Racism of the left continues...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wow. That’s a view from inside a bubble.

Arguing what was doesn’t change what is.

Fact is, the type of people who founded the Klan back then would likely be Trump followers today. And the kind of people who followed Lincoln back then would likely be Democrats today .

Fact is, the type of people who founded the Klan back then would likely be ANTIFA agitators today. And the kind of people who followed Lincoln back then would likely be Conservatives today .

And the founding fathers, who sought to break away from the monarchy would likely be “amonynous” op-ed writers today.

And the founding fathers, who sought to break away from the monarchy would likely be hailing a new age of "Americanism" today.

Let’s try and keep this moment in history clean and pristine. This is the time that America fell to the very type of oppressor that resulted in its creation. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
so describe these dark dystopian times you think we live in? what exactly in your daily life has been taken away from you? how has your daily life become such a fascist police state nightmare? are you posting from a FEMA Gulag? has your business been confiscated by the State? What dark days do you speak of? I live in a prosperous America where America comes first and foremost.

Hotrod511's Avatar
I did not say that. I said the founders of the KKK (who according to this discussion were the white ultra conservatives of their time). How many ultra conservatives of any racial group would you say did not support Trump?

Don’t assume what you cannot prove.

And please read what I write before you react to it.

Thank you kindly. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
you should try taking your own advice
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You’re the one making personal accusations, Hotrod, not me.

I’m discussing the news of the day.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
so describe these dark dystopian times you think we live in? what exactly in your daily life has been taken away from you? how has your daily life become such a fascist police state nightmare? are you posting from a FEMA Gulag? has your business been confiscated by the State? What dark days do you speak of? I live in a prosperous America where America comes first and foremost.

bahahahahaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You’re the one making personal accusations, Hotrod, not me.

I’m discussing the news of the day. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
so tell us how your life under Trump is such a dystopian nightmare??

i'll hang up and wait.

mic drop.


Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think “amonynous” said it all.

And you seem to be saying that because the market is doing well that we should be OK with the baggage?

I was invested in the market long before Trump and will be long after — that is if there’s still a world economy if his phony trade wars don’t destroy it,

The “either or” nature of so many of these arguments is becoming quite tedious,

“Either you support Trump or you hate (fill in the blank.)”

“Either you support Trump or you are a (fill in the blank.)”

“Either you support Trump or you believe that (fill in the blank.)”

I B Hankering's Avatar
I think “amonynous” said it all.

And you seem to be saying that because the market is doing well that we should be OK with the baggage?

I was invested in the market long before Trump and will be long after — that is if there’s still a world economy if his phony trade wars don’t destroy it,

The “either or” nature of so many of these arguments is becoming quite tedious,

“Either you support Trump or you hate (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness: rights endowed by our Creator.)”

“Either you support Trump or you are a (statist for hildebeest.)”

“Either you support Trump or you believe that (hildebeest isn't a lying, cheating scondrel.)”

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thank you, IBH, for making my point.

I B Hankering's Avatar
hildebeest struggles to stand up.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is that video from an anonmynous source???

I am frightened for the day when Trump to try and say “push the button.” It’ll probably come out “brush the Putin.”


I B Hankering's Avatar
"Push The Button!" Hidden White Supremacy signal in having the middle finger extended in hildebeests's direction!?!?!?!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Brush the Putin.

Got quite a ring to it, don’t you think????
As old and long time member as Byrd was, I don't think he was a member at the founding following the "War Between the States" Originally Posted by chefnerd
He wasn't quite than old...just carried on the legacy!!
From the...LEFT.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do you understand the difference between the “left” and the “right,” bb1961?
Wow. That’s a view from inside a bubble.

Arguing what was doesn’t change what is.

Fact is, the type of people who founded the Klan back then would likely be Trump followers today. And the kind of people who followed Lincoln back then would likely be Democrats today .

And the founding fathers, who sought to break away from the monarchy would likely be “amonynous” op-ed writers today.

Let’s try and keep this moment in history clean and pristine. This is the time that America fell to the very type of oppressor that resulted in its creation. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You confuse "freeing" of the blacks and the "enslaving" of them on the plantation...a job well done by the Democrats in congress...those are your Democrats TODAY!!
Oh there were a few Republicans. Like Tower. Connolly switched parties too. Clements was a R. There were a few members of the Legislature here and there and a few members of Congress but the real political battle between liberals and conservatives took place within the Texas Democratic Party.

The Lobbies started successfully running Republican candidates against the activist judges controlled by trial lawyers in the late 80s. It wasn’t the party but the “interests.” They flopped the majority of the Supreme Court in 1988.

The large scale migration of conservative Democrats to the Republican party in Texas didn’t occur until after Ann Richards was elected. Suddenly the face of the party wasn’t the old conservative white lawyer but minorities, women, etc. scared the shot out of people.

People started switching parties over the next four years and in. 94 she got beat by Dubya. Same conservatives, different party.

Texas has always been conservative. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Over the course of political history did more people switch from Dems to Reps or the other way around...I wonder if ideology had anything to do with it??