US Ambassador, 3 Other Staffers Killed in Libya by the People We Helped

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  • CJ7
  • 09-12-2012, 12:49 PM
we go play war in rag head land for over a decade and get pissed off when someone gets killed ...

I cant imagine how something like that could ever happen.
I B Hankering's Avatar
we go play war in rag head land for over a decade and get pissed off when someone gets killed ...

I cant imagine how something like that could ever happen. Originally Posted by CJ7
It's obvious CBJ7 snorted a big dose of Kool Aid this morning.
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  • CJ7
  • 09-12-2012, 01:05 PM
It's obvious CBJ7 snorted a big dose of Kool Aid this morning. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
why? because I dont kneejerk and scream like a little bitch republican when someone dies in the mid east .. ther happens to be a real simple solution to fix that.
I B Hankering's Avatar
why? because I dont kneejerk and scream like a little bitch republican when someone dies in the mid east .. ther happens to be a real simple solution to fix that. Originally Posted by CJ7
CBJ7, your POV is that of a Kool Aid drinking fool. The U.S. was at war in Iraq and in Afghanistan: not Egypt and Libya.

Nevertheless, Odumbo apologized to that region of the world for "imagined" acts perpetrated by the "Great Satan", and he promised "hope and change". Odumbo sowed the seed, cultivated it and now is beginning to harvest the fruit of his "hope and change" apology tour.
LexusLover's Avatar
When did our policy change from shooting to apologies? Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
One day in the latter part of January 2009.

And hopefully for the remainder of the Ambassadors and the other U.S. citizens the policy will shift back in the latter part of January 2013.
joe bloe's Avatar
One day in the latter part of January 2009.

And hopefully for the remainder of the Ambassadors and the other U.S. citizens the policy will shift back in the latter part of January 2013. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Romney should give a speech officially taking back all of Odumbo's apologies to the world.
LexusLover's Avatar
Romney should give a speech officially taking back all of Odumbo's apologies to the world. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I'll write one for him with the theme ....

"Well apologizing didn't seem to work .... how about some more ass-kicking."

The current event is a primary reason why Hillary made a tactical error by accepting the State Department ... the last Secretary of State who was subsequently elected to be President .. was Van Buren. 150 years ago.

She has to stand there and chirp with Obaminable.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-12-2012, 02:00 PM
CBJ7, your POV is that of a Kool Aid drinking fool. The U.S. was at war in Iraq and in Afghanistan: not Egypt and Libya.

Nevertheless, Odumbo apologized to that region of the world for "imagined" acts perpetrated by the "Great Satan", and he promised "hope and change". Odumbo sowed the seed, cultivated it and now is beginning to harvest the fruit of his "hope and change" apology tour. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

youre so full of shit someone needs to start an apology tour for you
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Just wondering...

Dont all over our embassy's have Marine guards?

If so...WTF happened?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I'll write one for him with the theme ....

"Well apologizing didn't seem to work .... how about some more ass-kicking."

. Originally Posted by LexusLover

I think should get that tattooed on his arm along with "Hope and Change this!"

Then go on the stump with his sleeves rolled up.
joe bloe's Avatar
Just wondering...

Dont all over our embassy's have Marine guards?

If so...WTF happened? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Maybe our Marines were Muslims, like that clown at Fort Hood. That sounds like the kind of PC crap that Obama would support.
I B Hankering's Avatar
youre so full of shit someone needs to start an apology tour for you Originally Posted by CJ7
You're wrong to think so, CBJ7. In that regard you are just as pretentious as Odumbo when he began his obnoxious 2009 apology tour, and he was wrong too.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just wondering...

Dont all over our embassy's have Marine guards?

If so...WTF happened? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Budget cuts ....

U.S. consular staff were rushed to a safe house after the initial attack, Libya's Deputy Interior Minister Wanis Al-Sharif said. An evacuation plane with U.S. commando units then arrived from Tripoli to evacuate them from the house.
"It was supposed to be a secret place and we were surprised the armed groups knew about it. There was shooting," Sharif said. Two U.S. personnel were killed there, he said. Two other people were killed at the main consular building and between 12 and 17 wounded.

"There was some Libyan security for the embassy outside but when the hand-made bombs went off they ran off and left," said Hamam, who said he saw an American die in front of him in the mayhem that ensued. He said the body was covered in ash.

"The Libyan security forces came under heavy fire and we were not prepared for the intensity of the attack," said Abdel-Monem Al-Hurr, spokesman for Libya's Supreme Security Committee.
U.S. ambassadors in such volatile countries as Libya are accompanied by tight security, usually travelling in well-protected convoys. Diplomatic missions are normally protected by Marines or other special forces."

We know where the buck stops .... but there will be a slight delay (longer than 18 seconds) .. to figure out how to hang this one around Bush's neck ...

... life is just a bitch when its one's turn in the barrel. Enjoy Obaminable.
A U.S. source told CBS News investigative producer Pat Milton that authorities were "leaning" toward the theory that al Qaeda planned the attack and that the protest seems to have been a fortuitous coincidence for the militants. The fact that some of the attackers were armed with rockets and grenades is one of the factors leading to that initial conclusion.

Rogers told Jackson there was a "high likelihood" that the attack had an affiliation with "al Qaeda elements in Libya."

So much for Islamic feelings being hurt, and that brave, brave State Department apology.
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  • WTF
  • 09-12-2012, 02:35 PM
Are the democrats dismissing this entire thing? Did I read this thread right? I'm open to the possibility I didn't. What about what I said rubbed you so wrong my dear? And Sensia I've thought the same of you many times, but I've never dogged you on here. I try not to keep notes but you are making it difficult.

Edit to add:

Explain to me what I said, that is so stupid. Really. I'm offering myself up for the slaughter. I sincerely want to know and understand the other side (I wasn't even aware America had another side on this). Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I will but you have to come back and have a debate. You can not just post stupid shit and not try and defend it....though jb and the rest of the Tea Nut Gang do it all the time. Like a bunch of God Damn Parrots, they repeat shit as it they understand WTF they have just said!

Obama is THE apology president. He did not offer an apology after this attack. Are you trying to say he did?

If the ONE thing that can unite the right and left (9/11 and attacks on our soil) doesn't, we are lost. Reagan cut tail and ran after they blew up a Marine compound. Is that what you Tea Nuts that love Reagan so much think we should do?

Democrats, it's up to you. This is your guy. You guys have to press him to do what's best for our country. Just what is best for our country? Please tell me in detail WTF it is you think he should do. It's OUR money funding alot of this stuff in Egypt. Our money used against us. It is a very convoluted situtation over there. I know very little and I suspect you know even less, so I like to try and read up on things before trying our President for Treason.

Democrats, my countrymen, please, It's you guys that can make the difference, but only until the election. Make What difference? Do you want us to vote for that money changer Romney? I would never vote for that SOB. You think the Muslim God is fucked up, get a lload of his! After the election, and he's a lame duck, It's over. WTF does this mean? Please see past our differences. This happened on 9/11. Yea, we got into a stupid war in Iraq that we will be paying for until we all die. Yet you Tea Nuts will never mention your support of that and the tax cuts that followed! That stupid video has nothing to do with attacks on our soil ON 9/11. Really? And like how do you know this? Glenn Beck? I'm all fror free speech but with it comes responsibility. That fucking preacher has blood on his hands. Plain and simple. I say we ship that SOB over to the Middle East and let him exercise his free speech over there. Where it may effect his life instead of our soldiers. Fuck jim and anybody that supports him. Please see with your eyes. PLEASE. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Speaking of free speech...Are you for the free speech of that nut in Kansas that protests during military funerals?