Musings on the escort industry

John Bull's Avatar
Prostitution = Selling one's body for money.


Correct definition: Prostitution = Using one's body while providing a service to others of a personal nature.

Not only sounds better to me, but is, I think, more accurate.
From the Yahoo Dictionary:

"Prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in sex acts for hire."

I think this is the most accurate definition.
John Bull's Avatar
I hear you brother, however #6 is mind boggling, though.

You both are two consenting adults engaging in consensual sex, how would such mutual agreement damage her, or even society for that matter? Originally Posted by Nicolette Morgandy
An argument that has been made against prostitution is that it damages the women. My observation is that many of the escorts are indeed damaged people; however, I don’t think their sex work did it. The damage arose due to their experiences prior to entering the industry. The fact that society treats them as expendible doesn’t help.
An argument that has been made against prostitution is that it damages the women. My observation is that many of the escorts are indeed damaged people; however, I don’t think their sex work did it. The damage arose due to their experiences prior to entering the industry. The fact that society treats them as expendible doesn’t help. Originally Posted by Absinthe1912
I don't know if I completely buy this. But the argument is similar to the one I have with my SO over Hooters waitresses. She maintains that these women are being "used" by the system, they are being denigrated in their jobs because of what they wear, and a whole host of other things. They are merely "boy toys" used to get men in the restaurant. And the men take advantage of them.

I, on the other hand, maintain that no one forced them into the the jobs. On the contrary, these ladies apply for those jobs. They want the jobs. And they make good money at them. And I think these young ladies go into the jobs with eyes wide open. They know they'll be mostly sex objects, and that is the lure that most other restaurants don't have. And they also know they'll have to put up with a certain amount of sexual bantering, and even evading the occasional wandering hand. And they still take the job.

Oh, BTW, this is NOT a restaurant with owl themes, no matter how much they push it.
ANONONE's Avatar
Prostitution = Selling one's body for money.


Correct definition: Prostitution = Using one's body while providing a service to others of a personal nature.

Not only sounds better to me, but is, I think, more accurate. Originally Posted by John Bull
Well, if we are going to be exact, let's look at the actual etymology of the word:


It is from the Latin word prostituere

"to offer one's body for use or exposure publicly for trade"

So, I still put it out there, and athlete or a star that uses their body could also be a prostitute. So could a person doing physical labor for money.

The only difference is the connotation that society places on the word.
From the Yahoo Dictionary:

"Prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in sex acts for hire."

I think this is the most accurate definition. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I strongly agree.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Maybe this analogy may upset folks, but society is at best a collective, nervous, quirky, animal ready to split at the sinews at any given time, so why even bother caring what "they" think?

We might as well be sitting around and discussing Bill Cosby's favorite topic. . .

Why is there air? Originally Posted by ANONONE
I remember catching that Cosby skit where he scornfully repeats the question someone asked about why there is air.

Cosby in his usual down-to-earth style answered,

"Why it's to blow up basketballs!"

Case closed!

prostitution from Latin pro statuere: place forward, place into exhibition and literally meant place oneself or somebody else outside on the street.

in antique Greece, there were the following distinctions

σποδεσιλαύρα (spodesiláura)
διώβολoν (diōbolon)
πóρνη (pórnē)
δῆμος (dēmos)
κοινή (koinē)
γεφυρίς (gephyrís)
αὐλέτιδες (aulétides)


Ἑταίραι (Hetáirai)

The Noun Prostitution (latin prostitutio) was only introduced with Christian authors and shows the shift in semantics introduced at that period.

The City of Athens actually ran their own brothels. earliest records are from the 7th century BC.

generally, stereotypical female roles where:

Hetairai (Prostitute, for fun and pleasure). there is no English word, closest is companion with a longer term notion than by the hour.
ConCubine (daily physical satisfaction)
From the Yahoo Dictionary:

"Prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in sex acts for hire."

I think this is the most accurate definition. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
The act or practice of engaging in sex acts for hire without a director or camera man. Because Porn stars are not considered prostitutes. So bring a video camera and make it legal.
As far as the "selling your body for money," would selling sperm or blood count? What about surrogate mothers renting their wombs?
discreetgent's Avatar
The act or practice of engaging in sex acts for hire without a director or camera man. Because Porn stars are not considered prostitutes. So bring a video camera and make it legal. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Yeah, porn is an interesting one. It is the third party paying both the gal and guy that is part of the difference. Silly distinction really but it is part of why the California courts (freedom of expression is the other) have ruled making porn legal in CA.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
We could debate this until Doomsday and never resolve it.


Did I say Doomsday?

Isn't that supposed to happen in about 2 years?
I don't get it... inside joke? Someone help the blond girl out and explain, please. Originally Posted by Natalie
Natalie, DG was referencing an earlier thread wherein a fellow made what sounded like a trolling post. We responded by derailing the thread utterly with wine, women and song (or Jagermeister and variations thereon, Cheap Trick lyrics and popcorn, whichever).
ANONONE's Avatar
The act or practice of engaging in sex acts for hire without a director or camera man. Because Porn stars are not considered prostitutes. So bring a video camera and make it legal. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
As far as the "selling your body for money," would selling sperm or blood count? What about surrogate mothers renting their wombs? Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Two fantastic points!

Yeah, porn is an interesting one. It is the third party paying both the gal and guy that is part of the difference. Silly distinction really but it is part of why the California courts (freedom of expression is the other) have ruled making porn legal in CA. Originally Posted by discreetgent
So let me get this straight. . .

If you paid me a to film myself having sex with Colette and I paid her as an actress, we would be completely legal, but it would have to occur in California?

Do porn stars have to have SAG cards?