Definition of a Racist

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You playing that sad song on your violin for yourself and Chump and all the other Chumpsters cause your whole scene is going down ?

I have heard it said on here people want Debate regarding Issues.

Here's one ; This is a legitimate tough issue.

You got Chump elected once.
How the fuck you going to get that Amateur Prez yet Professional Prick re-elected ??

That's the Issue !!
Let's hear it !!
Calling all the Grieved ones.
The mis-treated.
It's so unfair ! Originally Posted by sportfisherman

First, we get nominated a senile, old style racist...check.
Then we arrange to have most of the country outraged by the actions of a radical mob...check.
Finally, we neutralize the press by showing just how fucked up their reporting has been...check.
All this while saving lives, getting us out of the Middle east quagmire, building the wall, and putting the economy back together.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Glad to hear from 2 who are defining themselves quite well.

And they certainly sound grieved.
And I'm sure they have been very unfairly treated in life.

And that plan to vote is very astute.
You should convey that to Chump's new campaign manager.
Or better yet, with that stellar intellect, maybe you could get a gig on Chump's team ?
sportfisherman's Avatar
And all that gets you what ;

Up to about 15 points down ?

I'm no whinin' cryin' excuse makin' victim.
I'm not grieved except to have such a fucked up prez.
The definition of racist hasn’t changed at all. The tolerance for it has.
You playing that sad song on your violin for yourself and Chump and all the other Chumpsters cause your whole scene is going down ?

I have heard it said on here people want Debate regarding Issues.

Here's one ; This is a legitimate tough issue.

You got Chump elected once.
How the fuck you going to get that Amateur Prez yet Professional Prick re-elected ??

That's the Issue !!
Let's hear it !!
Calling all the Grieved ones.
The mis-treated.
It's so unfair ! Originally Posted by sportfisherman
It's easy when the competition is a brain dead Democrat like Biden, lol.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Hey ff,

Almost anyone ; regardless of color,age,or education ; could tell you how to think and you would probably be better off for it.
winn dixie's Avatar
The definition of racist hasn’t changed at all. The tolerance for it has. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Is it fair for a white person that uses the "n" word to be fired from a job and ridiculed? While Others can say cracker honkey and anti jewish rhetoric and not even a word is spoken to that person!
Dbl. standards and reverse racism is rampant!
Hey ff,

Almost anyone ; regardless of color,age,or education ; could tell you how to think and you would probably be better off for it. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
What would they tell me to think about concerning your homosexuality?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The definition of racist hasn’t changed at all. The tolerance for it has. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

if you mean the tolerance for "black privilege" yes the tolerance is gone. the black race has squandered any good will by blaming whites for slavery and rioting like anarchists every time some black dude commits a crime and gets all uppity and obstreperous about it.

blacks claim whites must take the first step. i say the first step must be from the blacks. they must admit slavery was their fault and stop blaming whites for their fatherless bucks running around being thugs.

i think we need a national "Black Shame" day there every black must wear a white X on their foreheads all day in public. to show their SHAME of their intraracist murderous past. like them Catholics with their ash crosses for Ash Wednesday.

what do you think? good idea, right?
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2020, 06:02 PM
LibDem heads are exploding in "Outrage"
Rachel madcow just had an elephant
Let them have their Outeage - to hell with'em!
sportfisherman's Avatar
Hey I think we have a Homophobe on here.

And when they are befuddled and cannot defend themselves (which is their usual state) they resort to an attack on someone's sexuality.

You know what the psychologists have to say about that ; It means that person is insecure about their own sexuality and they secretly harbor homosexual thoughts.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hey I think we have a Homophobe on here.

And when they are befuddled and cannot defend themselves (which is their usual state) they resort to an attack on someone's sexuality.

You know what the psychologists have to say about that ; It means that person is insecure about their own sexuality and they secretly harbor homosexual thoughts. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

if yous say so Sigmund Fraud

sportfisherman's Avatar
Wacko Wacko Wacko ;

You know our founding fathers were somewhat an aristocracy.They came from Family,Money,and Education.

Most could not only read Latin but could write it as well.

They knew then that Slavery was wrong.They knew it conflicted with the lofty Ideals and Principles put forth in their Declaration and Constitution.They knew they left that issue to be dealt with at a later date.

You certainly have Defined yourself very well.

You don't like Uppity Blacks.

Blacks made or forced whites to enslave them you assert.

And fortunately nobody cares what you think or feel like we need.

My tolerance is gone as well ; for Ignorance. I personally cannot abide ignorance. Expressed ignorance.

Sometimes people inherently know they are inferior.They need someone to be less than they are.It bolsters their low self-esteem.Many have done that and continue to do that with Native Americans and African Americans.

They know they are actually inadequate and cannot compete on a level playing field ; hence their disparagement of minorities.

Is that you Wacko ??
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wacko Wacko Wacko ;

You know our founding fathers were somewhat an aristocracy.They came from Family,Money,and Education.

Most could not only read Latin but could write it as well.

They knew then that Slavery was wrong.They knew it conflicted with the lofty Ideals and Principles put forth in their Declaration and Constitution.They knew they left that issue to be dealt with at a later date.

You certainly have Defined yourself very well.

You don't like Uppity Blacks.

Blacks made or forced whites to enslave them you assert.

And fortunately nobody cares what you think or feel like we need.

My tolerance is gone as well ; for Ignorance. I personally cannot abide ignorance. Expressed ignorance.

Sometimes people inherently know they are inferior.They need someone to be less than they are.It bolsters their low self-esteem.Many have done that and continue to do that with Native Americans and African Americans.

They know they are actually inadequate and cannot compete on a level playing field ; hence their disparagement of minorities.

Is that you Wacko ?? Originally Posted by sportfisherman

i assert no such thing. i state fact that black tribal wars were the largest single source of slavery. all blacks today live with the blood of their own tribal wars and self hatred on their hands. you can deflect and make excuses for the truth all day long. it's still true.

HedonistForever's Avatar
Wacko Wacko Wacko ;

You know our founding fathers were somewhat an aristocracy.They came from Family,Money,and Education.

Most could not only read Latin but could write it as well.

They knew then that Slavery was wrong.They knew it conflicted with the lofty Ideals and Principles put forth in their Declaration and Constitution.They knew they left that issue to be dealt with at a later date.

You certainly have Defined yourself very well.

You don't like Uppity Blacks.

Blacks made or forced whites to enslave them you assert.

And fortunately nobody cares what you think or feel like we need.

My tolerance is gone as well ; for Ignorance. I personally cannot abide ignorance. Expressed ignorance.

Sometimes people inherently know they are inferior.They need someone to be less than they are.It bolsters their low self-esteem.Many have done that and continue to do that with Native Americans and African Americans.

They know they are actually inadequate and cannot compete on a level playing field ; hence their disparagement of minorities.

Is that you Wacko ?? Originally Posted by sportfisherman

What I'm wondering is how you do any sportfishing off that sailboat. That's got to be tricky.