Encounter: Angie in the country

BulldogCountry's Avatar
Yep. DEFINITELY doesn't seem very reliable. Not a single reply yesterday OR today.

I sent her one final text around 11:30am letting her know I'm going to have to back-out of today since I have other stuff to do, and that I don't have time to "sit around and wait" for her to reply. And I also offered for her to let me know when another time was good for her, and we could try and reschedule.

She texted back LITERALLY MINUTES later and said, "Ok will do".

So, she was IGNORING and GHOSTING all my previous texts.

That's okay, I'll take my money elsewhere today. lol

Sorry, but getting "ghosted" gets under my skin. Instead of ignoring my messages, a simple reply stating "Sorry, something came up and I can't see you today" would have been FANTASTIC. I'm normally understanding if someone has to cancel a date.

If someone else can schedule with her, GREAT. Lucky you! But, just be warned, don't get your hopes up.
Sounds like I need to check out Angie. Does anyone have pics to share?
Sounds like someone I’d like to meet. Do you have pics of Angie to share
Sounds like someone I’d like to meet. Do you have pics of Angie to share Originally Posted by Rvictor69
You bumped an old post in the ISO forum but I'll respond to you here. You can text Angie and see if she replies. I've tried her at least 4 times and never gotten a response. Maybe you will have better luck. There was a Sunshine introduced a few days ago, but she gave me the run around and went silent. I'm forming the impression these two gals only see a certain few or maybe you have to be personally introduced to them by those few. I don't begrudge anybody getting some, but if there not serious gals why introduce them to the community at large, but I digress. Sent you a PM on Belle. She's in Crestview and I believe she's a serious gal. For right now I believe she's the only one in Crestview who is. Been trying to get her to join ECCIE and when I saw her yesterday she told me she now has an age verified account but was having troubles navigating ECCIE. So I tried to help her with the site and was hoping she'd have a post in the welcome forum by today.
You might try Cheyenne:

but I'm not sure she's seeing anyone again just yet. Back when she started she was Leann or Leanna. I have seen her off and on since she started but its always the same hassle. She always says she will add me to her contacts but she never does. She then tries to give me the BS screen until I remind her, then it's Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you. I'll add you to my contacts. Of course she never seems does and it starts all over again or she goes silent till I can get through again. Crestview hasn't been the same without Magically Delicious. Sadly, there's no point in trying to sing that tune any longer.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
If someone else sets something up with Angie and has a good review on her, I might give her one more shot (I believe in second chances). But, if she "ghosts" me a second time, then I'm done. I don't care "how hot" or "how good" she is. XD
Just heard back from Angie a little while ago. I have texted her 4 or more times in the past without a reply so I was surprised when she responded. I actually didn’t recognize the number because I had given up on her and deleted it but she was gracious enough to hang in there with me till I put it all together again. Don’t know if she meant it this way but I’m all for working things out if people want to. Were set to meet on Friday and I’m hoping all goes well.
She’s looking for some bday fun
If someone else sets something up with Angie and has a good review on her, I might give her one more shot (I believe in second chances). But, if she "ghosts" me a second time, then I'm done. I don't care "how hot" or "how good" she is. XD Originally Posted by BulldogCountry
If you do see her, tell her she’s going to get a spanking and a good, hard seeing to for what happened the last time.
Well the appointment with Angie today was a bust. I have texted her at least 4 times in the past without a response. Then on Wednesday out of the blue she texts me and asks when I’m available. I asked if Friday at 1 would work for her and she said Friday was her birthday. So I asked about another day as to not interrupt her celebration. She said Friday was okay as she had nothing planned. So I said I would contact her later Friday morning on where to meet. That was agreeable. Texted her this morning at 1015, said hello and good morning are we still on for 1. She responds Possibly, I’m going to get my nails done. I’m thinking what happened to I have nothing planned. So told her to let me know if she needed to reschedule or if she had changed her mind, No response. Texted at 1200 on where to meet, no response. Texted again at 1245 that I hadn’t heard from her on where to meet. If she had changed her mind or needed to reschedule just say so. It’s not the worst thing that’s ever been said to me, No response again. Just texted her that the agreed time has come and gone with no response from you. I will update my post on eccie and move on. Hope someone does something nice for you on your birthday. Since she had texted me I really hoped this was going to work out. I read somewhere in here that she likes chardonnay so I bought a bottle. Figured she should have something to celebrate with since she had nothing planned. Suppose I should have known better. If someone else wants to chase her and is able to actually meet her, then good for you. Don’t think I will waste any more time on this one.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
Well the appointment with Angie today was a bust. I have texted her at least 4 times in the past without a response. Then on Wednesday out of the blue she texts me and asks when I’m available. I asked if Friday at 1 would work for her and she said Friday was her birthday. So I asked about another day as to not interrupt her celebration. She said Friday was okay as she had nothing planned. So I said I would contact her later Friday morning on where to meet. That was agreeable. Texted her this morning at 1015, said hello and good morning are we still on for 1. She responds Possibly, I’m going to get my nails done. I’m thinking what happened to I have nothing planned. So told her to let me know if she needed to reschedule or if she had changed her mind, No response. Texted at 1200 on where to meet, no response. Texted again at 1245 that I hadn’t heard from her on where to meet. If she had changed her mind or needed to reschedule just say so. It’s not the worst thing that’s ever been said to me, No response again. Just texted her that the agreed time has come and gone with no response from you. I will update my post on eccie and move on. Hope someone does something nice for you on your birthday. Since she had texted me I really hoped this was going to work out. I read somewhere in here that she likes chardonnay so I bought a bottle. Figured she should have something to celebrate with since she had nothing planned. Suppose I should have known better. If someone else wants to chase her and is able to actually meet her, then good for you. Don’t think I will waste any more time on this one. Originally Posted by Naughtius Maximus
That's what I don't get. Some of these ladies just "ignore us" if something else comes up instead of letting us know "Hey, something else came up and I can't see you today."

Sone ladies go on and on about guys wasting their time, when they go on and do the same thing to US. Some are just hypocritical, if you ask me. And it's a damn shame.