Yo MODS!!!!!!!!!! A question please? (Yo Mokoa... you been served!)

I'm getting to the bottom of this.

I like the thread. That should count for something.
curious1961's Avatar
Wow, I liked the thread. Thought it was a huge success.
I'm getting to the bottom of this.

I like the thread. That should count for something. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
At 22,500 hits per month! There's sites would kill for that much traffic!
I'm getting to the bottom of this.

I like the thread. That should count for something. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
I see that the stank got all the way to heaven...

It may be time to give a modtard an ambassadorship.
Whispers's Avatar
I believe changing rules in this environment would/does work. I'm sure rules have been changed or modified since this site was put up. Of course the owners would have to do it. And of course they don't want to keep our "votes". But I'm sure they want to keep people using their site. It's kind of the same thing. If enough of us get together and ask for something to change and it's reasonable, I'm sure they would consider it. I'm not saying we should do this. It's just a point Originally Posted by SweetCara

I could have "over analyzed" several more of your "points" but in my new found non-confrontational and mellow attitude I decided to pick just the one.



Had to get that out of the way.

Have you looked around this site and seen all lthe ways it generates revenues for the owners?

Selling Banner Ads to Providers
Selling Ad Space to other Companies that target men.

You think men come here looking for your ads?

That's a by product of the environment darlin. Nothing about this site is designed to cater to you and nothing is done here to attract you.

The Site is about reviews. Men review their experiences with Providers. Other men come here to read the reviews. It is the STRONGEST form of advertising you have.
Men that do not want to contribute Reviews but WANT premium access to other areas of the board are CHARGED for it.

Ads are sold to companies that want to target the Men here.

Men will continue to come here to research the product they are interested in, to share their stories and for the camaraderie it builds whether ladies advertise or not.

Whores/Prostitutes/Providers/Escorts/Etc will continue to come here to run free ads under whatever terms the owners allow them.

Over the years as these boards evolved one thing has remained the same. The voice that matters is the male vice.

Women have received a few concessions over the years. Why? Because of wusses that championed to have them here because a lot of guys have ZERO female interaction in their personal lives and the attention they get from the likes of you all is something they need so they whine and cry and posture on behalf of some cause for the ladies.

You ladies have your own little private area and can run ads but it's run by and for the men here.

Sorry darlin... without a set of balls and the production of testosterone your opinion on sites like this will never really matter other than in being shown a little "token" support here and there.

For as long as men write reviews this site will continue to grow and other women will find their way here.

Looks like you're SOL! Mokoa has shut down the thread!

Great job Whispers! Now you can add to your list of accomplishments that you had the most popular thread on ECCIE shut down - you're a one man destruction machine! I'm sure your popularity with the masses will soar now! Originally Posted by Louigi



I get credit for EVERYTHING and BLAME is never laid where it belongs......

I POST a question citing the opinion of a LONG TIME Board Moderator who's experience predates ECCIE that states the REAL PROBLEM and I get the credit for shutting down the thread?


I wish it was true and had always been so easy......

No Sir....

Lay the blame where it belongs..... Squarely on the shoulder's of you favorite Local Board "Moderator", Mokoa, who has been around a long ass time and does not take care of business around here....

Sorry Man but the recurring theme here in San Antonio for a long ass time has been the Mod Staff you've been saddled with that let the place dift far from the manner in which the site is run in most other cities. You all cater to the pussy way too much and none of your staff has ever been on board with the guidelines set down from the owners.

The only decent Mod you have is a guy from another city with other responsibilities.....

this is exactly why I quit coming here. whispers et al bullshit. got too hard trying to separate the ho's from the malicious nonsense and my time is more valuable than that.

mods, owners, make your board work. get rid of this mean-spirited idiot and his Compadre's.

till then, bye bye. Originally Posted by flinde
Buh Bye!

Are you people really blaming whispers he didn't bring it up somebody in Austin did, it doesn't look to me that he did anything except to pass the message on along to the locals.

If you want to blame someone, start with the hookers breaking the rules then go after the mods. Originally Posted by Chincho
There in lies the truth. Y'all got a bunch of over privileged pussy running freely over the Guidelines of the board and a MOD staff either Too Overworked because of the lady's antics or too compromised by the "favors" they receive to do the job they stepped up for.

Most of the Mods around the board understand that there is a never ending supply of free Pussy and still do their jobs.... What's a lady going to do?

Whine that "I gave the Mod a free BJ last week and an extra HH the week before and he pointed me for a silly little thing like running 3 ads in the SNATCH thread the other day!"

Nope..... She's gonna keep that to herself... He can grin and take the next freebie that comes along because there is plenty of new pussy every day finding it's way here!

[QUOTE=Tracy Aine;1055881169]How long did we have that thread for?

Uhhh?... Too Long?

Now all of the sudden it's taken down?

Round of applause to the tards who contributed in taking it down.

Because I'm sure it was just a wretched, terrible eyesore to everyone who viewed it. *Sarcasm*[/QUOTE

I am sure the thread was removed for one reason Tracy and one reason alone. The ladies using it could not stay in line with the guidelines set down. Because of the perceived "success" in it circumventing the guidelines the owner's set down, other area's, i.e. Austin, thought THEY wanted one as well......

Others did not want to deal with the bullshit of moderating it or problems that could come about if the idea grew.... Wahh Wahh Wahh.. San Antonio has it... I want it to!

The bottom line is ...... If the ladies posting to it could have followed the rules there would be no issue now would there?

Probably couldn't stand one thread that has more hits than any of his. lol!

Yeah. Don't blame the messenger.
But look at his motives and past axe grinding history with a Mod.

HEY! Ya think I could have raised the issue/asked the question if Mokoa was keeping it in line with the rules your local MOD Staff came up with?

Personally, I can't see how removing a short notice thread would do more good than just leaving it there....

Forgetting the problems brought up about it. Originally Posted by Precious_b

I have NO DOUBTS that had the ladies followed the rules or the MODs enforced them as they saw fit to create them that it would have been an issue now would it?

I know... I know..... Big Bad Whispers is the blame for everything..... No responsibility lays with the ladies that would not follow rules or the MODs that would not enforce them.....

I have PM'd him and told him how closing this thread affects business for MANY local ladies. Some derive as much as 70 to 80% of their income from there and they have never broken a rule. As I also pointed out, a lot of the infractions were being caused by travelers and not the ones that used the thread day in and day out.

They not only break the rules but they take the issue back to their own cities and it seems that others may not want to deal with them any more than your local staff does.

It is really unfortunate that people's lives are being affected because of the choice of some. Whispers posted his original post about SNATCH infractions at 8:10 and in 2 hours, one of our main ways of communicating with clients was completely gone.

I know that many rules were broken there but show me a forum where they are not? Are we closing down all of them?

Camille Originally Posted by CamilleFox69
Rules are broken all over the place.... You have ZERO issues if you deal WITH THE RULE BREAKERS..... THAT requires MODs that do the work they volunteered to do though.....

If you continue to allow the rules to be broken then the problem grows.
Bob McV's Avatar
Whispers needs to have a windmill to tilt at. I guess this thread was the best he could come up with this week. It's almost to the point where he should either start his own forum where everyone follows all the rules, or give him this one and everyone else move somewhere new. Not sure which would be easier at this point.

My thoughts on the SNATch thread? The right tool for the right job, it really doesn't harm any one to have a place where people can spam their availability every few hours. I don't use the tool myself as I have to plan out things a few days in advance not minutes. That said I see the value.
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
this is exactly why I quit coming here. whispers et al bullshit. got too hard trying to separate the ho's from the malicious nonsense and my time is more valuable than that.

mods, owners, make your board work. get rid of this mean-spirited idiot and his Compadre's.

till then, bye bye. Originally Posted by flinde
This is the main reason I am not too active on here any more. Too much drama & bs.

When i first joined here it was fun. Now, not so much.
Whispers's Avatar
At 22,500 hits per month! There's sites would kill for that much traffic! Originally Posted by Louigi
There in lies the argument that REALLY needs to get made to the Owners.....Somewhere in the madness is a marketing angle.....

I'm getting to the bottom of this.

I like the thread. That should count for something. Originally Posted by St.Christopher

It counts for everything. It is after all your site......

People here tend to miss the point of the original post..... Something I've been bringing up over and over and over for nearly a year..... San Antonio has had a MOD problem for a long time now where they pick and choose the guidelines they enforce. The thread is an example of ladies being given a tool outside of the guidelines, misusing it and the MODs not doing anything to enforce it.

When MODs pick and choose the rules they enforce or enforce them in a manner that is not equal to all members it becomes a problem. Yes I am aware it happens elsewhere. But I keep busy enough with Austin and San Antonio issues and can't be everywhere!

My question was not about trying to get the thread shut down. It was an opportunity to point out once again the inefficiency of the San Antonio MOD Staff. When Austin tried it twice and it failed twice, because we ACTUALLY HAVE A MOD STAFF in Austin that puts in some time enforcing the guidelines, I let it have a home in TRYST. I'm the guy footing the $1400 a year tab it costs for the forum which I created to drive the Christmas Fundraiser and other Get Together things that are not allowed in the Public eye....

When a member asked me I bounced it off Chica Chaser, was given a list of reason's why "you" and the staff were against the idea of a public Short Term Availability Thread, weighed it and discussed it with others and decided to give it a shot. Any and everyone that asks for access is granted it.

Had I known that the movement and attention that party planning was getting at the time was simply a phase with lip service being paid to a few I probably would not have started the forum. With the Fundraiser canceled this year as a result of a member's outing threats I've considered ending the forum and the thread being moved back into the public eye in Austin would relieve me of the need to continue the forum. Heck.. I don't want to be a "buzzkill".

Mods need to at least portray some semblance of being impartial while dealing with the issues.

Chica made a comment this summer in regards to the enforcement of rules as a few were running rampant making threats and outing people that the only guidelines that really mattered any more as a result of "The Houston Effect" were the nuclear ones.... It was disheartening to hear as well as see in effect.

Heck.. There is no fun in getting a reaction from someone in a thread and not seeing them slapped for misbehaving!

heck.... I support the guidelines as they are written because I am a member here. Other's should do so as well and MOD's that will not should be replaced.

Whatever the decision on these threads is, ya gotta admit, that if the MOD enforced the rules THEY put in place fairly that the question made that caused the uproar could not have raised a fuss.

yeah... Yeah... Yeah... I know.... If I would just shut up about things everyone would live in peaceful ignorant bliss!

Whispers's Avatar
I see that the stank got all the way to heaven...

It may be time to give a modtard an ambassadorship. Originally Posted by Simon Riley
or get rid of the MOD that closed the thread and replace him with someone that could follow the rules they came up with? Maybe a couple of ladies to supplement the current staff and monitor and enforce the rules in that thread and that thread alone? Hell.. I think ladies would be harder on the ladies that broke the rules than any guy could be.

maybe Mokoa never agreed with the idea to begin with and it was some other MOD's "baby". Whether he agreed or not once it was posted there was a need for him to "step up" and deal with it.

"Moderation" of a board like this is not done by IGNORING, pointing and banning people selectively..... It involves a public presence in threads getting off track, providing guidance, publicly spanking an offender as need (...STAFF: Check your PMs Sir!) on occasion and when needed giving someone a time-out.

Some are simply in it for the admiration of the ladies and free pussy unfortunately.... I'm not sure about Mokoa..... He has a bit of a GOD complex and simply does what he wants I think..... Not sure if he's affected by the pussy at all.....

Joe Buck's Avatar
Sounds like your point is for all its intent and purpose does not matter, St Chris has stated he likes the thread so I expect it will be unlocked soon. As for your opinion on how things get moderated around here, IT IS strictly a voluntary position, I am sure the mods have other things to do besides sit at a screen 24/7 to pop someone every time they have a minor infraction.
Whispers's Avatar
Whispers needs to have a windmill to tilt at. I guess this thread was the best he could come up with this week. It's almost to the point where he should either start his own forum where everyone follows all the rules, or give him this one and everyone else move somewhere new. Not sure which would be easier at this point.

My thoughts on the SNATch thread? The right tool for the right job, it really doesn't harm any one to have a place where people can spam their availability every few hours. I don't use the tool myself as I have to plan out things a few days in advance not minutes. That said I see the value. Originally Posted by Bob McV
The "value is displayed by the "view counts". If, as one local lady stated, 70-80% of SOME lady's business is generated from the SNATCH thread than there is a hell of a lot of value there right?

Between THAT fact and the view count of the thread there should be an attempt made to capitalize on it. Other sites CHARGE the lady's to advertise and they have FREE advertising mediums here..... But if a single thread has that kind of power to DRIVE their business then build some method around it to make money off of it. Charge them a quarter or 50 cents each time they post....... Just 10 ladies in every major market posting twice a day would amount to THOUSANDS of dollars a month in additional revenue at only 50 cents an ad!

Oh... and double the amount of the free pussy the MODs get so they will have a vested interest in moderating the thread to whatever guidelines are in place.... Toss them a Bonus BJ from a BBW monthly at least.....
bearf15amc's Avatar
Whispers has as many excuses as agendas don't let him fool you. He doesn't do anything for the community, the owners, the ladies or gentlemen, only Whispers and even I'm tired of reading his drivel.

Whispers don't take my comments on your threAd as a follower or even semi-intererested in your opinions, just looking for the reason why a popular thread was closed. Taking away something wanted and used in San Antonio due to not having it in Austin is just sad. Giving the excuse someone else was the architect of the threads demise while you championed it's removal by agitating a Mod over perceived prior transgressions is really sad. I'm sad for you.

That is all... please continue...

Well it's back up so....

And I use it precisely as follows...

If I have no appointments already set up, I use it as a daily, "I'm available!" type of ad. I try to follow the guidelines set and put only the info requested... I didn't see anything wrong with the other girl's postings on the snatch, but then again I wasn't really on there looking for other girls ads..

Yay for it being unlocked though. St. Chris...
Whispers's Avatar
Whispers has as many excuses as agendas don't let him fool you. He doesn't do anything for the community, the owners, the ladies or gentlemen, only Whispers and even I'm tired of reading his drivel. Then put me on ignore! I know... I know.... it's hard to do!

Whispers don't take my comments on your threAd as a follower or even semi-intererested in your opinions, just looking for the reason why a popular thread was closed. Taking away something wanted and used in San Antonio due to not having it in Austin is just sad. Giving the excuse someone else was the architect of the threads demise while you championed it's removal by agitating a Mod over perceived prior transgressions is really sad. I'm sad for you.

a) You are late to the party and like so many others you REACT without reading through everything..... The thread was already reopened....

b) Had Mokoa done his job none of this conversation or excitement would have occurred....
1) Had the thread been moderated no point could have been made.
2) Had Mokoa not taken the knee jerk reaction to my question as a reason to LOCK the thread none of the excitement would have occurred.

That is all... please continue...

Bear Originally Posted by bearf15amc
This thread was NOT posted to make a case for locking the thread. It was a direct indictment of Mokoa, once again, not doing the job he volunteered to do.... A point I've been making repeatedly with examples of his inability to do so in a proper manner. One member, such as myself, should not be able to come along and time after time after time again point out the errors of a LONG sitting MOD and see him reverse himself over... and over.. and over again......

This goes back to one of his very first mistakes made within a day or two of his becoming a MOD. He's never been able to get it right and this community...... YOUR community has suffered with it for a long ass time....

Well it's back up so....

And I use it precisely as follows... Unfortunately.... Others do not...

If I have no appointments already set up, I use it as a daily, "I'm available!" type of ad. I try to follow the guidelines set and put only the info requested... I didn't see anything wrong with the other girl's postings on the snatch, but then again I wasn't really on there looking for other girls ads..

Yay for it being unlocked though. St. Chris... Originally Posted by Tracy Aine

At this time 4 of the 5 Ads posted since reopening it are from ladies. Two violate the Rules posted.....

The point continues to be proven in a MOD selectively enforcing the rules here in San Antonio.
I also liked the Thread. I found it very useful on my business trips to SA for a last minute, or late night release. Yes, there are a few ladies, mostly traveling gals who do not read the rules of the SNATCH thread and post an ad which gets rtm'd. These are usually the same ladies who do not read the rules anywhere on the board and MODS in other cities have to correct them as well. When I've seen it, or been notified of it from an rtm, I remove it. As Camille stated. She uses it to supplement her income from her normal ads and is rightly upset that others who think the rules are stupid or not worth obeying have to ruin it. However, I do not sit glued to the screen 24/7 watching for a SNATCH violation.

The rules of the SNATCH thread are/were very simple to follow. many do not read the rules and post. I don't care if someone thinks they are stupid. If you can't abide by the rules, don't post. If it doesn't meet the guideline of the forum, it's removed, I send a warning. If it happens too many times by the same gal, I issue points.

Many want to blame Whispers for this. Whispers is not the Deity of this man made (provider made) disaster.

Dallas, Austin, Houston, and other cities have all wanted a SNATCH thread but they are more work and maintenance than many cities/mods care to have. MODS in other cities look at it and say it's too much trouble when people can't follow the rules. Dallas tried it a few years ago and the same girls could not and would not abide by the rules, posting as if they were posting a BP ad every 30 minutes which made the thread useless for both Providers and Hobbiests. The girls bitched and complained that removing it hurt their business. I'm sorry, but these Boards are here for the men, not the girls. The girls make their living off the men here because it's a choice they've made. As with making a choice in any business, you follow the rules and part of that is proper advertising to get the business from us so we write the positive reviews to bring you more business. Without the men to spend their hard earned money on them, the women have nothing here. This is why it's hard to fathom why girls can't follow the simple rules of posting in the Welcome Wagon, Weekend Lineup, Ad Section, or SNATCH.

The girls may hold the power of the pussy, but the men hold the power of the purse.

Since Mokoa closed the thread, he will reopen it.

The thread will be re-opened today.

One last thing. I know not where this free pussy Whispers speaks of is coming from, but even in the sex industry, it's not ethical to use a position to obtain free anything. I pay, sometimes with buyers remorse, and if I can't, I don't partake.