Cows and Captialism

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  • 03-13-2011, 11:15 AM
Racism and bigotry is vile and disgusting - it has no place on D & T Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Chuckster....Here is an example. Do you see how Lauren's own words in another thread can apply in this thread? Yet she does not understand your POV.

We all pick and choose on what we find offensive.

Not picking on Lauren , we all seem to do it.

My point was that we should all at least be aware that we do and not just think that we are above it!
You know it's funny, I knew you'd do that. You've become predictable over the years - twisting things by removing context is a specialty of yours.

That post was in response to:
"Jews killed Jesus"

The Jewish people forever carrying the responsibility for the death of what some believe is the son of God.

I understood it was meant to be statement of a fact of history. Forgive me if it was a joke. Fill me in on the punch line and I'll retract my statement.

However, being Polish, I had relatives with numbers tattooed on their bodies, because someone mistook Legend for Fact, and killed a lot of people, believing Jesus was killed by Jews.

Interestingly this ties in with the cow joke. You see my people have been torn apart by war our entire history - which means our teachers, thinkers, artists were lined up and slaughtered to keep our people uneducated - which is why we joke about trying to milk a bull. But truth is we're excellent farmers, which is why the joke is sarcastic, based on our history, and funny.
discreetgent's Avatar
I agree..... now lets check out everyone real sense of humor and fairness.

Q: What's a Jewish dilemma?
A: Free ham.

Q: How did they know that Jesus was Jewish?
A: Because he lived at home until he was thirty, he went into his father's business, his mother thought he was God, and he thought his mother was a virgin

Did you hear about the man who was half-Polish and half-Jewish?
He made himself an offer he couldn't understand.

Ha ha ha Originally Posted by WTF
WTF I am Jewish and I have heard these all before and you know what .... I chuckled at the one or two that seemed well put together and didn't chuckle at the ones that seemed forced.
discreetgent's Avatar
I understood it was meant to be state as a fact of history. Fill me in on the punch line and I'll retract the statement. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Iaintliein's Avatar
One point to consider. Every ethnic group in the OP. . . probably makes lawyer jokes.
One point to consider. Every ethnic group in the OP. . . probably makes lawyer jokes. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Well duh! Lawyers don't have feelings that might be hurt.
I'll never understand the logic behind the idea that because a lot of people do something automatically means that it is an acceptable thing to do. I will also never understand the logic behind the idea that if some people in a group of individuals do something, no one in that group has a right to complain if others do it to them. That may be the most offensive comment I've seen so far in this thread.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
However, being Polish, I had relatives with numbers tattooed on their bodies, because someone mistook Legend for Fact, and killed a lot of people, believing Jesus was killed by Jews. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
What? Are you saying that's why they were murdered in mass by the Nazis?
Or did I miss something?
What? Are you saying that's why they were murdered in mass by the Nazis?
Or did I miss something? Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
You cannot separate Nazi history from the history of the surrounding areas. Europe was predominantly Christian, there was a great deal of antisemetic ideology already seeded in the minds of the people. It primed the stage for the Natzi movement. They were primarily accused of two evils: killing Jesus and controling money. It's why many stood back and did nothing (though I'm sure many good people were frozen with fear), it's why many people turned them in. The many good Christians who understood the principals of their faith hid Jews, and ended up in concentration camps too.
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  • WTF
  • 03-13-2011, 03:06 PM
You know it's funny, I knew you'd do that. You've become predictable over the years - twisting things by removing context is a specialty of yours.

That post was in response to:
"Jews killed Jesus"

The Jewish people forever carrying the responsibility for the death of what some believe is the son of God.

I understood it was meant to be statement of a fact of history. Forgive me if it was a joke. Fill me in on the punch line and I'll retract my statement.

. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
You called someone anti Jewish for merely discussing history! She was not telling a lie. It is supported in many points of history, yet you equated it to ''Racism and bigotry''

The joke is you never apologized, had you, we would not be having this discussion.

My point in this thread is that there is always something that one can get offended about....a fact that you proved in another thread. It matters not if it was a joke or a discussion.

Earlier in this thread you called people stupid for not being able to distinguish simple things. This is one of them.

. People that don't know the difference are stupid, and my sense of humour will not evolve to accommodate the lowest common denominator.
Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I'm familiar with written history.
There are other things or historical facts that astound me. Cause me to wonder. I want to understand but this is not the forum. I wish I could talk to my great grand parents or those of their time.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Edit: The point, L, is that they laugh at themselves. You don't seem to be a member of any of these groups. I notice that it did not include Canadian anything.

I don't find it funny to stereotype groups of people and then make fun of them or use the stereotype to perpetuate any kind of discrimination. Making fun of whole groups of people at their expense is not honorable.

It's the kind of thing done by the Ku Klux Klan, the NAACP, Peter King, and to a lesser extent, some really obnoxious professional comedians.

I find it to be derogatory and I don't think it belongs any place on this Board. But that's just my opinion. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I'd be more likely to appreciate your view if you attacked your left wing brethren as vehemently when they stereotyped conservatives.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-13-2011, 03:58 PM
I'd be more likely to appreciate your view if you attacked your left wing brethren as vehemently when they stereotyped conservatives. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
WE attack the left about as much as you attack the right!
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  • WTF
  • 03-13-2011, 04:06 PM
However, being Polish, I had relatives with numbers tattooed on their bodies, because someone mistook Legend for Fact, and killed a lot of people, believing Jesus was killed by Jews.

. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Jesus had nothing to do with why Nazi Germany was ant-Jewish!

What? Are you saying that's why they were murdered in mass by the Nazis?
Or did I miss something? Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
You missed something MA! LOL Lauren got that one wrong. Below is a brief outline on Hitlers thinking...

Roots of Hitler's and the Nazis' Hatred of Jews

For a short answer see the Related Questions listed at the bottom.
  1. Many of the 'theories' about Hitler's hatred of the Jews, especially those claiming to be based on a single experience early in his life, are no more than fanciful guesswork.
  2. The reasons given by Hitler in 'Mein Kampf' should be treated with caution. The book is not a reliable source.
  3. In the last 30 years or so historians have generally distinguished between the ordinary prejudices of his background and time (Roman Catholic, Upper Austria, lower middle class, around 1880-1910) and the obsessive hatred that later became one of his hallmarks.
  4. It appears that, contrary to what he says in 'Mein Kampf', Hitler's extreme antisemitism only arose towards the end of World War 1 or even later. (See Volume 1 of Ian Kershaw's two volume biography, Hubris, Penguin Books 1998).
  5. There had been anti-Jewish prejudice of varying degrees of intensity in many parts of Europe and elsewhere for a long time. A distinctive feature of Hitler's antisemitism was that it was formulated as conspiracy theory. For many, especially in Bavaria, this went hand in hand with the 'stab-in-the-back' theory, that is, with the view that Germany had not been defeated on the battlefield but had been brought down by liberal, socialist and Communist subversives on the home front. In other words it was claimed that 'the Jews had caused Germany's defeat in World War 1'. Potentially, this made antisemitism explosive in Germany.
  6. In much of Europe it was assumed that Jews were Communists. In many hardline right wing circles there was talk about a supposed 'Judeo-Bolshevist conspiracy'. This was highly inflammatory. Despite his ranting against Jewish businessmen Hitler saw the Jews as the 'biological root' of Bolshevism. (See the link below on the influence of emigres from Russia).
  7. In Bavaria but not in other most parts of Germany a number of Marxists of Jewish origin had been prominent in the upheavals of 1918-1919. Most, like Ernst Toller and Erich Mühsam, for example, were idealistic utopians. They were not conspirators or traitors or anything of that sort. However, their origins were shamelessly exploited for propaganda purposes.
  8. Many extreme German Nationalists (not only the Nazis) called the new German republic a 'Jewish republic' (though almost none of its leaders were Jews). There was a widespread tendency, not only in Germany, to equate the Jews with subversion and Communism. In many of his speeches Hitler often used the words Jews and Bolshevists almost interchangeably. He merged rabid anti-communism with equally fanatical antisemitism. To this he later added the claim that Jews were homosexuals, allegedly undermining the manliness and and fighting spirit of the German people. This combination was potentially a 'witches' brew'

Read more: ate_the_Jews#ixzz1GWHfYNCd
First this horse/thread is well beaten. I think we're done here. Nothin' to see folks.

Second, millions were killed in WWII because of their religious beliefs, sexual preferences, country of origin, skin color, or politics. To tie that in the "jews killed Jesus" was offensive to me when it was posted. For someone to be offended by that ideology is okay. It perpetuates awful concepts and ideas.

Please use a better choice of words, take a deep breath, re-read your posts. You decide whether or not to send a post or edit it a little more. We did not sign on as firemen here to put out fires, we want to moderate i.e. gentle persuasion. It seems of late that the embers keep popping up here and there.