The Greatest Entertainer That Ever Lived

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Just because he was acquitted at one trial for one event, he is still a peter puffing pedophile.
Three words: Peter Puffing Pedophile
As far as musical talent and creativity goes, I'd nominate Barry Manilow.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Just because he was acquitted at one trial for one event, he is still a peter puffing pedophile.
Three words: Peter Puffing Pedophile Originally Posted by The2Dogs
If it doesnt fit you must aquit. See MJ had his day in court..his due process...and it is extremely important to note that it was an All White Jury that found him NOT GUILTY... a good mix of men and women. There is no room for your extra views. White people created the system and they stacked the deck against him...No blacks on the jury and he still walked. He commited no crimes.

and as for another case in which he settled...ask yourself what decent and honest parent would rather settle a case for cash as opposed to prosecuting him first and then taking his money in civil court. It's clear it was nothing but a money grab and of course the rich and famous person has more of a reason to settle such an accusation as a basic PR move. However, there's no excuse for a parent unless it was about the money from the start. I truly dont think you folks are capable of understanding such a basic concept.
so sc.....would you let your little kid sleep with him?
That's the test
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I dont have kids and 2ndly yall need to get back on topic. Yall straddling the line of forbidden topics. So cut it out.
mj should be a forbidden subject
I dont have kids...... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Piece of advice, race-baiter.....keep it that way, k? The Gene Pool will thank you for it.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
mj should be a forbidden subject Originally Posted by tbone2u
I love this song its called Stranger in Moscow

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Piece of advice, race-baiter.....keep it that way, k? The Gene Pool will thank you for it. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
would you be happy if i had 5 baby mamas and 10 kids?

ok. stfu
Guest123018-4's Avatar
No children is the best news I have heard today.

Makes you wonder how much a jury cost him. I wonder if it was as much as he paid to the others to keep their moths shut and not tell.
Peter Puffing Pedophile plain and simple. Always will be.
1. Why would an innocent man with the best lawyers settle out of court?

2. What all white jury at the time....any color jury for that matter....would want to be labeled as the jury that convicted Michael Jackson? They would have been known to have ruined the future and ultimately history.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
1. Why would an innocent man with the best lawyers settle out of court?

2. What all white jury at the time....any color jury for that matter....would want to be labeled as the jury that convicted Michael Jackson? They would have been known to have ruined the future and ultimately history. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
you're so disingenuous... sneaky and quite dishonest like the snake in the garden of Eden. Why would an innocent man settle? Even Ray Charles can see why. When you have that fame facing such an accusation from a PR perspective you have everything to gain by settling to move the PR process along. Especially in light of dragging it out in court. Again the real question is why would a parent settle...that's the real question...if he is guilty you put him in jail and then go after his money...Parents dont settle.. this burden is on them.. stop being disingenuous... its a bad look for you.

2ndly...It was never about a jury not wanting to ruin the future and history. That's bout the dumbest thing you've ever posted. It was about a jury of 12 White people finding him innocent. Not one dissent...all unanimous in their Not Guilty I'm afraid you'll need to try again on that faulty reasoning of yours.

thanks buddy ;-)
..... It was about a jury of 12 White people finding him innocent.
.... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Wait....since when do juries get an "innocent" option?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Wait....since when do juries get an "innocent" option? Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
I dangled a carrot for you and you bit. Dude just stop. Not Guilty... with a unanimous verdict implying innocence...Do you know why I purposely said innocent? I did it just to prove your disingenuous-ness if you will. You would recognize the difference and subtlety between not guilty and innocent but ignore the rationale of a celebrity settling vs a parent settling.
lmfao...i ignored the first item...dangling a carrot for you.

Parents settle to prevent further damage to and publicity of the victim. Even you should know that.

And we all knew "settle equals guilty"