remember that Yssup signed up long ago. I doubt it to long to get approved once it is forwarded to the insurance company.
LL my guess is , it will not take long to get approved. Originally Posted by WTF
My guess is LL enjoys making mountains out of molehills!
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LL my guess is , it will not take long to get approved.
Originally Posted by WTF
My "concern" about the publicity and hype is that people's expectations of having insurance "in place" on January 1st have been raised to an unattainable level, particularly given #1 .. computer problems ... and #2 .. the purported government shutdown ... plus the reality that insurance companies have not yet been able to settle on the "underwriting" standards to accommodate their NEED for a profit ....

I'm not advocating "price controls" on anything, but the ONLY way the U.S. government (via the states) can implement "guarantied" premiums for a given service and product is establishing mandatory price controls on the basis of benefits to be paid by the carriers to the providers AND mandatory premium guidelines. When the government starts taking away Jags, BMWs, Mercedes SUVs, and country club memberships, not to mention annual visits to "the homeland" ... providers will stampede to the doors like a theater on fire. They are already exiting the system.

The law has not established how much a carrier can pay for a "flu shot" etc.

When the adjustments in health care provided, premiums, and copays get made in early 2014, the shit will hit the fan again. It's got to be done or carriers will bail out of the system and will cancel contracts, just like they did.

There is a helluva lot of difference in REQUIRING coverage for "pre-existing conditions" and REQUIRING a set premium for the coverage. That will be the first step to socialized health care, and hopefully the last one.

The pinhead in the WH put as much thought in this "perfect storm" as he did in threatening to bomb Syria .. or tearing out the insolation of a housing project with no replacements standing by. He can't run a one-car funeral.
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  • WTF
  • 11-03-2013, 10:07 AM
If that happens, it happens. Meanwhile, I've signed up for insurance and the web-site was flawless. That is all I can report on...the rest is speculation.
That is all I can report on...the rest is speculation. Originally Posted by WTF
And "speculation" is what LL thrives on!
I don't doubt people are getting signed up; I don't doubt that HHS will get the web site working.........I don't doubt that people with serious pre-existing conditions are getting cheaper insurance thorough the exchange.

What is doubtful is:

Obamacare will lower costs
Obamacare will provide superior health insurance than I previously had
Obamacare will let me keep my doctors
Obamacare will let me keep my health insurance (if I like it) - period.
Obamacare will save American taxpayer money.
Even though there was a catastrophic option "available" there were no catastrophic policies listed.

The website said that you did not need to be an American citizen to sign up for insurance. However, they did ask several identity question like where you had lived previously, prior phone numbers, etc that I've seen in other application processes. Several times they asked for your social security number but said it was 'optional.' From what I've read, since the system knows who is on food stamps, they know who is eligible for Medicaid.

I did not purchase insurance thru the exchange since I already have insurance but the numbers WTF quoted were correct. I did not apply for a subsidy either, which may have made all the difference in whether the website worked or not.

LL, I've already heard the government has already limited the amount the insurance policies could go up in the previous years and future years. You don't think the govt knows about the old car insurance trick where they give you a low rate the first year and then next year they raise your premiums tremendously?

Here's the situation: the govt (re: taxpayers) pays for the healthcare of more than 100 million Americans thru medicare and medicaid. That number is growing and will continue to grow. It appears that Obamacare only helps those "private" individuals who would be considered high risk from a cost/benefit POV. To everyone else, its a tax. The insurance companies are going to raise their rates to cover the shortfall or go to the govt to cover it. The healthy people are going to now pay up. Sure, some will use the insurance, but its far from a game changer.

To recap:
So you can't keep your policy.

The people who did sign up can't see their doctors or didn't have a doctor to see or ,my prediction, will be waiting a long time to see a doctor.

The rates (at least mine did) went up substantially - no $2500 savings.

And it will add more than a dime to the federal deficit.

If you have a pre-existing condition and/or in the high risk pool, this is a god send.
Its raises(lowers?) the bar so that more people qualify for Medicaid or heavily subsidized private insurance.

Thanks Obama.
So illegals are able to get subsidized insurance coverage ?

I thought joe wilson was wrong when he called the president a liar for claiming "no illegal will be covered under Obamacare"............

What's the truth ?
myCigna Copay Assure Silver
Status: Sent to Carrier (November 02, 2013)

I know you numbnuts do not believe me and I really do not give a shit. I have insurance starting 1/1/14 pending approval. I had the option of starting earlier.

The main reason I posted was to tell of the ease in which the web-site worked. Not to have you vultures try and pick apart my plan!

I'm here to tell you the website is easy to navigate. There was never a doubt that they would fix it in my mind. What I wanted to see was how easy it was to was simple. But I have a computer and credit card. So I can only give you my experience with it and where I think they will have trouble. Not all states have the education level as the population of Mass. does. But Kentucky seems to be working fine so we will see.

This makes no sense; usually a "catastrophic" plan is less, why would they add on ("extra") $100 to your premium for "catastrophic" coverage ?

Fuck if I know, I'm no insurance expert. I'm just reporting my experience. Originally Posted by WTF
It's important to note that all he did was sign up at, not through Basically a service that guarantees nothing, they aren't held accountable for rates, service, or anything else. They sometimes pass the information along and that's about it. He is definitely not signed up with by any means. They are basically a telemarketing website to gather your data, read their website disclaimers for more info, but here is an excerpt:

"The quotes or rates shown above are estimates only. Your premium is subject to change based on the optional benefits you selected, if any, and other relevant factors, such as changes in rates that take effect before your coverage start date. The insurance company always determines your actual premium. Insurance companies reserve the right to change the terms of a policy upon proper notification."
I don't doubt people are getting signed up; I don't doubt that HHS will get the web site working.........I don't doubt that people with serious pre-existing conditions are getting cheaper insurance thorough the exchange.

What is doubtful is:

Obamacare will lower costs
Obamacare will provide superior health insurance than I previously had
Obamacare will let me keep my doctors
Obamacare will let me keep my health insurance (if I like it) - period.
Obamacare will save American taxpayer money. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
By the end of Obama's 2nd term, half the country will be on Medicare, Medicaid or heavily subsidized "private" insurance. Just like 43% of the population is on food stamps.

The 'death spiral' for Obamacare will be the 'death spiral' for the US.
You can read the 67 complaints filed against WTF's "healthcare website" he is touting. PLEASE inform yourself about what is going on in this toxic environment and do not become another victim and DO NOT go to this website, it is your health after all.
It's important to note that all he did was sign up at, not through Basically a service that guarantees nothing, they aren't held accountable for rates, service, or anything else. They sometimes pass the information along and that's about it. He is definitely not signed up with by any means. They are basically a telemarketing website to gather your data, read their website disclaimers for more info, but here is an excerpt:

"The quotes or rates shown above are estimates only. Your premium is subject to change based on the optional benefits you selected, if any, and other relevant factors, such as changes in rates that take effect before your coverage start date. The insurance company always determines your actual premium. Insurance companies reserve the right to change the terms of a policy upon proper notification." Originally Posted by nwarounder
LOL...good work, thanks
It took me 15 minutes to sign up for insurance. Easy as pie. Like I told you boys... I wanted to wait and let them fix it. Glad I did. Cost me 530 bucks a month with no deductible. Could have gotten it as low as 280 with a 6k deduct.
Originally Posted by WTF
Did you sign up thru or another website WTF?
Great question......

Did you sign up thru or another website WTF? Originally Posted by gnadfly