The Real Slave Guinevere


Well...apparently it was strong enough to make you tweet 15 times (so far!) about it.

As far as me being a "stalker" (claimed on your Twitter)...don't flatter yourself. Until you came at my friend I rarely gave you or your gal pal a thought unless someone that keeps up with this place happened to inform me of your antics.
Hot Summer's Avatar
We are sitting targets out here for a click group in Arkansas.
Thank you for this thread spanky!
I'm sorry you're dealing with this Again Zen!
Some people live off hate drama and Cigarettes.
Keep shining beautiful you're amazing and gorgeous.
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
We are sitting targets out here for a click group in Arkansas.
Thank you for this thread spanky!
I'm sorry you're dealing with this Again Zen!
Some people live off hate drama and Cigarettes.
Keep shining beautiful you're amazing and gorgeous. Originally Posted by Hot Summer
Looks to me it's not just Arkansas. Texas has it out too. I'd hate to get old and grouchy. Inevitable!!
Victoriajolie's Avatar
It just an observation but there a particular common factor on all this
Which shouldn’t be name

Observations 1) some really need to focus on them instead of others
2) they are more drama in Arkansas than nationwide currently
3) some leash are loose mine pretty tight since someone rtm me
4) Arkansas men are horny no need to force them to get a chasity belt

Saint Christopher doesn’t seem to be among us let’s the chosen ones see for what it is
I’m not making attack just observations not making it personal as from my understanding these a common issues among the community
And maybe I’m a fool for standing by more than handful hobbyists maybe I am

Now can we go back to having fun ?
Victoriajolie's Avatar
We are sitting targets out here for a click group in Arkansas.
Thank you for this thread spanky!
I'm sorry you're dealing with this Again Zen!
Some people live off hate drama and Cigarettes.
Keep shining beautiful you're amazing and gorgeous. Originally Posted by Hot Summer
I agree Summer
It just an observation but there a particular common factor on all this Originally Posted by Victoriajolie
You have an accurate observation. There is always one common denominator.
It must be painful being a prisoner in your own mind. Not every comment is about you, surly mine aren’t.
Another “grown woman” trying to body shame another?! Is a sign of your own insecurities.
I am a woman that has been blessed to have given birth to very healthy, beautiful, successful, respectful children. They have helped shape this strong, divine goddess body. Yes you read right, GODDESS I am a creator of life, what I have in between my legs is literally a gateway from heaven. I am not one bite ashamed of being a MOTHER.
As for the gas station comment and having a bestie, bravo for making me laugh at that one!!
SG and GD that was very thoughtful of you both to assist me in giving birth to my abundance this month. TY Sincerely obviously always in your mind ZENOVIA Originally Posted by Zenovia

PapaGrande wubbs ya Zen! always will.
We are sitting targets out here for a click group in Arkansas.
Thank you for this thread spanky!
I'm sorry you're dealing with this Again Zen!
Some people live off hate drama and Cigarettes.
Keep shining beautiful you're amazing and gorgeous. Originally Posted by Hot Summer

Wubbs you too Summer!
Well, I sense my impending banifcation. I see Slave is still yammering on about me on Twitter but I'm tired and want to relax so she can continue to shout into the void without me feeling the need to respond to her. It's all the same old nonsense anyway, fed to her by you-know-who and swallowed hook, line and sinker.

It's been nice seeing y'all again. I'm on Twitter if any friends that aren't already linked up there want to interact. Reach out to if you want my Twitter handle. With a couple of obvious exceptions. of course. I don't lock my account but I don't especially want to have to deal with a couple of crazies.
Victoriajolie's Avatar
What is your @ on twitter if I may ask
Well, I sense my impending banifcation. I see Slave is still yammering on about me on Twitter but I'm tired and want to relax so she can continue to shout into the void without me feeling the need to respond to her. It's all the same old nonsense anyway, fed to her by you-know-who and swallowed hook, line and sinker.

It's been nice seeing y'all again. I'm on Twitter if any friends that aren't already linked up there want to interact. Reach out to if you want my Twitter handle. With a couple of obvious exceptions. of course. I don't lock my account but I don't especially want to have to deal with a couple of crazies. Originally Posted by Hoblius
Good to hear from you after such a long time.

Don't be a stranger.
Hello Spanky
CatMan4u's Avatar
Why do we have to have
so much drama
WMJ4657's Avatar
Apparently OP had a beef with something that Slave posted about Zen, a top notch lady. Fairly obvious
Why is posting screen shots of a tweet a banable offense? Is this not a site for information exchange? It would appear such tweets are important information.