Review: Another Lesson Learned - Still Old - And I Completely Understand Why Ladies Don't Like Greek

Very fun thread Say what
DarthDVader's Avatar
Well, the Vasectomy itself its very fast, simple and painless ...

Its more a psychological issue IMHO ...

I had the Vasectomy done on a friday, and stayed in ICU for a month ... No IJK ...
I went home walking right after, applied ice for a couple days ... back to work on monday ... and on a JetSki next weekend ...

The embarrassing part is that lil Darth indeed hid in front of the hot nurse that was Dr's assistant in the surgery when he saw the scalpel ... ...
He noticed and asked: "are you scared?" ... what you think? I answered the motherfucker ...

Oh, and no, my voice didn't change

I refuse to take what's behind door # 1. No vasectomy for this old fart. Originally Posted by Say What
Well shit...I had no idea there were female proctologists out about looking forward to an appointment...fuck ya
I certainly hope you sent him some flowers the next day...
bigdaddyhm's Avatar
Shit, you think THAT was bad, I had a similar provider drug me (putting me out COLD) while I was laying in wait on what I THOUGHT was massage table. Next thing I knew, I woke up with him hovering over me, smiling, and saying "We got some great pics." My asshole was a sticky mess; I am still not quite sure what all he did back there. Originally Posted by HwanHungLo
The first time I had the camera run up my ass was unforgetful. They were wheeling me in on the gurney and the music in the backgound was "Another one bites the dust". When I pointed that out to everyone, they had a good laugh. I was kinda half-hearted in my laughter.

Then I counted backwards to about 8 and was out. As I was coming back to life they were still pulling out cable and I reached back and hit someone. After I realized what I was doing then I was the one laughing the loudest. They then made a notation on my record. Not sure what they wrote but the other times I have had that procedure, they have NEVER woke me up until everything is out and the gown is covering my ass. lol
texasmarine's Avatar
My vasectomy hurt like a bitch. When the doctor grabbed my balls, I knew I was in trouble. I guess I shouldn't have asked him if he's done this much. He had me wear a jock 2 sizes too small to help reduce swelling.

I had a very pretty probably 27 y.o. intern and her 30 y.o. hot supervising nurse practitioner give me the ole hernia check where they took turns fondling my balls and having me cough. I didn't need the blue pill this time to feel a bit of a rise in my tiny pecker.

Somehow I managed to get through it without the embarrassment of a half boner. I'm sure they had a laugh at my expense about either my size or noticing the little stiffy.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Hmmm... I think we should role play. I'm thinking you come over for your "check up" and the naughty nurse (me) enters the not so clinical room. (No scales, I promise!). I won't abuse you, but I will use you... to suck you, lick you, ride you...

Thank you for this post!! It made me laugh, made me horny, and now I'm off to go buy a naughty nurse outfit. Xoxo Originally Posted by AbbyNicole
A deal! I will bring my micro-scopic-lamp, and , naughty Dr me, will do a complete evaluation of your vhatever you want! After or before. In your non so clinical room.
doug_dfw's Avatar
When I had the cut, my Dr's nurse told me " Go home> Stay quiet> Apply ice for 20 minutes every 4 hours until the swelling subsides." I did the first 4 hours, went to bed, and to work in the morning. But I walked no waddled like Donald Duck-much to my surprize, my co-workers called it the way it was. Had the cut Doug? Don't worry, fun days ahead! Even the women. Taught me a lesson. Use the Ice!
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Too funny. Thank you for the laugh and for letting us laugh at your expense.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 07-24-2014, 05:41 PM
Before anyone even brought up the butt-video i was thinking about Ray Steven's "Doctor, Doctor"!

Well, the cruelest thing that was ever invented
Came out of a mind that was truly demented
It's a little old thing they call the 'proctoscope'
I said, "A little old thing, that ain't exactly right."
'Cause it's a three-foot piece of galvanized pipe!
Make a sedentary middle-aged man out-jump an antelope!
Thread of the year nominee right here! Good stuff! Originally Posted by dongeykong

And I laughed nearly the entire time reading this! Great thread and a relief!
RexWoodall's Avatar
Excellent timing. i just had my first prostate exam yesterday afternoon. i told the doc "Well, this is undignified."

i love how doctors use elevated terms for the mundane. At a proctologist's - pardon me, a colorectal surgeon's - office a few years ago, i was introduced to the "short scope". This is the doctor's term for a glass butt plug. i hope they autoclave that thing between uses.

i once witnessed a finger amputation. The hand surgeon asked for a "rongeur". Turns out it's a pair of pliers. i mean, they're pretty nice pliers, but still...
daty/o's Avatar
Very informative review SW; don't see why you shouldn't get credit. I doubt if a "No' recommendation will hurt his biz.
I can't say I have ever met this particular "provider", but I have had the experience and fwiw, I do prefer Jessica's version.
And as far as vasectomies go; I have also had that experience (not from Jessica) and the procedure itself was not so bad. I could have done without the needle, though. OUCH.
Mister Tudball's Avatar
My doctor said I had an enlarged prostate. I said I wanted a second opinion. He agreed, then shoved in two fingers.

Old joke.