dodge deflect spin yada yada yada...
it had NOTHING to do with Obama .. read the thread and see who mentioned Obama first
lets review for the S-L-O-W simpleminded .. (for the second time)
I commented ........ speaking about BUSH
when his actions as president stop having a direct effect on the entire country
You deemed that "INANE"
then proceeded to yammer endlessly, and are still yammering ...
Two wars
Tax cuts
either they are STILL costing the entire counrty $$ or they're not ?
are those two actions by Bush currently having an effect on this country OR NOT ?
either you can be honest and answer the question with a simple yes or no, or you cant .. which is it Finance man?
Originally Posted by CJ7
We can go point by point for you, but just for you.
First look at the thread and article, The entire premise is that the debt incurred is not the result of Obama's actions. So OBAMA is mentioned in the OP initial thread. Inane comment number 1 refuted. Thank you judge. lol
A. By definition an action
(something done or performed;)
can influence the outcome or results.
B Thus any action taken by Bush has led to results.
So far we both agree actions taken by Bush have direct influences.
C Now here is where the argument falls apart for you Action: something done or performed. We both agree that Bush's actions had influences.
Yet no one who worships Obama thinks his actions have had any negative influences or compounded the actions of Bush. So you have a disconnect, one persons actions are the entire problem and the other persons actions have had no negative influence. See the disconnect. Probably not. lol
Maybe you are saying that until every action Bush took no longer influences the world; even at the most micro level, Obama is not responsible for his actions?