"Rich people suck" says a psychologist from study

budman33's Avatar
Would they donate to charity if it wasnt a tax deduction?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Poor people have very little chance of deducting charity, yet plenty of them give. And as long as the tax law allows it, why not deduct it if you are able? I don't think there should be a deduction for that, but it is as it is.
anaximander's Avatar
The tax deduction is obstensively to promote
charity. At one time some honest people in
govt wanted those in need to get it quick
and efficiently. Uncle Sam won't and can't
our govt isn't constructed that way-
nor would you want it to be- so charitable
deductions killed two birds with hardly
any stones- aid where needed as needed.

The argument over self reasoning for it
is the thickest bullshit laden stream of
self pious crap I have ever heard.

Who cares why some give?
It makes no valid point.
Other than you don't want to entice people.
You want to force them to your will.
The power to tax is the power to destroy.

Exactly why is it so important to
sandbag our govt down to a nanny state?
Private charities outperform govt and ngo's.
That you object to?
Show just how either ignorant or deceitful
you truly are- explain just why pvt capital
should be crippled to allow govt to bloom?
You want an example of govt charity?
Visit the public housing projects in your
city around dusk early evening.
Even better go look around after 10 pm.