The Line Between Jobless Benefits, and Welfare

TexTushHog's Avatar
Charles, bigots aren't interested in facts.
discreetgent's Avatar
9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are
caused by the illegal aliens.
I doubt this. Undocumented immigrants take the manual labor jobs doing skut work that most U.S. citizens won't do.
This point is not so simple. If no one was willing to take the jobs at low wages then wages would need to be higher.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
This point is not so simple. If no one was willing to take the jobs at low wages then wages would need to be higher. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Damn I've been saying that for years. TY DG.
I have a family member who left a well paying job and hoped to find a new job in the same field. She was unable to find a full time job within her field and started to collect unemployment. She was able to find some part time work and per diem work.Unfortunately when she did work her unemployment lessened and when you figured in taxes,travel expenses ect, she actually made less money when she made the initiative to work than when she just sat home and collected unemployment.
Its a shame that there is not more of am incentive for those that try to reenter the work field
Too true unfortunately.

As far as living off of unemployment for years I am puzzled how. Unemployment benefits lasted 26 weeks. There were occasional extensions in the 82-83 recession and then again in 91-92 but that was it. Originally Posted by discreetgent
I'm puzzled too. A friend of mine has been living mostly off unemployment since late 2006. She has had a few jobs in between, but never seemed to have steady work for more than six months or so. She would lose her job, and go back to collecting checks until she couldn't any more. I really am surprised at easy it seems to be for some people to continue collecting it. I applied for unemployment once in my life and got denied. At that point, I just committed more fully (and happily!) to the delicious, sordid lifestyle I had thus far been dabbling in.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
It depends on the state. I'm referring to how easy to recieve.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Charles, bigots aren't interested in facts. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
TTH, with all due respect. You sir come accross as one yourself in your own right. Think about it. Read your own posts. You are very passionate with your beliefs. But they may cloud your vision.
I have a family member who left a well paying job and hoped to find a new job in the same field. Originally Posted by tylorblake
She voluntarily left a well paying job w/o first having another job lined up??? She broke Rule #1.
I got this in an email and haven't fact checked it yet:
Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Fact-checking first would have been good. Just because there is a URL doesn't mean the "fact" is true.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Charles, bigots aren't interested in facts. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Are you implying that I'm a bigot? I can assure you I am far from it. My father was an immigrant. I stated that I received this in an email. Charlestudor was correct and I should have read it and fact-checked it before posting it. I was running late for an appointment and I got an email, opened it and saw the word Welfare and a bunch of numbers and links. I never even saw the words "illegal alien" which now I see is the main topic of all points. So, please excuse my faux pas.

But do not call me a bigot.
BTW, ladies, do you screen clients according to their citizenship? Or are you an equal opportunity provider? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I'm definitely an equal opportunity provider. I will see all races, religions, nationalities, etc. as long as they are respectful and can act like a gentleman then I'm going to enjoy being with them. I will even see couples and ladies (the ladies, don't have to act like a gentleman but they will have to understand I'm not bi and so there would be no BCD activities.)
TexTushHog's Avatar
TTH, with all due respect. You sir come accross as one yourself in your own right. Think about it. Read your own posts. You are very passionate with your beliefs. But they may cloud your vision. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
My belief on this subject is that you should have absolute free movement of capital and labor across international borders. That optimizes the comparative advantage of each nation and all workers. Frankly, I don't care about the nationality of the person building my car, writing my software, or cutting my lawn. If they're willing to work, playing by those rules that I consider important (which doesn't include bullshit immigration rules), and do the job well, more power to them. I invest in other countries. I occasionally work in other countries. I certainly do work for companies that reside in other countries. Why shouldn't their citizens be able to invest, or work here? If you think that's clouding my vision, well, I won't be loosing any sleep over your judgment.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I was in error. TTH.
My belief on this subject is that you should have absolute free movement of capital and labor across international borders. That optimizes the comparative advantage of each nation and all workers. Frankly, I don't care about the nationality of the person building my car, writing my software, or cutting my lawn. If they're willing to work, playing by those rules that I consider important (which doesn't include bullshit immigration rules), and do the job well, more power to them. I invest in other countries. I occasionally work in other countries. I certainly do work for companies that reside in other countries. Why shouldn't their citizens be able to invest, or work here? If you think that's clouding my vision, well, I won't be loosing any sleep over your judgment. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I agree with this as well. But, as I said before I didn't even read the email before I posted it. I don't see in colors (when I look at people) and I don't judge by boarders.
I will write that cutting NASA is one of the stupidest things BO has proposed. He is an absolute fool for even suggesting it much less taking action on it. The repercussions across the entire world will be felt for generations if that goes through. Yes, NASA has that kind of reach and it is the short-sighted people that don't get it and never will. Keep in mind that it is not just JSC that will be affected but ALL of NASA which also covers the entire Aerospace industry and a great many Universities.

Stupid plan…a very, very stupid idea but it is just in line with the limited abilities of BO and his administration. I guess they have to cut the budget somewhere although after a burn rate of greater than 650Billion the first six months of their administration. NASA is the last agency these idiots should be targeting. However, being they are just community organizers from Chicago who are lagging in the polls I guess they think this is the best they can do. Stupid and it will come back to bite them in the ass. Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
JSC and Cape Canaveral are in firm – very firm – red states. Maybe that has something to do with it. But, LD you hit the nail on the head, he’s a community organizer and a short-termer Senator not and never has been in the real world. He’s never signed a paycheck. He’s never wondered how he’s going to pay his suppliers. He’s never been a professional with his patient or clients wellbeing or livelihood on the line. He’s never sat in a board meeting. He’s never had to decide who gets laid off and who doesn’t. He’s a typical bureaucrat that lives by the philosophy that there is a seat for every privileged (in his mind’s eye) ass and an a seat for every privileged ass.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Frankly, I don't care about the nationality of the person building my car, writing my software, or cutting my lawn. . Originally Posted by TexTushHog
And if they are a customer service representative I don't care if they are in Calcutta India or Calcutta Illinois, but if they are supposed to be serving the U.S. market they need to be able to speak English well....