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Oh wikipedia is not really a scientific ressource. It can be used by Jungians to quote whatever they feel free. I speak german and i read with my own eyes german references and speeches Jung wrote in favour of fascism, he got invited plenty by so called german universities. He never apologized for them, not even after 1938. He felt very secure in his switzerland.
His connection to Freud dissappeared after the Sabrina Spielrein Affair

here is something else on Jung and his involvement with fascism: The Archetypes play very well into fascist belifs:

Jung and Nazism
Though the field of psychoanalysis was dominated at the time by Jewish practitioners, and Jung had many friends and respected colleagues who were Jewish, a shadow hung over Jung's career due to allegations that he was a Nazi sympathizer. Jung was editor of the Zentralblatt für Psychotherapie, a publication that eventually endorsed Mein Kampf as required reading for all psychoanalysts. Jung claimed this was done to save psychoanalysis and preserve it during the war, believing that psychoanalysis would not otherwise survive because the Nazis considered it to be a "Jewish science". He also claimed he did it with the help and support of his Jewish friends and colleagues. This after-the-fact explanation, however, has been strongly challenged on the basis of available documents. The question remains unresolved.

However, it is still a topic of interest whether Jung's later explanations of his actions to save psychoanalysis from the Nazi Regime meant that he did not actually believe in Nazism himself." Originally Posted by ninasastri
I'm not very knowledgeable about the history of Jung and Nazism. Having said that, I would make the following observation:

I am always very wary of the links trying to be made between some historical figure and Nazism unless they can come up with a first hand source that tends to prove the link.

The reason I'm wary is that at the time Germany/Hitler were very powerful political entities. As such, they were treated with respect and other political entities and institutions catered to them. Witness the Pope/Vatican, British PM Neville Chamberlain, and others who tried to appease the Nazis. I think a lot of people went along with the super power of the day, just as a lot of countries, although they don't like the US very much, go along with US wishes in order to benefit from the US's power.

It's just the way of the world. Were the people who appeased Nazis evil themselves? Probably not. But I'm wary of linking that attempted appeasement to actual evil.
I'm not very knowledgeable about the history of Jung and Nazism. Having said that, I would make the following observation:

I am always very wary of the links trying to be made between some historical figure and Nazism unless they can come up with a first hand source that tends to prove the link.

. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I agree of the wariness you have. But i researched properly and Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson and numerous other historicans have proofed this link sufficiently with first hand documents written by C.G. Jung for the Nazis. Its mostly in german so it is hard to cater to english speaking people if they don`t understand german. That is not meant to be snobbish, its just to be meant that you can never trust someone - except a court certified translator - to translate papers correctly into another language.

I personally think looking the other way qualifies as being fascist. The swiss were experts on that. They were so scared of the nazis that they first let all jews flee into their country just to send them back. Where they got shot at the boarder. Ever wonder why switzerland is so rich? BEcause its hard to claim bank accounts when they are anonymous and only numbers. And the relatives after the war had not sufficient papers. And switzerland has a law when no one claims the money after some years (decades i guess) its property of the state. One can say taht money on the bank is always banks property because they deal with it for their benefit, but its something different if no one claims it as a possession so they don`t nonly get a percentage, they get the whole kitt.

Jung was a person very much in denial of many things he did. The Sabrina Spielrein Affair was yet another proof of that. And of course the Jungian Institute did everything to hide these facts. But some historicians got hold of the original papers, diaries and love letters . That came out LONG time after his death. So its not something that is based on plain guessing.