Hotel rooms - is it more discreet to have interior or exterior entrances into room

  • anita
  • 02-15-2011, 02:36 PM
Hotel rooms are not discreet.There is a risk of people you know seeing you either out or inside. They have cameras at the entrance, in corridors, they have people walking around. But you can be discreet about what you are doing there. That is why I prefer busier hotels, so many people, nobody has time to focus on you.
JoanJet's Avatar
I like to meet in a bar , anyone with a bar is my kind of place. I am for the most part Outcall .If I was do do a Hotel Setting word prefer to meet in the Bar.
Multi story hotels (6+ floors) usually do not have a lot of hall way traffic. Most providers that I have seen in such places give me the room # and where the elevator is... I go to her floor and 99% of the time I do not see anyone in the hallway.

They might have all cameras but again... ladies that use these places are not back to back to back to back appointments. Usually 1-2 a day

And the worst they can do is ask the lady to leave, and she can ask for any day's worth of money she has prepaid back.... she goes elsewhere and continues..