Nothing has happened yet. They've requested the emails and in true whirlyturd fashion, he's already got a scandal going on. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Well that's par for the course when it comes to the Clintons you can't help but assume another scandal will emerge. Like the heavy smoker you don't see a cigarette just yet, but he has a lighter in his hand. It's a safe bet he'll light up soon, lol.

LexusLover's Avatar
I doubt bill has tasted that for at least 25 years Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Or anyone, unless she was a staff member seeking a promotion.
If HRC destroyed or purposely withheld emails; that moves it up to a felony....3 years per incident...and the law prohibits anyone convicted of serving in a public federal office.

But in reality, the Obama DOJ won't pursue her with a warrant the way they did Petraeus. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If you mean she could't tun for President,The Constitution is what sets the requirements for President. Natural Born Citizen, 35 years old, and not have previously been President for two terms.
That's it.
LexusLover's Avatar
If you mean she could't tun for President,The Constitution is what sets the requirements for President. Natural Born Citizen, 35 years old, and not have previously been President for two terms.
That's it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The statute supporting the conviction for concealing and/or destroying the documents is what would prohibit her from taking office....she can be removed and she can't hold the office. Basically she would be "disqualified."
I am just saying what the law says..................I doubt if the law specifically addresses this situation. The legislators probably never imagined our country would have a convicted felon nominated by a major party as their candidate.

If you mean she could't tun for President,The Constitution is what sets the requirements for President. Natural Born Citizen, 35 years old, and not have previously been President for two terms.
That's it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Sure would be nice to see the broom driver Shrillary crash and burn ! And ruin Slick Willy's chances of being " First Troll " .
If you mean she could't tun for President,The Constitution is what sets the requirements for President. Natural Born Citizen, 35 years old, and not have previously been President for two terms.
That's it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Felon will never be president
LexusLover's Avatar
Felon will never be president Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Hillarious has really only two choices if she is serious about running, and actually, IMO, only one .... immediately ...

1. disclose ALL OF THE CONTENT of the private file serverS AND computers to which she has access AND

2. the DOS disclose ALL OF THE CONTENT of any computer/file server to which she had access while SOS to Congress.

3. disclose the email addresses of ALL THOSE PERSONS and ENTITIES with whom and which she had contact while she was SOS

4. disclose ALL HER PASSWORDS for all electronic/data/communication accounts

5. disclose ALL THE IDENTIFYING information on all cell phones, lap tops, and "pads" along with the service providers for those instruments AFTER they are all scanned and copies of the content made.

Her propensity to lie and deceive is sufficient to establish probable cause...for any action take to explore her "electronic history"!

The second thing she MUST DO is to shut her mouth, and Bill needs to sit down and be quiet.
Hillarious has really only two choices if she is serious about running, and actually, IMO, only one .... immediately ...

1. disclose ALL OF THE CONTENT of the private file serverS AND computers to which she has access AND

2. the DOS disclose ALL OF THE CONTENT of any computer/file server to which she had access while SOS to Congress.

3. disclose the email addresses of ALL THOSE PERSONS and ENTITIES with whom and which she had contact while she was SOS

4. disclose ALL HER PASSWORDS for all electronic/data/communication accounts

5. disclose ALL THE IDENTIFYING information on all cell phones, lap tops, and "pads" along with the service providers for those instruments AFTER they are all scanned and copies of the content made.

Her propensity to lie and deceive is sufficient to establish probable cause...for any action take to explore her "electronic history"!

The second thing she MUST DO is to shut her mouth, and Bill needs to sit down and be quiet. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Thanks LLIdiot!

Now that he has shared his infinite words of wisdom, who is going to volunteer to let Mrs Clinton know that the Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errr Clan (LLIdiot) has finally laid out the specific terms and conditions for Hillary to move forward with a Presidential run?

REMINDER: If there is any deviation from the above, Patriarch Idiot will NOT (special emphasis on the NOT) approve!!!!!

Please remember the following prior to actually speaking with Hillary: She "has really only two choices if she is serious about running, and actually, IMO, only one .... immediately."

Patriarch Idiot has now spoken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks once again, Lexi the Pompous Idiot?
LexusLover's Avatar
Now that he has shared his infinite words of wisdom, who is going to volunteer to let Mrs Clinton know .... Originally Posted by bigtex
.. why don't you just roll over and whisper it in her ear?

What's wrong? You afraid Webb ain't gonna cut it?
.. why don't you just roll over and whisper it in her ear? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Thanks once again for sharing your aforementioned terms and conditions, Lexi The Pompous Idiot!

What's wrong? You afraid Webb ain't gonna cut it? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Is that the best you've got? Weak, very weak!!!!!
  • DSK
  • 03-06-2015, 06:40 AM
Hillarious has really only two choices if she is serious about running, and actually, IMO, only one .... immediately ...

1. disclose ALL OF THE CONTENT of the private file serverS AND computers to which she has access AND

2. the DOS disclose ALL OF THE CONTENT of any computer/file server to which she had access while SOS to Congress.

3. disclose the email addresses of ALL THOSE PERSONS and ENTITIES with whom and which she had contact while she was SOS

4. disclose ALL HER PASSWORDS for all electronic/data/communication accounts

5. disclose ALL THE IDENTIFYING information on all cell phones, lap tops, and "pads" along with the service providers for those instruments AFTER they are all scanned and copies of the content made.

Her propensity to lie and deceive is sufficient to establish probable cause...for any action take to explore her "electronic history"!

The second thing she MUST DO is to shut her mouth, and Bill needs to sit down and be quiet. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't think she will comply!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Thanks once again for sharing your aforementioned terms and conditions, .... Originally Posted by bigtex
.. no "terms and conditions" ..

I think U of H has some senior reading classes ... I know there are some in Austin.

Say "hi" to Hillarious for me!
.. no "terms and conditions" .. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lexi The Pompous (Full of Himself) Idiot, thanks one again for your hilarious "terms and conditions" to be presented to Hillary. It gave me a huge laugh!

Do you have a preference on which of your fellow Idiot Klan, errrr Clan members will present the aforementioned "terms and conditions" to Mrs. Clinton?

Hmmm, I believe your favorite nephew TrendingIdiot would be an excellent choice. He could share with her all of the latest "TRENDING" data.

Trendy could kill two birds with one stone!

Strike that! Since this is your far-fetched idea, why don't you choose your Idiot-of-Choice.

Say "hi" to Hillarious for me! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Consistently weak, very weak!

Apparently, Lexi The Pompous (Full of Himself) Idiot is completely out of ammunition.

He's now shooting blanks!!!!!