Prediction in trumpf hush money trial

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Ya gotta stop, kid. You really are makin yerself look dumb AF.

You don't have ANY backup for dumb ideas like this. Zero. You're just repeating stoopid shit you hear from people like Tucker, and then pushing it with childish statements that you think make you sound like you understand things that others don't. "Try to keep up"? Really? That's so lame, and does not help make your argument.

. Originally Posted by rooster
Dude worships Fucker Carlson so I grade his papers with a steep curve in relation to the mean so no harm and no foul with his usual nonsensical (IMO) posts.

Anyway, no prediction to be made now so I guess this thread has served its purpose unless more conspiracy theory comedy is forthcoming. Haha
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Dude worships Fucker Carlson so I grade his papers with a steep curve in relation to the mean so no harm and no foul with his usual nonsensical (IMO) posts.

Anyway, no prediction to be made now so I guess this thread has served its purpose unless more conspiracy theory comedy is forthcoming. Haha Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

so you are really a ivy league college prof? teaching accounting? an "ivy league" expert?

Lucas McCain's Avatar
so you are really a ivy league college prof? teaching accounting? an "ivy league" expert?

BAAHHHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Old man, you are really losing it even more than usual. I didn't even think that was possible. That post was quite the irrelevant stretch for this thread topic even for you. LOL
txdot-guy's Avatar
Nixon probably cut a deal so he resigned. This country wasn't quite like it is now. But now have a precedent something similar will happen to another president. One day America will have a uni-party. If you think Trump is a trying to be a Dictator you haven't seen nothing yet. What's happening now is just the start of the fall of this county. All great nations fail from within. It's now happening to America. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I think that Nixon did make a deal. But the difference between then and now is that Nixon had a sense of shame and Congressional Republicans had the conviction of their principles to do the right thing.

Recently Republicans had the opportunity to impeach Trump, after January 6th, but they quaked in their boots after Trump threatened them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think that Nixon did make a deal. But the difference between then and now is that Nixon had a sense of shame and Congressional Republicans had the conviction of their principles to do the right thing.

Recently Republicans had the opportunity to impeach Trump, after January 6th, but they quaked in their boots after Trump threatened them. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Same cowards are sucking up to him now.
Same cowards are sucking up to him now. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... See? ... ... I predict they all Understand.

#### Salty