We should no more Ban Guns, than we should have went to war with Iraq after 9/11

Why do you want to promote the idea of a direct connection between 9/11 and Iraq? There was no direct connection. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Because the Bush administration said there was a connection.

9/11 was about the actions of one man (Hussein) and his capability and support of terrorism. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, it was about one idea. And the man that organized it was Bin Laden NOT Saddam!

He was in violation of the treaty he signed following the first Gulf War, he had held an American pilot shot down during the war, he committed mass murder on his own people and it was known that Hussein possessed the precoursers for chemical weapons which he had used on Iran and the Kurds. Afghanistan was about 9/11. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Not our problem.

As interesting as gay marriage is......................back to gun control. I can't believe I'm saying this, I agree whole-heartedly with WTF's initial post. I have a house in Mexico that I can't go to because it is far to dangerous. My car stolen and me kidnapped or murdered is not my idea of a good time.

The Zeta's kidnapped the police chief and his brother of the town my house is in; beat them to within an inch of their lives; hung them from trees in the main plaza; cut their heads off with chain saws whilst they were still alive; and the WHOLE TOWN SAT IN THEIR HOMES LISTENING ALL NIGHT TO THE TORTURE, BUT COULD DO NOTHING ABOUT IT BECAUSE THEY WEREN'T ARMED. THAT'S what you get when you outlaw guns.

I personally don't believe big-box magazines should be legal. I also think that all firearms should be required by low to be stowed in a responsible manner with a trigger lock or in a gun safe. Perhaps even limit the number of guns that can be trigger locked and not in a gun safe per household. But knee-jerk gun control isn't the answer.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
No, of course not.

. . . There was no valid reason for going into that hell hole and now most of the country realizes that, but not all see that, even now.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I know memory starts to go when you get older but there were many many reasons.

IB had a very good summary a few months ago, so IB would you dig it up and repost so these no nuts would get an education
TheDaliLama's Avatar
We should no more ban guns, than we should have re-elected Barack Obama.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-18-2012, 09:11 PM
You shut your whore mouth!

And the biggest problem of all from my prospective is that we think we can live in a world with no danger and have unlimited freedom. Those two things are at odds. My economic freedom was put at risk after the overreaction by Bush after 9/11 and now it seems , the right to bear arms is trying to be put at risk with this tragedy.
Originally Posted by WTF
I know that I am jumping into the fray late here but do not want to hijack another thread with this one.

WTF can you please clarify what you mean in this part. I find I agree in principle with the inital thought just not sure what you are saying here.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-18-2012, 10:08 PM
I know that I am jumping into the fray late here but do not want to hijack another thread with this one.

WTF can you please clarify what you mean in this part. I find I agree in principle with the inital thought just not sure what you are saying here. Originally Posted by fetishfreak
We want to feel safe , yet that means we have to give up freedom to feel so. Example...Look at the hassle to fly after 9/11. Are we really any safer? It is still more likely you will get killed going to and from the airport than in a plane crash.

My 'economic freedom' refered to the huge debt we have undertaken in Iraq. We are now being asked to pay that bill. That will restrict all our 'economic freedom' for decades to come.
We want to feel safe , yet that means we have to give up freedom to feel so. Example...Look at the hassle to fly after 9/11. Are we really any safer? It is still more likely you will get killed going to and from the airport than in a plane crash.

My 'economic freedom' refered to the huge debt we have undertaken in Iraq. We are now being asked to pay that bill. That will restrict all our 'economic freedom' for decades to come. Originally Posted by WTF
I agree completely. We are not any safer, we have just sacrificed that which is precious for a false sense of security.

Not just our economic freedom, but that of our grandchildren as well.