A New Tend Possibly??

Still Looking's Avatar
We had a girl post here that her sister was coming to town and they wanted to meet some guys - I sent her a PM - three days now I've not heard back. Why are you wasting my time?
SL - I have an accrued dislike for trifling things and it has occurred to me I should let it go! Originally Posted by Louigi
Are these the gals now in SA wanting a free room for services? LOL I'm certainly NOT a word smith like London, but I do the best I can. Hell we all make mistakes! Well except the MODS! LOL
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I just think shorty should stop typing with his dick "tend" LOL
Still Looking's Avatar
I just think shorty should stop typing with his dick "tend" LOL Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Its too short he can't reach the upper band of keys where the "Y" is located. Say something sex to him and perhaps we might even see the numbers in his posts! LOL
London Rayne's Avatar
One of my personal faves is when a girl is running a special but only for certain guys...broke guys lol. Had a friend ask about a special and the girl flat out said, "Well I saw you paid so and so this much, so I know you can afford the regular rate."

WTF...so it's a YMMV special then? I have never heard of anything so idiotic in my life. You're broke as hell so you send a pm to beg for business asking why this guy has never seen you. He responds saying he wants to take advantage of your special, and then you go all batso on him because he paid another provider a lot of money? Um hello, maybe he LIKES her better!

Just because a guy spends a few grand on one girl does not mean he has to do it with you. Talk about wacko! You're running a special and then get mad when someone has the nerve to take you up on it? Hello doofus, if the other provider was running a special I am pretty sure he would have done the same thing!
shorty's Avatar
I just think shorty should stop typing with his dick "tend" LOL Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
It won't reach up that far Snl! I wouldn't mind Miss Claus coming over to see if she can grant my Christmas Wish!