TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Shouda and woulda and maybe couda - everybody has em. I'd rather have Trump on this than Biden. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Trump simply does not normally listen to his advisors. That is why he changes them on an almost daily basis. Here today, gone tomorrow. That is why we are behind the curve. Trump respects the opinions of one person -- himself.

Why am I not surprised that you prefer Trump over Biden? You have yet to find fault with anyyhing Trump has done while in office.
sportfisherman's Avatar
There are some Chumpsters on this board who fall into the category of those that should Chump go down on 5th Ave. and shoot someone,they would be ok with it.They are rabid.
In a previous post a guy gave such laudatory comments regarding Chump it was as if Chump was some Marvel Comic superhero !!
It was interesting Bill Gates made some comments that we missed our window of opportunity to test and prepare and now can only shelter to try to limit the impact.He is very well versed in world health matters,vaccines, and such through his foundation.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You go with your emotion (delusional) based thinking. If you think it's working for you.
Imma go a different path. I see $$ to be made in the markets and will invest accordingly.
See you in November.

Another thing is the damage to the economy due to his mis-handling of this crisis is going to be deep and long.
It has not come up too much yet,but it will soon.His sham tax cuts left us with huge deficits,now with these bail-out deals the deficit will be outrageous.
Politically he won't get re-elected. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Joe would listen to advisors,... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Would Joe even know who they are?

Would Joe know how much $$ his son made off of China?
Did you see his interview? Biden and CNN's Tapper? The writing is on the wall.

Trump simply does not normally listen to his advisors. That is why he changes them on an almost daily basis. Here today, gone tomorrow. That is why we are behind the curve. Trump respects the opinions of one person -- himself.

Why am I not surprised that you prefer Trump over Biden? You have yet to find fault with anyyhing Trump has done while in office. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Someday you will come out of your delerium and understand what a fool we have as POTUS. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You go with your TDS, hair on fire, Orange Man Bad, ridiculous bull-chite, piss and moan, Monday Morning quarterbacking, 'I can't believe she lost', bitching model. I'm going to go with the follow the data model.

The data is showing that this Chinese bug-a-boo is predominately a geriatric killer. It is what it is. I could care less whether that is what China intended or whether or not it was some economic bomb because they got Greeked by the USA on trade recently. China and objective data are not related. The numbers are pretty clear on the matter.

You can give Xiping all the nut sack love you want. Heck, go with alternating between nut sack love and three bobs and a slob on his knob if that suits you. I'll stick with not trusting China and not investing in China. In fact, Imma bet against China and go with placing my bets on the America First model.
sportfisherman's Avatar
The deep and long economic damage I'm speaking of will not solely be reflected in the stock market.There will be millions of voters affected healthwise,some seriously ill and also loss of loved ones.Additionally they will be economically devastated.Eventually when the dust settles,the specter of a national deficit beyond which we have ever seen will cool things down as well.
I know nothing of the sexual proclivities of Pres Xi or who he performs them with. I do know of a couple on this board who I think harbor secret desire to take it up the ass from Fake Pres Chump !!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...the specter of a national deficit beyond which we have ever seen ... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
My fuzzy memory recalls Obammy increasing the National debt by more than all previous Presidents combined. So there is that as a reference point for you to rally around and compare.
sportfisherman's Avatar
He may have Increased it more. Mostly due to the economic disaster which the Republicans cooked up and began falling out in Oct before the election.It was so bad he worked closely with Bush administration during transition in order to try and smooth the moves to deal with it.
Even so I believe our deficit under Chump,prior to this present debacle,is more than what Obama left him.And now will soar even higher.
pleasurem's Avatar
O’Bama was horrible, just a horrible President, and, so was Bush! If you can’t see the improvement under Trump you are blind, even if he’s not likable things have been very good for 3 years. This Virus isn’t his fault and people shouldn’t be in such despair after only 2-3 weeks.
It would seem that the new poll numbers reflect what I'm thinking.

Trump simply does not normally listen to his advisors. That is why he changes them on an almost daily basis. Here today, gone tomorrow. That is why we are behind the curve. Trump respects the opinions of one person -- himself.

Why am I not surprised that you prefer Trump over Biden? You have yet to find fault with anyyhing Trump has done while in office. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Did you see his interview? Biden and CNN's Tapper? The writing is on the wall. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yet in almost all the polls on the subject, Biden leads Trump at a national level, in Michigan, and is within the margin of error in all other battleground states, leading in some, trailing in others. But all close.

Why is that?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It would seem that the new poll numbers reflect what I'm thinking. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Trump still trails by 3-4% when all polls are taken into consideration. What is strange is that Rasmussen, which historically has leaned right and is Trump's favorite poll to cite, has Trump going from +5 to -7 over the last 2 weeks.

As I've said, this is the first time, in my opinion, that Trump has acted truly presidential in his 3+ years in office.

When the full negative impacts of the coronavirus hits the economy -- soaring unemployment rates, negative GDP, many companies going either out of business or bankrupt, etc. -- it will be interesting to see if Trump is held accountable. I predicted Trump's approval rate would fall after the impeachment and prior to the coronavirus hitting. It did. Significantly. I predicted his handling of the coronavirus, after a slow start, would be high, and it is 60%.

The $1200 per person that people will receive with the stimulus package is a small percentage of what many of those who can't work will need to pay their bills. When the well runs dry, who will voters blame? As Harry Truman said "The buck stops here".
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
My fuzzy memory recalls Obammy increasing the National debt by more than all previous Presidents combined. So there is that as a reference point for you to rally around and compare. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Obama took over the country in the middle of the worst economy since the Great Depression. Much money was spent getting the country to recover. And we recovered in a rather short period of time and the deficit in Obama's last year in office, 2016, was $585 billion In 2015, $442 billion.

Trump took over an economy in very solid shape and has run up a deficit, prior to the deficit which will be run up by the coronavirus, unmatched in such times.

Since 2017 was a transition year from the Obama economy to the Trump economy, I won't include that year. The others are owned by Trump.

2018 -- $779 billion
2019 -- $984 billion
2020 (estimated) -- $1083 billion
2021 (estimated) -- $966 billion

And those numbers for 2020 and 2021 do not include the deficit that will occur due to the coronavirus stimulus package.

There is your reference point.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
O’Bama was horrible, just a horrible President, and, so was Bush! If you can’t see the improvement under Trump you are blind, even if he’s not likable things have been very good for 3 years. This Virus isn’t his fault and people shouldn’t be in such despair after only 2-3 weeks. Originally Posted by pleasurem
There are several sources of information that rank all 44 men who have held the office of POTUS. In every single ranking by several people who are considered experts on the subject, Obama is ranked in the top 20. Easily. (It is Obama. Not O'Bama)

Since Trump has not completed his time in office it is somewhat unfair to include him in such rankings, but 2 have done so. In those 2, Trump ranks 43rd in one and 44th in the other. But I assume you know more than the people doing the rankings do.