The Kindness Campaign

myren1900's Avatar
She pocketed the $200 Originally Posted by NolaScofflaw
Well, obviously the rightful owner got her cash back !

NolaScofflaw's Avatar
Well, obviously the rightful owner got her cash back !

Originally Posted by myren1900
Ah, I misread
I am all about helping others... No matter the cost. I live by the golden rule "IF I GOT IT, THEN YOU GOT IT"...

I provide free legal services to veterans and yearly sponsor food drives around the holidays. Its not so random but maybe it will count for the thread...
^^ In life, you can never be too kind or too fair.

Thanks for sharing.
Sinclar's Avatar
For me it’s Dove, body wash, shampoo and conditioners.

And daddylongstrokes as a Veteran I thank you very much.
Sinclar's Avatar
For me it’s Dove, body wash, shampoo and conditioners.
For me it’s Dove, body wash, shampoo and conditioners. Originally Posted by Sinclar
I posted your comment on the 'Men Body Wash' thread. Thanks for being kind
annie@christophers's Avatar

Lmaof annie
As y'all should know...
Put me in a puddle and I'll have fun. J.s
Zenovia's Avatar
While on tour in a totally new state, I lost my billfold containing everything in it.
I reached out to a playmate of mine in the hopes he could send some cash in order for me to get back home.
He did without hesitation...
A HUMONGOUS shoutout 2 my knight in shining armor.

The billfold was later found in car stuck between passenger seat & door
To show my appreciation, playmate & I got together days later to celebrate a warm welcome back home
It is nice when you can do something for others without expectations or reservations. I truly feel if you do something from your heart you walk away Let It Go and Let Jesus make the flowers bloom in that person's life. You were just a tool that God put there at that moment to help that person and that is the biggest blessing you could ever ask to have in your life.

Often times people do things for others with expectations of how they think the situation is supposed to go once they've done the deed for them. And that is the wrong attitude to have. You do what you should do and let it go. I feel like the little things we do for others it's just our way of paying back to society what God is giving us an opportunity to make here on Earth and blessings for others. Does that make sense? Probably not to you but in my head it makes perfect sense.

I will always be a giver no matter what the circumstances. Even if I have nothing but two Nickles I will always give one of them to help someone.

And for the record it isn't always about money it could be about your time, your empathy, your willingness to just be a listener in someone's time of need. Happy Sunday and God bless you all!!
