White House denies TX as "major disaster area"; local leaders frustrated

Our congressman, Mike Conaway supposedly will be taking Obama on a tour of West Texas next week.
In our geographical area alone...we have lost close to 750,000 acres and untold numbers of houses to wild fire.
This is the worst draught on records for West Texas...this record goes back to 1886.

Mojojo's Avatar
Man this shit is good! Olivia is turning me on she might need to put out my fire soon!

PLEASE PRAY FOR RAIN! Originally Posted by texasbrowning
Can it be purple rain? lol
...by posting whiny complaints about not receiving federal dollars. Originally Posted by Doove
They want THEIR dollars back, especially when they need it.......the Federal government [politicians] doesn't make any money [create wealth], they just take other people's money and redistribute it to the free-loaders and dead-beats who promise to vote for them
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  • Doove
  • 05-07-2011, 10:25 AM
they just take other people's money and redistribute it to the free-loaders and dead-beats who promise to vote for them Originally Posted by Marshall
I challenge anyone to do a better job than Marshall of contradicting Marshall.
Well, at least you removed whatever doubts might remain about you.
I am the good American...correct : mf_doofgr:
Actually, those of your ilk are the worst Americans, deviod of any sense of civic responsibility, community with others who are not exactly like yourself and completely eaten up with greed and selfishness. The shame of your comment is that you trust the government with the function of charity....like everything else, when government does something they do it corruptly and incompetently.....I trust WE THE PEOPLE with charity....every dollar the government takes from me to do their version of charity is one less dollar I have to do charity.....I trust my judgment to send my charitable dollars to the causes I believe in and ensure the dollars are spent efficiently......I suppose if I were you I'd trust a politician to be smarter than me to know what to do with my moneyConsequently, you and those like you are totally worthless and unreliable. Americans have always proved themselves to be kind and generous people....what in the world did the poor do before FDR?! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! You and your type cannot be counted on to step up should your help be needed. Your type are the first to cut and run because you are more worriedAmericans are generous and I'm one of the good Americans about all things pertaining to your "well being" and will gladly let anyone else twist in the wind, especially if it might cause you to break a sweat or contribute a dollar.Self reliance is not a good thing? Do you think people should worry about other people's families before they worry about their own family? If so, that's crazy! Your type were the Tories during the revolution, if honest, otherwise just another "entrapeneur" trying to play both ends against the middle.

I'm still waiting for evidence of your trip out west into the fire zone to build some fence, clean-up some damage or even having cut a check over ten bucks to help out your fellow Americans. Actually, I've been working on that self reliance thing up this way,you know, my responsibilities...do you want me to cover your financial responsibilities too?......I sure have paid a lot of income tax to cover my share of the problem but Barry refuses to let Texas have any of my money. I'm stating right here that I want Barry to take my income tax money and send it to TexasOf course, you may be waiting to get a good deal on some distressed vacation homes (vacation homes, second homes, etc. were way in the majority of what was lost by the lake - kinda non-qualifying property).I use to think highly of Texas as a state but my involvement here makes me think something different now If you can't jinny up to any of that, deafening silence on your part is so much more prefereable to your monotonous, dronig, craven babble.you make me laugh so much.... Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

The problem libs have is that they can't figure out that it is intellectually consistent to play by current rules while working to change those rules....it's called civil society........
I challenge anyone to do a better job than Marshall of contradicting Marshall. Originally Posted by Doove
Contradiction? What contradiction? Texas didn't get the money when they need it.

Doove, you have faith in politicians' honesty and competence, I do not. I agree with the founding fathers who said that government is necessary, but it is subject to corruption and incompetence. Their solution to balance the need and problem was limited government. I agree with them.............. I think Thomas Jefferson spoke correctly on the redistribution question. Who should I agree with, you or Thomas Jefferson? Tell me why you think Thomas Jefferson was wrong........
Y'all are ignorant. Fires rarely, if ever, result in a major disaster declaration and Perry knows it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Just in California.

Man this shit is good! Olivia is turning me on she might need to put out my fire soon!
lol Originally Posted by mojojo213

Ahhh, you're gonna make my brain blush
Sa_artman's Avatar
Our congressman, Mike Conaway supposedly will be taking Obama on a tour of West Texas next week.
In our geographical area alone...we have lost close to 750,000 acres and untold numbers of houses to wild fire.
This is the worst draught on records for West Texas...this record goes back to 1886.

PLEASE PRAY FOR RAIN! Originally Posted by texasbrowning
Yes, its looking pretty bad and I know some ranchers who are in dire straits. I'm not the praying type and quite frankly don't think it will do any good. We fucked our planet long enough and she's pissed.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-08-2011, 08:55 AM
I challenge anyone to do a better job than Marshall of contradicting Marshall. Originally Posted by Doove

Marshall and I must admit many of my fellow Texans are embarrassing whiners and a bunch of hypocrites.

They want the Federal government out of their business except when they need the Federal Government!

Perry has something called a rainy day fund, use it and quit crying about Federal dollars, it is embarrassing. Makes us look stupid.

WTF ever happened to the GOP folks that cry that the Federal government is only for the Defense of this country! If you have a home or a ranch buy insurance. If you do not have it , tough shit. That includes Katrina victims too. I wasn't for rebuilding NO with Federal dollars. If that place can't stand on its own two feet, don't come looking to me for a handout. That is what we are doing as Texans, it is down right embarrassing !
hwygnome's Avatar
Yep, time to open the tap on that rainy day fund. Well I guess it may be a steamy withdrawal.
The problem libs have is that they can't figure out that it is intellectually consistent to play by current rules while working to change those rules....it's called civil society........ Originally Posted by Marshall

I'll quote myself since people choose to ignore this comment.....it's neither hypocritical nor inconsistent to play the big government game while at the same time working towards smaller government...people pay into big government, they are entitled to their $$$$$$$$$$.....I find it hypocritical that libs don't voluntarily pay more taxes and surrender more freedom to their godly liberal politicians. After all, the politicians know better than you do what's best for you, right? They have to protect YOU from YOU!........
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-09-2011, 03:22 PM
The problem libs have is that they can't figure out that it is intellectually consistent to play by current rules while working to change those rules....it's called civil society........ Originally Posted by Marshall
I'll quote myself since people choose to ignore this comment.....it's neither hypocritical nor inconsistent to play the big government game while at the same time working towards smaller government...people pay into big government, they are entitled to their $$$$$$$$$$.....I find it hypocritical that libs don't voluntarily pay more taxes and surrender more freedom to their godly liberal politicians. After all, the politicians know better than you do what's best for you, right? They have to protect YOU from YOU!........ Originally Posted by Marshall
You quote yourself, i'll quote myself:

I challenge anyone to do a better job than Marshall of contradicting Marshall. Originally Posted by Doove
You quote yourself, i'll quote myself: Originally Posted by Doove

Ummmmm......Doo***.......the part you bolded is sarcasm.....it's criticizing doofiness with doofiness.....that you can't recognize that makes you, well, you know the word.......
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-09-2011, 05:49 PM
Ummmmm......Doo***.......the part you bolded is sarcasm.....it's criticizing doofiness with doofiness.....that you can't recognize that makes you, well, you know the word....... Originally Posted by Marshall
You'll forgive me if i have trouble determining which of your idiotic statements are meant as sarcasm, and which are real.