President Obama's Agenda for his 2nd Term

The first go 'round I wasn't fooled... With his spread the wealth to the plumber... Acorn connection.. Bill ayers... Tony rezco... The rev wright... the "fundamentally change America... Michelle and her graft job at the hospital... The speech copying, just words, just words... The race card played on Clinton...the heal the seas and all the rest


He did sway some... Hope and change.. No red state.. No blue state... Just the united states... A healer, not a much baloney... But coupled with, in the words of Harry " lighted-headed" Reid, Obama was "clean, light skinned, articulate,no heavy Negro dialect", thats what harry reid said, not me ...and people wanted to reach out and elevate someone who was black because Americans are by nature caring and they elected Obama, when no white man or woman, for that matter, could have ever been elected with the same baggage and lack of resume. And so America looked past everything, all the warning signs, people didn't care... We have a black guy and we are good


We have proof, there is a record... There is the dour meaness revealed.. The absolute disregard for the debt and deficit... It's a leftist's wet dream... A large
deficit... Just a back door way of tax and of course spend... You don't want to tax
?..... That's ok we'll bump the budget 20% across the board... We will tack it on for
later... These people are dumb... And obamacare?...Hey f you I won.. No matter such a large thing by
all rights needs to be bi-partisan.... The list goes on and on

So now another four years?
Can he change his spots? Especially when he doesn't want to?
More of the same? Nah Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I was watching a Documentary tonight called " Hope and Change" the movie centered around Obama supporters during the 08 Election. They all voiced how they felt about bama's campaigne and how hopeful they felt for the countries future. A few even compared him to JFK, which goes to show how stupid they are. Comparing Obama to JFK is like comparing a sled to a snowmobile. But later in the movie these same people were explaining their disappointment to Obama's administration as it stands today. None of them feel he has accomplished what they expected. One subject interviewed said he feels as if he has "Buyers Remorse" now. None of them said they would vote for him in this election, in fear of a repeat performance of the present administration. There are a number of documentaries out about Obama none of them depict him as a rising star or remotely as an accomplished president. Instead he is depicted as an alluring fast talker who says one thing but does another.