PrePaid Session

Still Looking's Avatar
I have never understaood why anyone should question the price of an agreed upon transaction between two other people.

Francisca, I have paid above or below the "typical" rate a number of times and since neither you nor anyone on these boards (other than the ladies involved) know the reasons I would find it part insulting and part laughable that you would make such a comment about what I paid. Originally Posted by Old-T
burkalini's Avatar
I can see only three situations where I would pre-pay anything:

--A deposit, as others have mentioned. Especially if the lady has to put out some $ before we meet.

--A lady I know well and trust completely. If she needs the money today or her car gets reposessed and I won't be in town until next week for example.

--A lady I know well and trust completely and we don't want large amounts of cash with us for safety or legal reasons. Originally Posted by Old-T

I can think of three ways also.



ammonite's Avatar
I've done a couple of prepaid deals with providers I know very well. Not for individual sessions, but for X number of hours for X number of dollars. Kind of like doing a prepaid meal ticket, and it was at a good discount compared to their regular rates. It worked very well for me as I could pick the time and length of the sessions to suit my schedule and needs. The ladies honored the part of the bargain with no problems.
As stated above it has to be with somebody you have a high degree of trust in, and somebody you want to see often.
I'm sure my post will draw some sarcasm, but it worked well for me and was certainly cost effective. Cheaper by the dozen lol
I can think of three ways also.



Never Originally Posted by burkalini

Don't Pay Up Front it is a whole bad deal, playing with fire for sure Pre Pay Sucks
Don't they have families? Why do they need such support from a client? He is not responsible for them. They should save their fucking money and stop blowing it on stupid shit and maybe they won't get in these jams. Gosh --- I mean if a lady gets in a jam providing then she's not sucking the dick right. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Okay Naomi, damn... Please stop shooting people....

I need you to see beyond yourself, look down under your shoe, or whatever you have to do to understand that the hobby encompasses different people from all walks of life. I agree with your statement, but there ladies who get into this business not for the reasons that we have chosen, but out of desperation. Yes, desperation. That's why we have guys on this board paying $80 for girls. This is why they intentionally target desperate women. This is the reason they make such assumptions about us as a whole because the majority are blood-sucking, non-trustworthy, and do-anything desperate.

Providers that really understand the nature of the business are a rarity. Some guys have never known the pleasure of not being cold-contacted by a provider in need talking about a bill. The only thing we can do is show them the difference. But I need you to develop a bit of compassion. PURTY PLEASE

I have a few clients that send me my entire donation because they don't like to see the money being transacted in the traditional way. I must say that there is an element of trust in our dealings, and I have never let any of them down. I would NEVER allow that option for someone I don't know or don't trust. I don't recommend it as an option period unless you've developed a long term friendship with a lady.
Still Looking's Avatar
Okay Naomi, damn... Please stop shooting people....

I need you to see beyond yourself, look down under your shoe, or whatever you have to do to understand that the hobby encompasses different people from all walks of life. I agree with your statement, but there ladies who get into this business not for the reasons that we have chosen, but out of desperation. Yes, desperation. That's why we have guys on this board paying $80 for girls. This is why they intentionally target desperate women. This is the reason they make such assumptions about us as a whole because the majority are blood-sucking, non-trustworthy, and do-anything desperate.

Providers that really understand the nature of the business are a rarity. Some guys have never known the pleasure of not being cold-contacted by a provider in need talking about a bill. The only thing we can do is show them the difference. But I need you to develop a bit of compassion. PURTY PLEASE

I have a few clients that send me my entire donation because they don't like to see the money being transacted in the traditional way. I must say that there is an element of trust in our dealings, and I have never let any of them down. I would NEVER allow that option for someone I don't know or don't trust. I don't recommend it as an option period unless you've developed a long term friendship with a lady. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
I like your style!

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-24-2011, 09:57 PM

Thank you for some sanity.

I do not know your situation or Naomi's so all I can do is relate to the situations I personally know. These are some reasons I have loaned/given money to a lady in need (and in all these cases I knew with certainty that the situation was real):

--Mother had a heart attack, lady had to care for her 24/7 (the "righteous" christian siblings would not lift a finger nor help one day a week) and could not work for almost two months
--Lady broke her ankle and could not work because she could not drive and lives in a very rural area
--Lady had hysterectomy and could not work for almost 6 mos because of complications
--Lady's house burned with most her belongings--insurance was slow and not very generous
--Lady wanted to get out of the business, went back to school, and underestimated the time it takes to do well
--Lady mugged while on tour, cash and credit cards stolen, no way home

In most these cases it was a single mom with deadbeat father. Life is quite different if there are kids involved and those "families" have turned their backs as happens far too often. It is not as simplistic as Naomi and some others would like it to be.

No guy has to help, but I see nothing wrong if they do. I always considered these as gifts, but in the vast majority of cases I have been repaid in one fashion or another.
Still Looking's Avatar

Thank you for some sanity.

I do not know your situation or Naomi's so all I can do is relate to the situations I personally know. These are some reasons I have loaned/given money to a lady in need (and in all these cases I knew with certainty that the situation was real):

--Mother had a heart attack, lady had to care for her 24/7 (the "righteous" christian siblings would not lift a finger nor help one day a week) and could not work for almost two months
--Lady broke her ankle and could not work because she could not drive and lives in a very rural area
--Lady had hysterectomy and could not work for almost 6 mos because of complications
--Lady's house burned with most her belongings--insurance was slow and not very generous
--Lady wanted to get out of the business, went back to school, and underestimated the time it takes to do well
--Lady mugged while on tour, cash and credit cards stolen, no way home

In most these cases it was a single mom with deadbeat father. Life is quite different if there are kids involved and those "families" have turned their backs as happens far too often. It is not as simplistic as Naomi and some others would like it to be.

No guy has to help, but I see nothing wrong if they do. I always considered these as gifts, but in the vast majority of cases I have been repaid in one fashion or another. Originally Posted by Old-T
Who would have known the T stood for tender hearted!
London Rayne's Avatar
Clock free dates are supposed to be less expensive than the norm...that's WHY guys go for them lol. Marketing 101. Now could I do it...hell no, because I can't be nice that long, but for many it's just what they love.

As for pre-paying, never asked for an entire fee but I do accept deposits for any date over 4 hours, because I am not setting aside that time for nothing. As a client, you are not responsible for my life outside of the date and I would never/have never asked a client for any money.

Some say I am all about the money and this and that, but the fact is I treat this as a business and that transaction keeps me from treating you like an ATM machine on my off time. Can't have it both ways. If a guy was always haggling me for a discount, he better believe that would end in me expecting something too. I don't do things that way.
shorty's Avatar
London. . . Well we survived each other over 12 hrs and we didn't kill each other lol. That says something in its own right. Your a nice person in your own style.
London Rayne's Avatar
That's only because I put drugs in your wine lol.
shorty's Avatar
London. . . I knew it tasted better than usual LOL!

Thank you for some sanity.

I do not know your situation or Naomi's so all I can do is relate to the situations I personally know. These are some reasons I have loaned/given money to a lady in need (and in all these cases I knew with certainty that the situation was real):

--Mother had a heart attack, lady had to care for her 24/7 (the "righteous" christian siblings would not lift a finger nor help one day a week) and could not work for almost two months
--Lady broke her ankle and could not work because she could not drive and lives in a very rural area
--Lady had hysterectomy and could not work for almost 6 mos because of complications
--Lady's house burned with most her belongings--insurance was slow and not very generous
--Lady wanted to get out of the business, went back to school, and underestimated the time it takes to do well
--Lady mugged while on tour, cash and credit cards stolen, no way home

In most these cases it was a single mom with deadbeat father. Life is quite different if there are kids involved and those "families" have turned their backs as happens far too often. It is not as simplistic as Naomi and some others would like it to be.

No guy has to help, but I see nothing wrong if they do. I always considered these as gifts, but in the vast majority of cases I have been repaid in one fashion or another. Originally Posted by Old-T
Old T,

There is nothing wrong with being there for someone in a time of need. I am sure you will receive that kindness in triplicate in return. Especially if you did it from your heart.

In 34 years, I've lived about three lifetimes, and each one gets better. I remember reading to the setting sun because my mom didn't have the light bill money, and eating rutabagas with every meal for two weeks as a kid. I remember 10 years ago being a new mom on my own. But God/the Universe/Karma-whatever you want to call it- has been good to me. I didn't enter into this industry out of desperation, but as a choice. But as a result of my varying life I know people from the lowest of the low, to the highest of the high, and everything in between. I identify with every woman that offers herself on this board on some level. My biggest issue is knowing how to help someone that will have the biggest impact.

Needing someone is not wrong, and neither is not knowing how to change. Having too much pride to ask for help is not good. Not having the understanding that ANY situation can happen to you is real bad.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Okay Naomi, damn... Please stop shooting people....

I need you to see beyond yourself, look down under your shoe, or whatever you have to do to understand that the hobby encompasses different people from all walks of life. I agree with your statement, but there ladies who get into this business not for the reasons that we have chosen, but out of desperation. Yes, desperation. That's why we have guys on this board paying $80 for girls. This is why they intentionally target desperate women. This is the reason they make such assumptions about us as a whole because the majority are blood-sucking, non-trustworthy, and do-anything desperate.

Providers that really understand the nature of the business are a rarity. Some guys have never known the pleasure of not being cold-contacted by a provider in need talking about a bill. The only thing we can do is show them the difference. But I need you to develop a bit of compassion. PURTY PLEASE

I have a few clients that send me my entire donation because they don't like to see the money being transacted in the traditional way. I must say that there is an element of trust in our dealings, and I have never let any of them down. I would NEVER allow that option for someone I don't know or don't trust. I don't recommend it as an option period unless you've developed a long term friendship with a lady. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Oooh I have always liked you Tiff. I promise not to be a biatch anymore.
Naomi4u's Avatar

Thank you for some sanity.

I do not know your situation or Naomi's so all I can do is relate to the situations I personally know. These are some reasons I have loaned/given money to a lady in need (and in all these cases I knew with certainty that the situation was real):

--Mother had a heart attack, lady had to care for her 24/7 (the "righteous" christian siblings would not lift a finger nor help one day a week) and could not work for almost two months
--Lady broke her ankle and could not work because she could not drive and lives in a very rural area
--Lady had hysterectomy and could not work for almost 6 mos because of complications
--Lady's house burned with most her belongings--insurance was slow and not very generous
--Lady wanted to get out of the business, went back to school, and underestimated the time it takes to do well
--Lady mugged while on tour, cash and credit cards stolen, no way home

In most these cases it was a single mom with deadbeat father. Life is quite different if there are kids involved and those "families" have turned their backs as happens far too often. It is not as simplistic as Naomi and some others would like it to be.

No guy has to help, but I see nothing wrong if they do. I always considered these as gifts, but in the vast majority of cases I have been repaid in one fashion or another. Originally Posted by Old-T
It warms my heart to see that there are STILL men as tender hearted and sweet like you in the hobby. OldManT, I haven't been around as long as you but I have been taken advantage of by at least 3 women in this hobby - The only one that can call me and get a dime from me is my bestie, London.

I do not trust easy. Did you hear about the girl on that other escort forum? - She was a well reviewed provider, she needed funds for her son - he was just diagnosed with cancer, she was pals with another well reviewed provider that is very well respected so everyone chipped in. Come to find out at the end of the day after the begging and pleading for "donation" from site members she made out with $80,000. Site admin contacted her and asked her to send in hospital bills so he can know this was legit AFTER the money had been sent to her paypal - Guess what? There was NO sick son. She made it all up!

I don't know why hobbyists feel the need to lend money. This is a business. Let me ask you, can you go to the gas station and ask the cashier to lend you money that you do not have any money for gas? Can you go to walmart and tell them you do not have any money and ask for free groceries? No. So why should a provider do it? If I were a hobbyists, I would want a session right then and there UNLESS it's someone I know and trust.

That is all. I don't think that's insanity. It's called being smart but of course I respect your opinion. I think you're a sweet guy .