Account Hacked

AWF in other threads you have boasted regarding having sex with girls you work with, at the beginning of your working relationship as an audition, meaning that what you do is intended to be what they do with your customers. According to Texas law that's instruction and verification of them by you as to what they are intended to do with your clients.

In addition you have left a trail of numerous girls as witnesses, so there can't be any loopwhole for you regarding the possible fantasy nature of content appearing here.

Your recent posts that you operate a "legal adult entertainment" service while operating this way indicates that you are either unaware of the most basic legal aspect of your own business, or you just don't care.
I'd have to rob a LOT more liquor stores to pay you what I'm sure you'd be worth.

Good thing I wasn't drinking lemonade when I read that!!!!!! I'm with Roxanne, LMFAO!! I find, however that liquor stores almost always have weapons, little risky for me. Stick to candy stores and stealing from babies.
rCoder's Avatar
I find, however that liquor stores almost always have weapons, little risky for me. Stick to candy stores and stealing from babies. Originally Posted by maxieryan
And if you don't have the guts for that, consider becoming a politician...

"Politics are multiple blood sucking parasites"
-- Kinky Friedman