The people are rising up, what is Obama's next move?

You have a point. No one here is as simple as you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
OMG I am simple, and you can't understand me, where does that leave you?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oh, I understand, LittleEva. Which is what makes your stupidity so entertaining. I can't believe you actually think you are making a point.

[QUOTE=CuteOldGuy;1055534993]Oh, I understand, LittleEva. Which is what makes your stupidity so entertaining. I can't believe you actually think you are making a point.


Yah right.
boardman's Avatar
Of the $3.7 billion that Obama is requesting to address the crisis $1.8 billion, just under half, is intended for HHS. Only $433 million to border protection and he's giving ole buddy Eric an extra $64 million to do nothing. $1.1 billion is going to ICE probably to pay for protecting, transporting & processing these people so they can get some of that $1.8 billion in housing & health care. Also, somewhere in there, he is apparently appropriating $625 million to battle wildfires in the western states.
52,000 children and 39,000 adults have been caught as of June
1.8 bil to HHS to care for them till they can be deported.
433 mil for boarder security
64 mil to Dept of Justice for hiring additional judges to speed up deportation.
Will be 55,000 to 75,000 cases
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-09-2014, 08:54 AM
This is bullshit. Are they US citizens? Do they have the proper paperwork? No, just send them the fuck back, how the fuck hard is that to do?
boardman's Avatar
52,000 children and 39,000 adults have been caught as of June
1.8 bil to HHS to care for them till they can be deported. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Perhaps they could send them to go fight wildfires while they wait.
That would save 1/2 a billion dollars at least.
This is bullshit. Are they US citizens? Do they have the proper paperwork? No, just send them the fuck back, how the fuck hard is that to do? Originally Posted by seedman55
If there wasn't a law on the books where we had to care for them it would be simpler.
Perhaps they could send them to go fight wildfires while they wait.
That would save 1/2 a billion dollars at least. Originally Posted by boardman
Only you can prevent forest fires.
boardman's Avatar
If there wasn't a law on the books where we had to care for them it would be simpler. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Law? When the fuck did the administration or Congress start giving a shit about the law?
Law? When the fuck did the administration or Congress start giving a shit about the law? Originally Posted by boardman
a big reason congress and Obama cannot come to an agreement on an immigration bill, beside the fact Obama does not compromise, is that there is a complete zero trust that Obama would execute the enforcement aspects of any bill
Obama's next move ?

He just made it. He asked for $3.7 billion to spend on the problem; that includes a chunk of money going to the Mexican government. And the rest on relief services (welfare) handouts to those who came here. Very little to go to border enforcement.

The republicans would be stupid to trust Obama to do anything like deportation/enforcement.

The GOP should start defending Obama's administration program by program.
Obama could end this disaster on the border tomorrow. Send in the national guard. He won't. He wants chaos on the border. He wants to flood Texas and Arizona with illegals.
boardman's Avatar
The U.S. Justice Department would receive $64 million to hire about 40 additional immigration judges to reduce the backlog of cases that is slowing the process of deportation.

That's $1.6 million per judge? They must be getting their judges through the GSA procurement system.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
52,000 children and 39,000 adults have been caught as of June They are surrendering, they are not being "caught".
1.8 bil to HHS to care for them till they can be deported. They have admitted that most will not be deported. What happens after the money runs out?
433 mil for boarder security How much did we pay to build the fence? What happened to it?
64 mil to Dept of Justice for hiring additional judges to speed up deportation. Why not hire more border security to stop people from coming in? Secret to saving a damaged ship; plug the hole first.
Will be 55,000 to 75,000 cases Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Your number is way low....if they ever show up in court which most don't. So how many real cases are there?

Any program that government starts always, ALWAYS, costs more than they say it will, how much will this cost? Why don't we take this out of the money we send to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala.