DOTY 2016 " special " election !

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YouRong must be posting again ...

..... or the trash needs to be taken to the curb.
Don't count out a last minute surge by EKIM The Inbred Chimp ! He's been a protégé and "under" study ( "bottom man to woomby the eunuch and studying woomby's bottom side !) to woomby and ran woomby's "grass roots " efforts in the last DOTY campaign. And we all know how that ended up with woomby taking the election in a landslide ! Mebbe Ekim hasn't yet reached out to all of his "mob" of kinfolks for their vote. Might be tough getting bananas this time of year in KansASS to get all of them to vote. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
woomby, woomby, woomby that is all that is on your mind since he left. Gay rey you are a fucking retard. DMFOTB.
woomby, woomby, woomby that is all that is on your mind since he left. Gay rey you are a fucking retard. DMFOTB. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Here I explain YOUR obvious " qualifications " to the voters and YOU are upset over the free " campaign ad " !!! I try to help the "under " dog ( No offense to dogs or all of you dog lovers out there ! ) and since YOU seem to like the "bottom " position, YOU'LL always be playing second fiddle ( or third ! ) to the more accomplished Dipshit candidates if YOU are afraid that something in YOUR background is something to be embarrassed over. Their key is to have NO shame about lying and being a "out-and-proud " lying liberal ! Keep up YOUR campaign EKIM ! YOU can do it !
Here I explain YOUR obvious " qualifications " to the voters and YOU are upset over the free " campaign ad " !!! I try to help the "under " dog ( No offense to dogs or all of you dog lovers out there ! ) and since YOU seem to like the "bottom " position, YOU'LL always be playing second fiddle ( or third ! ) to the more accomplished Dipshit candidates if YOU are afraid that something in YOUR background is something to be embarrassed over. Their key is to have NO shame about lying and being a "out-and-proud " lying liberal ! Keep up YOUR campaign EKIM ! YOU can do it ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
LMAO, lying liberal. You are out of ammo faggot. You are dumber than a stump.
LMAO, lying liberal. You are out of ammo faggot. You are dumber than a stump. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Poor ole EKIM calls me a " lying liberal " and his main opponent for DOTY ( LIl Cotex ) calls me a right wing wacko ! Ekim sure has lost his way without his mentor ! Poor EKIM !
Poor ole EKIM calls me a " lying liberal " and his main opponent for DOTY ( LIl Cotex ) calls me a right wing wacko ! Ekim sure has lost his way without his mentor ! Poor EKIM ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
When your ilk resorts to calling someone a liberal, it means you got nothing. You are like shooting fish in a barrel faggot.
When your ilk resorts to calling someone a liberal, it means you got nothing. You are like shooting fish in a barrel faggot. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Is YOUR cum-addled brain so far gone that YOU forget that YOU called ME a liberal , EKIM ? Keep up that "campaign " for DOTY there EKIM ! Mebbe you can slide in at the last minute with all YOUR wonderful IDIOT posts and steal the win away from Lil Cotex or assup !! You're such a buffoon EKIM ! Just like Charlie Brown getting duped every time by Lucy when asked to kick a football ! Go for it EKIM/Charlie Brown !!!
Is YOUR cum-addled brain so far gone that YOU forget that YOU called ME a liberal , EKIM ? Keep up that "campaign " for DOTY there EKIM ! Mebbe you can slide in at the last minute with all YOUR wonderful IDIOT posts and steal the win away from Lil Cotex or assup !! You're such a buffoon EKIM ! Just like Charlie Brown getting duped every time by Lucy when asked to kick a football ! Go for it EKIM/Charlie Brown !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
See post #33 then STFU you lying liberal. DAOTY gay rey.....Plus you are boring
See post #33 then STFU you lying liberal. DAOTY gay rey.....Plus you are boring Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Way to keep up YOUR DOTY campaign EKIM ! You GO Ekim !
Way to keep up YOUR DOTY campaign EKIM ! You GO Ekim ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Keep eating those smart pills, gay rey you are almost up to being a moron. A boring moron...
Keep eating those smart pills, gay rey you are almost up to being a moron. A boring moron... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Would those "smart pills " be the ones that YOU rake out from under the rabbit cage and INHALE yourself EKIM ? !!!
Would those "smart pills " be the ones that I rake out from under the rabbit cage and INHALE ? !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Keep taking them ass wipe you are getting a little smarter.
Keep taking them ass wipe you are getting a little smarter. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
There YOU go again, just like YOUR mentor woomby, stealing someone else's insult that applies to YOU and TRYING to reuse it as if YOUR inbred gloryhole working ass thought of it yourself. Your penchant for taking rabbit pellets for "smart pills " is well known here EKIM ! YOU'RE the one that should increase YOUR daily intake of them. YOU MIGHT just get to the moron level of intelligence that YOUR competitors for the DOTY award currently have ! Keep up that campaign EKIM ! We wouldn't want to see YOU not get your just do for your hard work in YOUR DOTY campaign ! Go, EKIM, GO ! Make YOUR Chimp mob proud !
There YOU go again, just like YOUR mentor woomby, stealing someone else's insult that applies to YOU and TRYING to reuse it as if YOUR inbred gloryhole working ass thought of it yourself. Your penchant for taking rabbit pellets for "smart pills " is well known here EKIM ! YOU'RE the one that should increase YOUR daily intake of them. YOU MIGHT just get to the moron level of intelligence that YOUR competitors for the DOTY award currently have ! Keep up that campaign EKIM ! We wouldn't want to see YOU not get your just do for your hard work in YOUR DOTY campaign ! Go, EKIM, GO ! Make YOUR Chimp mob proud ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Gay, fat and stupid is no way to go through life, gay rey....Seek help.
Gay, fat and stupid is no way to go through life, gay rey....Seek help. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And thanks for sharing that vivid and accurate description of YOURSELF ,EKIM !! And yes, YOU should seek help ! Your side job of " hoovering " rabbit pens there in KansASS isn't helping YOU ! All of those " smart pills " that YOU "hoover " up haven't been working on YOU EKIM ! But keep running your fantastic "campaign " for DOTY ! Go EKIM, GO !!