Can you decipher what bitten said here SPEED do you possibly have the decoder ring!!?? I did understand the part where he said "makes no sense"...he's right about that!!

Here is an interesting article on the current state of the presidential race by Michael Continetti, who is a conservative journalist. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

This "conservative guy"...GOTCHA!!

From October 2015 to May 2016, the Washington Free Beacon, under Continetti's stewardship, hired Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on "multiple candidates" during the 2016 presidential election, including Donald Trump. The Free Beacon stopped funding his research when Trump was selected as the Republican Party nominee.[1
Here is an interesting article on the current state of the presidential race by Michael Continetti, who is a conservative journalist. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

This "conservative journalist"...GOTCHA!!

From October 2015 to May 2016, the Washington Free Beacon, under Continetti's stewardship, hired Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on "multiple candidates" during the 2016 presidential election, including Donald Trump. The Free Beacon stopped funding his research when Trump was selected as the Republican Party nominee.[1
Here is an interesting article on the current state of the presidential race by Michael Continetti, who is a conservative journalist. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

This "conservative" journalist...GOTCHA!

From October 2015 to May 2016, the Washington Free Beacon, under Continetti's stewardship, hired Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on "multiple candidates" during the 2016 presidential election, including Donald Trump. The Free Beacon stopped funding his research when Trump was selected as the Republican Party nominee.[1
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I'm not singling you out as a voter, I'm singling you out because YOU are the only one on this board that thinks this 17 seconds of gibberish by a presumptive presidential nominee doesn't matter. He won't de able to debate a kindergartner...these debates with be a one were he won't understand the question much less how to answer it. I asked you before after I posted a couple a dozen article of BOTH political parties and you had no answer to any of the links.

I asked you to link just ONE article that refutes ANY of those links and you didn't because...they don't exist. We'll be waiting till hell freezes over before you have ANYTHING to back up your ridiculous claim...he isn't fit to ever mentally fit to be a trash collector??

The topic of the THREAD is...can anyone decipher this word salad. your answer is as always...NADA!!

Thanks for decoding the 17 seconds...deflection as always. Originally Posted by bb1961
I really don't care. You are a one issue person who is either unwilling or unable to discuss political issues in depth. You won't even tell me if you believe Trump will win the popular vote, let alone which party will control the House and Senate after the November elections. You are clueless.

Here are some links for you:

"You need to stop saying Joe Biden has dementia"

2020 Becomes the Dementia Campaign

Biden and Trump partisans trade charges of senility in an era of aging candidates.

Even in his early days in the Senate, where he arrived at 30 in 1972, Biden was known for a garrulous and sometimes discursive style. In the context of a presidential campaign, however, this can raise eyebrows.

In Trump’s case, he has often gotten lost rhetorically in precisely the same ways for which he mocks Biden. He once referred to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “Betanyahu.” In December, more than 700 psychiatrists and other mental-health professionals submitted a petition to Congress during the impeachment inquiry warning that President Donald Trump's mental health was rapidly deteriorating. MSNBC commentator Joe Scarborough, who has known Trump for years, said comments the president made speculating that if Andrew Jackson had come later he might have prevented the Civil War reminded Scarborough of his mother’s struggles with dementia. The "Morning Joe" host also told his audience in 2018, “It's getting worse, and not a single person who works for him doesn’t know he has early signs of dementia.”


The Disinformation Campaign Being Launched Against Biden

There is no data to support the allegation that he is in cognitive decline.

You think this issue is all-important to voters in November 2020. So far, as I've stated several times, there is no indication that voters are not planning to vote for Biden due to claims by many that he has early onset dementia or any other kind of mental issues. Biden is winning every poll at the national level except one.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I really don't care. You are a one issue person who is either unwilling or unable to discuss political issues in depth. You won't even tell me if you believe Trump will win the popular vote, let alone which party will control the House and Senate after the November elections. You are clueless.

Here are some links for you:

"You need to stop saying Joe Biden has dementia"

2020 Becomes the Dementia Campaign

Biden and Trump partisans trade charges of senility in an era of aging candidates.

Even in his early days in the Senate, where he arrived at 30 in 1972, Biden was known for a garrulous and sometimes discursive style. In the context of a presidential campaign, however, this can raise eyebrows.

In Trump’s case, he has often gotten lost rhetorically in precisely the same ways for which he mocks Biden. He once referred to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “Betanyahu.” In December, more than 700 psychiatrists and other mental-health professionals submitted a petition to Congress during the impeachment inquiry warning that President Donald Trump's mental health was rapidly deteriorating. MSNBC commentator Joe Scarborough, who has known Trump for years, said comments the president made speculating that if Andrew Jackson had come later he might have prevented the Civil War reminded Scarborough of his mother’s struggles with dementia. The "Morning Joe" host also told his audience in 2018, “It's getting worse, and not a single person who works for him doesn’t know he has early signs of dementia.”


The Disinformation Campaign Being Launched Against Biden

There is no data to support the allegation that he is in cognitive decline.

You think this issue is all-important to voters in November 2020. So far, as I've stated several times, there is no indication that voters are not planning to vote for Biden due to claims by many that he has early onset dementia or any other kind of mental issues. Biden is winning every poll at the national level except one.
Oilrig's Avatar
Isn't Biden leading Trump by 8 points in a Reuters poll right now? Originally Posted by adav8s28
How'd those fake polls work out for ya in 2016

How'd those fake polls work out for ya in 2016 Originally Posted by Oilrig
As I and Speed keep saying, you gotta differentiate between polls and pundits.

The polls were almost to a one spot on in 2016 within their margins of error.

It was moron pundits taking the fact that maybe 85% of the polls had Hillary leading by a point with a 2-3 point margin of error and deemed her the victor.

Polling itself was pretty accurate on election day 2016.

Hillary won the popular vote, Trump eeked out a victory in the EC by winning a few key EC states.

2020 looks to be very similar and I don't doubt Biden wins popular vote, but possibly not the EC.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
wouldn't trump make history if he does that.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...You won't even tell me if you believe Trump will win the popular vote... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Interesting point?!? Actually, NO it is not, unless dementia has set in. In which case, maybe it's from human-to-human transmission from Biden. Notwithstanding, doesn't the Cocker Spaniel vote and he popular vote have equal status in our law? Why yes they do, which is none.

Though I was shocked, shocked I say, to hear that all those left-leaning rags are incredulously defending Joe "who put the Dem in Dementia" Biden. Yet not a one of them has ever published the secret decoder ring so we can even understand what the heck Joe "place holder" Biden is even saying in his speeches.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Hillary won the popular vote, Trump eeked out a victory in the EC by winning a few key EC states.... Originally Posted by eccielover

When ya get a second, could you point to that law, amendment or Constitution that codifies the "Popular Vote" as law? After that, could ya give Five38 a ring up about their predictions?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This "conservative" journalist...GOTCHA!

Originally Posted by bb1961
"Matthew Joseph Continetti is an American conservative political commentator and a Resident Fellow in Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies at the American Enterprise Institute."

"Matthew Continetti is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where his work is focused on American political thought and history, with a particular focus on the development of the Republican Party and the American conservative movement in the 20th century."

"AEI is closely associated with conservatism and neoconservatism, although it is officially non-partisan."
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Interesting point?!? Actually, NO it is not, unless dementia has set in. In which case, maybe it's from human-to-human transmission from Biden. Notwithstanding, doesn't the Cocker Spaniel vote and he popular vote have equal status in our law? Why yes they do, which is none.

Though I was shocked, shocked I say, to hear that all those left-leaning rags are incredulously defending Joe "who put the Dem in Dementia" Biden. Yet not a one of them has ever published the secret decoder ring so we can even understand what the heck Joe "place holder" Biden is even saying in his speeches. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Yet Biden leads in all the polls. How can that be? I know. we all have TDS.

More people will vote for Biden in 2020 than for Trump. Meaning more people in this country prefer a man on his decline mentally than who is currently in office.

I'll ask you the same questions that most others won't touch.

Who will win the popular vote in 2020? Assuming Biden is the Democratic candidate, will Trump close the 2016 popular vote gap or will it widen?

Who will win control of the House and Senate?

Which Senate seats will change from one party to the other?

Will Trump win more or less electoral votes in 2020 than he did in 2016? Which states will flip from blue to red and red to blue?
Yet Biden leads in all the polls. How can that be? I know. we all have TDS.

More people will vote for Biden in 2020 than for Trump. Meaning more people in this country prefer a man on his decline mentally than who is currently in office.

I'll ask you the same questions that most others won't touch.

Who will win the popular vote in 2020? Assuming Biden is the Democratic candidate, will Trump close the 2016 popular vote gap or will it widen?

Who will win control of the House and Senate?

Which Senate seats will change from one party to the other?

Will Trump win more or less electoral votes in 2020 than he did in 2016? Which states will flip from blue to red and red to blue? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

At this stage of the game with everything changing on basically a daily basis, the only one I"ll even take a stab at is I agree Biden likely wins popular vote.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
At this stage of the game with everything changing on basically a daily basis, the only one I"ll even take a stab at is I agree Biden likely wins popular vote. Originally Posted by eccielover
I certainly understand that opinions may change over the next 6+ months. Just discussion points. I have no problem with others disagreeing with my POVs.

Democrats hold the House but the margin narrows. Republicans hold the Senate but the margin narrows. Jones loses Demcratic seat in Alabama. Hickenlooper beats Gardner in Colorado and Kelly beats McSally to turn 2 Repulican seats. Collins (R) looks to be in a tight in Maine and Tillis (R) in NC also. No other Senate seats look to be in trouble at the current time in my opinion. So it would take Democrats gaining those 3 Senate seats and Biden winning the presidency for Democrats to gain control of the Senate. Won't happen IMHO. Personally I don't want to see one party control the House, Senate and presidency.

Trump will lose at least one state he won in 2016 and not pick up any he lost.

One other prediction. Trump will win Texas but with less than the 9% margin he won by in 2016. In the 5% and under range.

All predictions subtect to change.
All predictions subtect to change. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
And that is why I won't go out on a limb yet. Way to early for possible subject to change.