Providers wanting your personal information

Nico Veneta's Avatar
Personally, I believe using a gentleman’s posting and review history is a much better way to establish credibility without needing to dig into someone’s personal life. By checking references from providers he has seen before, it creates a level of trust without compromising anyone's privacy. This approach allows both clients and providers to feel safer while navigating this space.

Ultimately, we’re all trying to minimize risks. I think if there were a system that doesn’t require disclosing sensitive personal information, it would lead to a more comfortable and trusting dynamic for everyone involved. It's about finding that balance and ensuring both sides feel secure without having to sacrifice their privacy.

Lustfully naughty
Nico Veneta
Providers are small business owners. They define the product they are offering, They define the requirements for new customers, they define the price they charge. If you choose to pass on the product then they have to live with out your business.

What’s not to understand about this. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

I understand providers set the rules.

What I don't understand, however, is why a provider would act surprised when a potential client refuses to hand over invasive information.
If you don't like their screening requirements: Move along to someone else.
If you don't like their rates: Move along to someone else.
If you don't like their level of service: Move along to someone else.
If you don't like where they are located: Move along to someone else.
If she is not of your preferred body type, height, weight, race, nationality, ethnicity, hair color, tattoo status, or religion: Move along to someone else.

The comment about someone else seeing their well being and family being more important than yours is universal. You should have the very same attitude.

As already stated in this thread: This is their business. They can run it as they like. There is no "fair market value" on ass. If there were, we'd see those labels on the ladies like we see in the meat market at the grocery store. You could see what you like, see how much it is per whatever, scan it at the register and go to town. Each person, on both sides of the aisle, have their own reasons for participating in this hobby. So find someone who fits what screening you are willing to commit to, has the rates you are willing to pay for the services you like, is in the part of town that you are comfortable going to, and who fits your desired type of lady (or man). It's as simple as that. Originally Posted by bigwill832

Believe me, if I were into men, I wouldn't be buying sex. I could easily get laid if I was gay (gay guys come onto me all the time)

Sometimes I wish I was gay (because of what an easy time I'd have getting laid)
There are only two reasons a provider would want personal info. One, for her safety in knowing that the client is legit and not going to waste her time. The other reason is to scam the client outright or have a record that could potentially bribe the the client in the future.

I don't like giving my personal info unless I know that the provider is legit and most of the time I look elsewhere. I don't understand that if you are a member of a verification site (like p411) then why is that not enough.

I once had a provider tell me as a member of p411 she needed more info because I hadn't seen a provider in two years in my okays list. She said clients change over time and needed something currently. Which made more sense to me.

Ladies are there other reasons you would want more personal info of a potential client if that client is a member of a verification site that you are a member of as well? Originally Posted by Mr69Jones
I'm going to share a true story to illustrate a point.

On a different online community (totally unrelated to the hobby), a girl I chatted with on DM coerced me into sharing some selfies, my first name, and the state I live in. Then she asked about my work information. When I refused, she pleaded "Believe me, I don't care enough about you to do anything with this information."

Come to find out, she was in cahoots with some guy who hated me on that online community. The guy knew I'd never share anything with him. So he used her to do his dirty work. Turned out they were trying to collect as much information on me as possible so they could get me fired for my controversial political beliefs.

Good thing I refused to share my work information. Then they really would have been able to get me fired.

My point? When anyone requests personal information from you (especially under controversial circumstances, whether it be a woman you're looking to buy sex from or a user on a website where you post about your extreme political beliefs), they could easily use that information against you. Whether they really will use it against you, that's another question...still best to play it safe (and refrain from sharing any information they could use against you)
I agree with you, Clients that cooperate with screening also dont push boundaries. Clients that push boundaries like to tell me how I should screen them. Im often mystified as to why they contacted me to begin with if they dont want to go through real world screening. Its mentioned early in my ad in grave detail. I also offer a way around it if they have two referrals. If he has no referrals then a newbie has to start somewhere. I can sometimes verify if they are using a real phone number. When they arrive at my studio I have my LMT license hanging on the wall. Originally Posted by MJewel
I'm willing to do screening within reason. One hard line I draw, however, is giving my work information.

I have an interesting story about cooperativeness. One provider who does a screening protocol that doesn't require work information (and I obliged with her screening to a tee) told me "As glad as I am at how cooperative you've been, it's almost too good to be true. The last time a client was this cooperative, he turned out to be a cop. Most clients give some degree of pushback to my screening"
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  • InU
  • 12-09-2024, 07:06 PM
I've hobbied for a long time and have never had to give personal info. I just identified as Ben Franklin or Grant and how many I had. If there was something going on either way, well, just move on. P4 and some other outlets, as well as reputation and respect, goes along way.

There's no guarantee either way, but you should always use your spidey sense along with wisdom, makes you go or bail. There's so much more BS now that the hunt isn't much fun anymore.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Once upon a time, I did the most with my screening. Sometimes chatting and coffee dates help alot. Also adds a romantic touch.