Does Obama want a war in the Straits of Hormuz?

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I don't know if TTH is rich or not, and I don't care to know. He's a pathetic loser, and deserving of pity more than anything else. To keep posting about how rich he is, and how it doesn't matter if people die or are hurt to make him richer, simply shows him to be what he claims to hate. A guy like that doesn't have the respect or friendship of anyone, unless he pays for it. Sad, truly sad.

Then he tells us he's a Democrat, because they are the party that "cares".

But he is right, Obama does kill his enemies. Well, at least after the fact when he changes their designation from "innocent civilian" to "enemy combatant". And Obama even keeps a list of enemies to be killed, including American citizens. Brave man, that Obama. Give him a drone, and he will kill anyone, and any children stupid enough to be near his "enemy" at the time. Oops, I didn't mean "children", I meant "enemy combatants".