Driver or pimp?

When I hear "pimp", I'm usually thinking human trafficking or a man forcing a woman or girl into a situation they really don't want to be in and demanding their money and only giving them enough to get by or get high. I see nothing wrong with independent provider having a man to ensure safety as long as it's a mutual agreement of services and the lady not being coerced or forced against her will. While it may make the session a little uneasy if the john realizes that there is a man or men in the room next door that are there for her. I once had a sliding glass door open in while in a hotel room while I was balls deep in a hooker, startled the hell out of me. I jumped off the bed heading for my clothes, the lady ran to the door and handed whoever was on the other side the money and tried to ensure me that it was only her guy that keeps her money so she doesn't have all of her money in the room to be either robbed or LE finding all her cash if busted. I asked are you sure he's not your pimp because if you are being forced to do this I would not like the idea of contributing to the situation. She said she was independent and wanted to continue the session and she locked the sliding glass door to put me at ease. I hurried and finished in doggy and was out looking over my shoulder the whole time. I would have been much more comfortable if I knew ahead of time and she personally brought the money to him before starting the session. In my mind I was eithe about to be arrested or attacked, but neither happened. I will never see her again but I get a good chuckle out of it now . Originally Posted by Bikerjoe337

That still sounds like her pimp.
Best bet would to not say anything period other than your name and for YOU to ask why you're being pulled over, after showing your liscense,ins, and registration the only thing you should say is I'm free to go? Its not a crime to have a hooker in your car. Originally Posted by SashaSedusax
I'm only playing because I'm in a good mood. I just won 4k on that mcgregor fight, gonna be a good hobby month.

don't follow internet advice, reality is very different.
Precious_b's Avatar
No doubt. It starts with a simple "Do you know why I pulled you over?" because i have a hooker in my truck is not a good answer lol. Really though I don't mind answering non incriminating stuff. If you plead the fifth off the bat for a traffic stop with a hooker in your vehicle, you're going in for questioning. It sounds silly but cops know, they do it all day everyday, they can feel it.

The big thing is know each others names. As long as you know each others names, and have the same story they will usually let you go besides any traffic ticket or whatever. If you're caught in the act lol, you're fucked, then yes clam up and get a good lawyer.

If you don't know each others names or your stories don't match you're probably going to get searched, which could be really bad depending on the lady. And you're definitely going in for questioning. Originally Posted by radio109

You are missing one little thing that can throw a wrench in the works. It happened to me.

If the Provider doesn't keep her stuff square, she'll attract attention to you that you don't want. For me, she had warrants she didn't take care of. I didn't realize I parked in a no parking zone and that attracted the attention. When all was said and done, I left with only a mail in fine while they took her downtown. But if one had a SO, it would have been a hard situation to explain to the partner.
You are missing one little thing that can throw a wrench in the works. It happened to me.

If the Provider doesn't keep her stuff square, she'll attract attention to you that you don't want. For me, she had warrants she didn't take care of. I didn't realize I parked in a no parking zone and that attracted the attention. When all was said and done, I left with only a mail in fine while they took her downtown. But if one had a SO, it would have been a hard situation to explain to the partner. Originally Posted by Precious_b
WOW that sucks brother. I've been pulled over with a hooker, once recently, many times in my youth even though I wasn't indulging at the time. So far I've avoided the slammer because of a hooker. I'm not about to be a smartass to a cop though when he got me. That's just a tough break man in your case.

Most will roll on your ass without hesitation too, if it saves them.
Yes even in RL driving someone some place can be disastrous IF they have warrants ect..
Most of the time people won't tell you they are wanted or have unlawful things on their person.

That is why you should never be a driver for a lady going on a call or be waiting for her during said call.

Now not ALL working ladies are on the sauce. Some of us are actually legit.

But a word to the wise just say no.....If she want's to get to said call she will figure out a way to get there.
Precious_b's Avatar
WOW that sucks brother. I've been pulled over with a hooker, once recently, many times in my youth even though I wasn't indulging at the time. So far I've avoided the slammer because of a hooker. I'm not about to be a smartass to a cop though when he got me. That's just a tough break man in your case.

Most will roll on your ass without hesitation too, if it saves them. Originally Posted by radio109
For me, it was okay. I keep my shit square.
And meeting her was at her request and not for a session.
For her though....
First problem, lying to the police as to who she was. She told me she didn't have her ID and was going to pass herself off as some girl she knew.
Second, when they found warrants on her.
Third, and this is a doozie and what will get Hobbyist in DEEP SHIT, she had substances on her person that violate GL #15.

The thing that really got to me was all the lying the cops were doing. I guess it is standard procedure with them to shake up a person. I got arrogant with them and challenged them on a few things.

All in all, I was okay since there are few ripples that will get back to my non-hobby life (no SO/GF/wife/etc.)
So, if any Hobbyist has something/someone that they don't want to have get a phone call from the police, they better take note what they are in for.