Fiorina sold product to Iran?

The question is... Was it illegal?

The answer is... No.

Simple. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Actually, it was. Simple.
Who said she didn't know about it? She just knew how to avoid any violations directly. HP made 120 million off of Iran. She's not a good leader, who is? America is no longer a country but a Corporation, and a corrupt one at that. How come we haven't been able to convict anyone in Government? They aren't squeaky clean. Look at Bill Clinton. When he was Governor of Arkansas there was Guns and Drugs being flown in from South America to Mena Airport. He lied and said he knew nothing about it. Only an idiot would believe that. He brought that same deceptive attitude to the white house. This country has much bigger problems than to worry about some former CEO selling computers to Iran. Our own Government supplies guns to those mother fuckers where's your outrage over that dickhead. You're a joke.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You have the same problem as COG. You assume I can only be outraged at one thing at a time. I don't want someone who couldn't run a company to run this country. Is that a fair concern? I think it is.
" Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.... " is that a song that you play on the "rusty trombone " there woomby " ? BLOW THAT HORN, WOOMBY ! Mighty white of you to admit that you have no integrity ! But we all figured that a lying liberal cum guzzling Gloryhole Guru wouldn't have any integrity " no-how ", as you Ozark " Broke-back Mountain inbeeds say ! Tu Comprende lambiachi ? So, Mister " freelance writer of travel brochures " AND Mr. Gloryhole Guru And The Professor of Peter-puffing for ALL of Arkansas, when are you gonna tell us how YOU know about the size of Slick Willy Clinton's dick from personal "experience" , pobrecita puta ? !!! Go ahead and LIE, since it's PUBLIC RECORD for the ONLY President to have the shape and sized of his genitalia DESCRBIBED in DETAIL for all to know about ! So did you use your favorite, the always reliable Wikipedia, or didya "Google" that ganglin dangler ! Or did you use the same micrometer to measure his cock that they have used on yours permanently flaccid EUNUCH member since birth, the same one that the Doctor tells your EUNUCH ass that it's NOT a hair that your pissing out of ? Or was it those calibrated labios, cabone , that YOU used to measure el Slick Willy's Willy or did you get his "size from when he packed your fudge ? Did you wear a blue dress, black wig, high heels and a rainbow colored thong and boa for your meeting with your hero ? Did you talk to and cry with your Arkansas hero after TEXAS Tech KICKED your inbred bretheren's ass and cry over how the " SOOEY PIG's " were " cheated " ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Little early to be drinking, no?

Attention, we have a MELTDOWN
You have the same problem as COG. You assume I can only be outraged at one thing at a time. I don't want someone who couldn't run a company to run this country. Is that a fair concern? I think it is. Originally Posted by WombRaider
It might be a fair concern if you are looking for a presidential candidate who will run the country like a company. I don't think any one of those candidates are ultimately qualified to be president. I also think if you look hard enough at any of their pasts you'll find discrepancies. Come to grips with the realty of American Politics. We have a Clinton and a Bush standing in line to be nominated No matter what the polls say one if not both will get nominated. Both are criminals, liars and they only tell voters what they think they want to hear. Which ever one gets elected POTUS you'll have plenty reasons to be outraged for four, possibly eight years worth. In the meantime don't waste your time on petty bullshit.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Actually, it was. Simple. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Who went to jail?
RedLeg505's Avatar
Redleg505, that is NOT TRUE. On page 7 item 15 of the agreement, Iran is NOT allowed to do Uranium enrichment of P-235 above 3.23%. In order to make a Nuclear Bomb, like the one used on Hiroshima, Uranium must be enriched to 20%. The agreement calls for real time monitoring 24/7 of the facility that has the nuclear reactor and most of the centrifuges (the efficient ones and the less efficient ones).

I suggest you read the agreement and educate yourself, before you make false statements. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You mean just like Democrat President Bill Clinton's agreement with North Korea didn't allow THEM to build nukes and they were going to be monitored 24/7 too? Great thing Bill didn't allow NK to build any nukes, right??
Who went to jail? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Is that how you determine legality?
You mean just like Democrat President Bill Clinton's agreement with North Korea didn't allow THEM to build nukes and they were going to be monitored 24/7 too? Great thing Bill didn't allow NK to build any nukes, right?? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
You're assuming every situation is the same
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Sold product in Iran through a third party. Where's the outrage? Originally Posted by WombRaider

woomby. you have it all wrong! the truth is that Carly is actually a double knot spy and by intentionally selling Iran loads of HP's crappy computers she was allowing her "good friend" Bebe to easily infect them with the STUXNET virus. i hear Bebe is going to give her a medal for this.

do you think Bebe will have her face carved into the Wailing Wall for her bravery?

woomby. you have it all wrong! the truth is that Carly is actually a double knot spy and by intentionally selling Iran loads of HP's crappy computers she was allowing her "good friend" Bebe to easily infect them with the STUXNET virus. i hear Bebe is going to give her a medal for this.

do you think Bebe will have her face carved into the Wailing Wall for her bravery?

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Hillary makes Carly look like a model by comparison. And it was printers, not computers.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hillary makes Carly look like a model by comparison. And it was printers, not computers. Originally Posted by WombRaider
was it? changing your story already? usually you wait at least 5 posts before you contradict yourself. congrats. this is a world record.

your link, idiot.

Even as Carly Fiorina gains momentum in the republican primary, her past role as CEO of Hewlett Packard is coming back to haunt her in ways which go far beyond her mere incompetence, layoffs, and firing. Even as she talks tough against the regime in Iran, it turns out she defied an Executive Order and sold millions of dollars in HP computers and printers to that same Iran regime. Suddenly, it appears we have the first real scandal of the 2016 election cycle.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Is that how you determine legality? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Seems to be the way you determine it in the H.Clinton situation...

Nobody indicted. Nobody tried. Nobody sentenced. Nobody in jail. = Nothing illegal happened.

Your logic. Not mine.
Seems to be the way you determine it in the H.Clinton situation...

Nobody indicted. Nobody tried. Nobody sentenced. Nobody in jail. = Nothing illegal happened.

Your logic. Not mine. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Violating the sanctions against Iran is a clear violation. Other than innuendo, what concrete evidence has been found in the Clinton situation?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Violating the sanctions against Iran is a clear violation. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Any convictions on that?

Short of a conviction Clinton is innocent, right?
Speaking of Iran... A Timmy Special...

Iran Increases Funding To Hezbollah And Hamas With Money From #IranDeal

Since the [nuclear] deal was signed, Iran has significantly increased its financial support for two of the largest terror groups in the region that have become political players, Hamas and Hezbollah.

In the years before the deal was signed, the crippling sanctions limited this support, which had significantly diminished along with Iran’s economy. But Tehran’s belief that tens, or hundreds, of billions of dollars will flow into the country in the coming years as a result of sanctions relief has led to a decision to boost the cash flow to these terror organizations.

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