What do you say is the real solution for these mass shootings?

I can tell you right now assault weapons ban will do nothing to change what is happening. Those were common hand guns, a hunting rifle and shotgun. None of those weapons were odd, augmented, enhanced, or classified as an assault weapon.

If anyone is to blame for this, its the mother. She had to have known he was having major issues, and she didn't talk about it, didn't tell anyone, and kept it under wraps. She may be the only person in the world that could have prevented this shooting, and she failed. Originally Posted by KenMonk
You can certainly hunt with a Bushmaster. But, it's not a "hunting rifle."

And, while it doesn't sound like it was an automatic weapon, I'd say arguing that it's not an assault rifle is fairly disengenuous.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
...because my choice wasn't on the list. No, Teawipes it, unlike you, wasn't "None of the Above."

My vote would have been - "Enforce better the laws we already have and quit penalizing people who need help just because they aren't gazillionaires."

There, that ought to cover access and mental health issues.

Just realize that we'll never eradicate the human penchant to "cheat," whether it be cheating the system, cheating the the law or cheating on the spouse.
You keep proving that you are the stupidest poster on here, Ekim. It's never been a secret that I live in Wichita, where it is WichitAWESOME!

You aren't ready for this league. Try to find a training SHMB before you keep making a fool out of yourself.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tPLXDked_Q Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

OMG that is the stupidest thing you have managed to regurgitate yet.Of course Wichita is known, want to put out your street address? fuck I don't know why I bother with you.What a fossil.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Give out your street address, WishIHadABiggen, and then we'll see.

You really need to train to be here. You're not ready yet.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
There is no solution..

However...congress will pass some lame gun law that will only affect law biding citizens and wont prevent it from happening again and claim they did something about it.

You want to do something about it?

Go to church and take your kids with you.
Yah because religion is known for nonviolence.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You might make that argument for wars but I've never seen a connection with religion in mass killings in the USA.......except in the name of Allah.

So shut your whore mouth.
I B Hankering's Avatar
http://www.eccie.net/attachment.php?...1&d=1355782054 Originally Posted by timpage
Mexico: 34,612 Drug War Deaths; 15,273 In 2010

Homicide in Mexico

Year: 2010 Gun Homicides 11,309

Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNODC.2011.‘Homicide in 207 Countries - Mexico.’ Global Study on Homicide 2011: Trends, Context, Data.Vienna, 6 October.

Private ownership of guns in Mexico is totally regulated and nearly totally illegal.
joe bloe's Avatar
Yah because religion is known for nonviolence. Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna
I'm pretty sure Americans who attend church regularly commit less crime than people who don't go to church. They also vote Republican a lot more too.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The problem is very complex, but that does not mean there is no solution as some have suggested.

Personally, I believe that every problem has a solution, but it will require sustained and intensive effort and experimentation to unravel it.

I would assemble a team of professionals from different countries and different backgrounds to hash this issue out.

There is some pattern in these mass murderers and I would start with that. I would focus on young white males with mental and anger issues.

. . . As President Obama said last night, we cannot allow these tragedies to become routine.
joe bloe's Avatar
The problem is very complex, but that does not mean there is no solution as some have suggested.

Personally, I believe that every problem has a solution, but it will require sustained and intensive effort and experimentation to unravel it.

I would assemble a team of professionals from different countries and different backgrounds to hash this issue out.

There is some pattern in these mass murderers and I would start with that. I would focus on young white males with mental and anger issues.

. . . As President Obama said last night, we cannot allow these tragedies to become routine.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
No, not every problem can be solved. We humans are imperfect and some of us are really screwed up. It's always been that way. There is no way to prevent this type of random atrocity.

We can't put every nuerotic in psycotherapy. We can't put armed gaurds in every classroom.

I do like the sound of "assemble a team of professionals."

Obviously, there are millions of guns in the U.S. so making them illegal or having millions of people surrender them to authorities won't be logistically possible. I just think the only unfortunate solution is to secure these schools like airports with security screening and armed guards etc. I know little kids shouldn't be treated like prisoners but under the law and culture we live in today where people can carry guns that's the only solution I could think of.
I know there is truly no safe place to be and America is the land of freedom and all but I think if there were about 2 or 3 armed and highly trained guards at our schools it could help. We could use retired policemen or military reservists to fill each post or even hire the millions of unemployed on a part- time basis and train them. One thing for sure, something MUST be done. I own a gun and would gladly volunteer some of my time to stand guard. I haven't been this angry and sad at the same time since 911.
Many Americans have the "herd mentality". Loins kill and eat Wildebeast every day. But since there are so many Wildebeast, the odds of getting eaten by a lion is rather small for each individule.

Since Columbine, there have been 180 deaths due to mass shootings in schools.

Millions of kids attend school every day. The odds of getting shot by a mad man in a school is probably less than getting hit by lightning.

Are we ready to change the many of the fundemental aspects of being an "American", because of such a small occurance.

Just asking
joe bloe's Avatar
Many Americans have the "herd mentality". Loins kill and eat Wildebeast every day. But since there are so many Wildebeast, the odds of getting eaten by a lion is rather small for each individule.

Since Columbine, there have been 180 deaths due to mass shootings in schools.

Millions of kids attend school every day. The odds of getting shot by a mad man in a school is probably less than getting hit by lightning.

Are we ready to change the many of the fundemental aspects of being an "American", because of such a small occurance.

Just asking Originally Posted by Jackie S
Guest123018-4's Avatar
One teacher with one gun would have saved most of the lives.
He would have killed himself if confronted by somebody with a firearm.