Dream Interpretaions, how much of it is real?

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I always try to interpret my wet dreams only, how else would I figure out what new positions to use or what new ladies to see
If this was my dream for me it would mean
that .because the dream was in colour it was very related to my actual personality and the message of the dream is nothing that is threatening to me, because otherwise it would be black and white or a little more depersonalized. Its nothing of harm to me, nothing i would feel the need to be protected with. I am also myself in the dream, so further notice that i am touching a subject i am ready to touch. No distance needed.

Being a woman in labor, and within the circumstances that are, means i am getting all the attention at the time, and everyon seems worried about me, but as well as about other women. I am surrounded by likeminded spirits being in similar situation. The labor - the age of something new. Something that has been hiding inside me needs to get out. Its painful and the busy people around me, particularly this old doctor with his 60 years is annoying for me. He seems to know it all, but i don`t. I want to take my own steps and not have others help me with the procedure. The busy people annoy me because of their professionality, while i have to give birth to my own unique thing. Others are intruding my private sphere. Particularly the doctor was annoying me because he was a man and could not possibly understand what it means for a woman to give birth in a spiritual sense, the technicalities aside. I would have preferred to be with woman alone.

The birth is symbolizing for me to let something i had inside me for a long time needs to get out. It seems to be the right time. I don`t like the outcome. Its confusing. I am human and this is a pig? An animal? What the heck? I feel confused to accept this as a part of mine, but my instincts tell me to. It is a part of mine and i accept it. It seems to be an unusual part of mine , part of my consciousness that is surprisingly off the norm, and the birth of it was particularly painful, because i did not want to let it to the light for such along time. I wanted to keep it inside. Now everyone is seing that particular unsuitable part of myself - the unusual but lovely pig instead of a human. Even though i am annoyed by the presence of other people , they seem to make me uncomfortable, i still acknowledge taht they care for me. Even the doctor does.
The nurse is treating my little newborn with disrespect, a sidrespect i probably have shown to that before birth as well, that is why the birth process was so painful for me. Too much pain for too little outcome - rationally speaking.
But now i am ready to accept the unusual and also very painful aspects of myself that try to find their way into the light frm the dark, and i won`t let it happen that someone treats it with disrespect.
The nurse reminds me of my old self - she did not handle what is mine with care, and wanted to take it away, to hide it from me. Now i am responsible and i handle with care, and i want to see. I lash out at her and my old self, because no one is allowed to take that away from me what is mine. Old me vs. New me. Its particularly painful to have become new me, but it is and i feel content with it after birth. I am still confused about how strange it is for me the new me (a pig aka unusual aka strange for a human to give birth to), but i am getting used to it.

so this is a rough draft of an interpretation. Maybe others want to try too? Its easy just let it flow. No judgements. Its what it means for yourself , not for Bebe. Bebe, feel free to take what you feel you can relate to for your own interpretation and your own personal meaning. :-)