What are ya'lls' thought on the mayhem between Hamas and the IDF?

i want to vomit reading your comments. some of you need supervised access to internet. shame on you. civilian people, innocent people dying and you pushing your little propagandas.
  • pxmcc
  • 10-12-2023, 02:42 AM
i mourn for civilians on both sides. Hamas has committed unspeakable atrocities. they should face war crimes tribunals, or death if they refuse to surrender.

but Israel needs to wrap up their airstrikes-too many civilian casualties-and get on with their ground invasion. civilians in Gaza have nowhere to go-all the borders are completely sealed up-so they just wait for an airstrike to hopefully kill them quickly, and be done with it.

Bernie Sanders, who is 100% Jewish, has correctly identified war crimes on the Israeli side. and if we supply Israel their weapons, we are aiding and abetting said war crimes, and become an accessory to their criminal conduct.

what needs to be done? if Israel wants to take out Hamas, then they need to go street by street, tunnel by tunnel, and house by house, arresting the bad guys, or killing them if an arrest isn't possible, while being careful to minimize civilian casualties.

in the meantime, Israel needs to turn the lights back on, the water back on, and let food, fuel, medicines, and potable water deliveries into Gaza. if they fail to do that, they are in violation of the law of war, specifically the 2nd Geneva Convention, which prohibits collective punishment of an entire people for the bad acts of the few. (Hamas sent in 1500 fighters to Israel from a population of 2.2 million. Gaza is nowhere even close to the size of Houston; it's smaller than Seattle.)

Netanyahu doesn't care about the fate of Gazan civilians. he never has before, so why would he start now?

the U.S. needs to ensure that Israel is not committing war crimes with our weapons, or we'll be joining Israel in indictments from the ICC.

(interesting footnote: the ICC has an active arrest warrant for Putin over his invasion of Ukraine. kinda crimps his travel plans lol.)

the State Dept. is working to get Americans out of Gaza. that's exactly what they should be doing. but we shouldn't forget about the non-American civilians that we're leaving behind to face death from the skies with American weapons.
500sl's Avatar
  • 500sl
  • 10-12-2023, 04:02 AM
“ (Hamas sent in 1500 fighters to Israel from a population of 2.2 million”

No, they sent 1500 terrorist in. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell the difference in terrorist or civilians, they hide amongst them.
  • pxmcc
  • 10-12-2023, 07:01 AM
“ (Hamas sent in 1500 fighters to Israel from a population of 2.2 million”

No, they sent 1500 terrorist in. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell the difference in terrorist or civilians, they hide amongst them. Originally Posted by 500sl
fair enough, 1500 terrorists out of a population of 2.2 million. that's
.068% of the population were terrorists who took part in the ops.

we did it in Iraq and Afghanistan. if Israel wants a ground invasion, they need to get on with it. they are on thin ice if they keep to the current plan.

imagine everyone in Houston must stay within 610, can't leave, no water, no electricity, no food, no fuel, and then China starts airstrikes on us. that's the situation for civilians in Gaza. it's horrific.

basically, the worst of the Texas freeze, but with airstrikes and no way to escape. Israel has admitted they've intentionally hit civilian structures with airstrikes, using American bombs, of course. was there a Hamas fighter living in a 5 story apartment building that was completely leveled? sure. so you kill one or a few Hamas terrorists, kill 200 civilians and injure several hundred civilians; those ratios are not ok under international law.

what Hamas did was also extremely horrific and utterly henious, don't get me wrong. in no way am i defending what they did. anyone who slaughtered babies is going straight to hell, if press reports are accurate. i'm inclined to believe the accounts i've heard. unspeakable evil. the fact that Hamas denies it makes me think that wasn't the official plan but some of the terrorists got crazy blood-lust and just went true demonic in the moment.
  • pxmcc
  • 10-13-2023, 02:16 AM
well yesterday Trump criticized Israel for intelligence lapses and called Hezbollah "very smart."


well of course i'm left of center and so Dear_John would expect at least some criticism from me about Israel or the plight of the Palestinian civilians in Gaza. but..

Trump is on the far right, Israel just got attacked by terrorists, and he criticizes Netanyahu and Israel, and then praises Hezbollah? (Hezbollah is an Islamic militia based in Lebanon-Israel's northern border-which doesn't think Israel should even exist. last time they exchanged fire with Israel, Hezbollah battled the IDF to a draw, which tells you something of their military skills and discipline. Israel is worried about Hezbollah entering into its war with Hamas.)

why on God's green earth would Trump criticize Israel and praise Hezbollah under the present circumstances? that makes zero sense to me.

also, Israel just ordered 1.1 million civilians to immediately evacuate from Gaza City/Northern Gaza to other parts of Gaza.

the UN response by volunteers actually working in Gaza? "umm, that isn't actually in any way doable.."

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I really don't have much to say, except lately I've been posting like a total asshole. It goes back to receiving a infraction that was totally unjustified. All I did was name a drug that is killing thousands of Americans, I wasn't promoting anything, but just stating facts. So fuck it.

There are actual facts in this invasion and killing thousands of innocents, some of those killed, beheaded and raped are........................... ..............opppps, can't name facts without getting or another nuclear bomb dropped on me.

Quickly touching base on the palestanian/jew wars. This has been going on before we had instruments that would register temp. and carbon dioxide levels when the dinosaurs ruled the earth. We can read about it, we can watch movies like Exodus about the birth of Israel, but can we truly know what goes on over there? All hamas wants to do is kill jewish adults and behead...........and rape adults and...................(danger, rules prohibit me from typing the complete truth no matter the context, that you can see on the daily news reports)

hamas started this latest crap, however they wanted to move in and kill adults and ..........danger, rules prohibit me from typing the complete truth no matter the context, that you can see on the daily news reports.........then play victim when Israel gets payback and you have weak minded individuals who buy into hamas all of a sudden turning these terrorists into the good guys or victims.

Did hamas know they would lose electricity, of course they did. Did hamas know that since 1940's the jews wouldn't put up with any more shit from anybody, of course they did. It's no different than playing a game of chess, before you make a move you should know your opponents move.

hamas, along with iran's help started this war, and they knew the jews would end it with payback. It's one thing to live here in Texas and watch things on the news, but everybody who lives in Israel, gaza, or west bank know the area is a ticking time bomb. hamas should have built a power plant to power up it's area as a part of the planning for this war and should've covered it's people's ass knowing well in advance the jews were not going to put up with their crap.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
How nice of you to make victims of hamas. Typical progressive democrat.

Note to self, be sure to remind yourself in the morning that you don't give a shit.

Let's see, about showing respect for someone who posted this twice. Not going to happen.

Originally Posted by USAsoldier
Christian Conservative men= Perverts & sexual predators. Ask former failed POTUS Donald Trump. A court ruled him to be a rapist.

Straight white males make up the majority of sexual offenders in US prisons. That is a fact.

****************************** **************

Originally Posted by USAsoldier
Pervs= straight males!!

Staff edit - UC Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

Why was this post edited? Why wasn't I informed by PM what rule I broke? I remember what I posted, however your editing took out some of the context of what I posted and why I posted what I did. I posted in larger size lettering about usasoldier calling all of us straight males as being pervs. Truth hurt any of our local snowflakes? Life is about choices, soldier boy called all of us straight males pervs, and my choice was to call him out for his bs using his own words in a quote.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I suggest you ask that question by pm to me.
NordicJag's Avatar
Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Might I remind you, that you were the one that started the dog thing. I was trying to have some fun with it. Maybe, if you spent more time defending the claims that you make and less time trying to belittle people personally, things would go better.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Well enough of not playing nice.
Closing thread.