If the forum for all posters or just a few?

Wayward's Avatar
Please let me handle that poll, have a running bet we with one of our voices on just how quickly it will be locked.

You kids just need to establish who are the Elites of the elite. weather that should be based on intelligentsia or spelling and then crown a benevolent king or queen of the forum. Everything should go really smoothly after that.
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  • 03-13-2011, 05:34 PM
that should be based on intelligentsia or spelling and then crown a benevolent king or queen of the forum. Everything should go really smoothly after that. Originally Posted by Wayward

Be just like High School....

Hey wait a minute!, Wayward you quit making fun of our forum, I'm up for ''Most Likely to Succeed'' & ''Vagina Inspector.'' I'll have none of your lip(s)!
Wayward's Avatar
Listen Lippy, just because we don't post here much doesn't mean we aren't reading your nonsense and laughing about it. When exactly was a SHMB not like high school?
Having relatives that were in concentration camps plus a jewish ex boyfriend i find it ridiculous i was accused of antisemitism...

I was stating that DALAI LAMA who believes in Karma and was criticised for his antisemitc statements which consider that everyone deserves what happened to him for some reason. He pointed out that Dilemma .

That is not my personal opinion. And i am sorry to say - anyone who knows me by now - would probably agree that my brain capacity and my intellectual beliefs are far away from being antisemitic. It`s just an easy way to provide one line mobbing statements without explanation and accuse people of being stupid , racist , antisemitic and then turn around and do the same with an inflated sense of self.

Especially from people who on the other hand believe in new agey KARMA which is antisemitic per se i really don`t need to hear that, because It concludes that everyon deserves what has happened to him. That was my major point. So its a kind of two sided sword to swing big words on Karma and stuff and then accuse someone of being antisemitic while Karma-believer DALAI LAMA provides antisemitic statements. its kind of logical isn`t it? It`s just a convenient way of posting mobbing one liners without engaging into discussions. Way too easy.

In my eyes anyone who believes in Karma does also support antisemitism , racism and judgemental offenses. Plus, anyone that reads my posts would never see me as antisemitic. I also discussed that profoundly, and if people would actually be CAPABLE of READING what it is i say then no one would assume that. But it seems to me some people NEVER read before posting anything. And this has be proofen on several occasions.

So for me anyone who believes in Karma is much rather an antisemit. But i know its fashionable to be esoteric and since everyone runs around brainless and doing what is chic and in and hip and hop no one cares to bother , right?

And of course no one on this board runs around and points out to Karma believers that they are in fact the ones who are antisemitic. Right? So people who believe in Karma and state so in posts here on eccie have no right whatsoever to accuse me of anything antisemitic.
London Rayne's Avatar
Having relatives that were in concentration camps plus a jewish ex boyfriend i find it ridiculous i was accused of antisemitism...

Some people are just overly ridiculous.

Especially the ones who believe in KARMA which is antisemitic per se, because It concludes that everyon deserves what has happened to him. That was my major point. So its a kind of two sided sword to swing big words on Karma and stuff and then accuse someone of being antisemitic while Karma-believer DALAI LAMA provides antisemitic statements.

In my eyes anyone who believes in Karma does also support antisemitism , racism and judgemental offenses. Plus, anyone that reads my posts would never see me as antisemitic. I also discussed that profoundly, and if people would actually be CAPABLE of READING what it is i say then no one would assume that. But it seems to me some people NEVER read before posting anything. And this has be proofen on several occasions. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Well said.

It's amazing how stereotypes are only offensive when spoken by someone who has not professed their HDH standing. If you can't handle what other posters bring to a discussion especially when they have a point, you are not mature enough to be on a hooker board. Ok, that in itself is a contradiction, but you get the point.

I think certain people are accustomed to getting their azz kissed and words praised even when they know they are in the wrong. Then they want to go cry to their "friends" to help them out. Time to put up or shut up, but don't expect anyone to be cordial to you if you can't do the same in return. Yes, Karma is a b3tch.

Nina, I am using the word "you" in the general sense, so I hope you know this is not directed at you. I happen to have the utmost respect for you.
In my eyes anyone who believes in Karma does also support antisemitism , racism and judgemental offenses. Plus, anyone that reads my posts would never see me as antisemitic. I also discussed that profoundly, and if people would actually be CAPABLE of READING what it is i say then no one would assume that. But it seems to me some people NEVER read before posting anything. And this has be proofen on several occasions. Originally Posted by ninasastri
The antisemitic thread was closed. Please don't bring that shit in here.
London Rayne's Avatar
The antisemitic thread was closed. Please don't bring that shit in here. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I must have missed that. Figures.
discreetgent's Avatar
I must have missed that. Figures. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Since you like straight talk: Bullshit.
Since you like straight talk: Bullshit. Originally Posted by discreetgent
exactly. a whole heap of it. . smell it quite on a few occassions.
Naomi4u's Avatar

In my eyes anyone who believes in Karma does also support antisemitism , racism and judgemental offenses. Plus, anyone that reads my posts would never see me as antisemitic. I also discussed that profoundly, and if people would actually be CAPABLE of READING what it is i say then no one would assume that. But it seems to me some people NEVER read before posting anything. And this has be proofen on several occasions. Originally Posted by ninasastri
I'll accept this as my version of the word.
London Rayne's Avatar
Since you like straight talk: Bullshit. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Did I respond to it? I certainly don't recall it if I did.
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  • 03-13-2011, 07:08 PM
Listen Lippy, just because we don't post here much doesn't mean we aren't reading your nonsense and laughing about it. When exactly was a SHMB not like high school? Originally Posted by Wayward
Ohhhhhhhhhhh are you wanting to be Prom Queen!?

Since you like straight talk: Bullshit. Originally Posted by discreetgent
DG, you know the rules, the only one that can call BS on my thread is me.

London, you me and El Nina may not be welcome in the forum ( along with that scoundrel Wayward!) but we can BullShit with the best of'em!
Did I respond to it? I certainly don't recall it if I did. Originally Posted by London Rayne
No darlin, some how you missed that cat fight.
London Rayne's Avatar
No darlin, some how you missed that cat fight. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Must have been on my vacation lmao. As I said...figures.

WTF, keep em coming ha ha.