Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former - Albert Einstein

My sig quote twern't Gus, boys. But you get props for getting the movie right.
Only God can understand what they can not...or so goes their thinking.

They do not understand that there are other mere mortals that in fact do have a grasp of science and how it works!

Originally Posted by WTF
Lol. I learned about quarks in 5th grade. This subject is child's play. Essence isn't even a doctor. He just pretends to be one.
joe bloe's Avatar
My sig quote twern't Gus, boys. But you get props for getting the movie right. Originally Posted by JDNorthface
My bad! Of course it was Woodrow.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CoG, so you can't answer my question? Originally Posted by essence
I did. You're just too infatuated with yourself to see it.

I did. You're just too infatuated with yourself to see it.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I must also be going blind wanking to pictures of Michelle
Lol. I learned about quarks in 5th grade. This subject is child's play. Essence isn't even a doctor. He just pretends to be one. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
Stop trying to troll me. I will not be provoked. I will not be provoked. I will not be provoke I will not be provok I will not be provo zzzzzz

Seriously, there is a 5th grade understanding of evolution (or quarks), and there is 50 years of experience and research into evolution (or quarks). Socrates and followers (Eliot) have been quoted enough already.
If Socrates was alive today, he would have to modify his observation.

"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing except that liberals are idiots." Originally Posted by joe bloe
I'm staying out of it. But I just dropped by to say that was funny right there.
Stop trying to troll me. I will not be provoked. I will not be provoked. I will not be provoke I will not be provok I will not be provo zzzzzz

Seriously, there is a 5th grade understanding of evolution (or quarks), and there is 50 years of experience and research into evolution (or quarks). Socrates and followers (Eliot) have been quoted enough already. Originally Posted by essence
You are the troll here with your quasi intelligence. You argue just for your own excitement. What's your point, other than the one on your head?
joe bloe's Avatar
That's a good train of thought. Along those lines, I have to add that there is no such thing as perpetual motion. It is necessary to have a "primer mover", which is God. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
If I remember philosophy 101 correctly, I think the term is "prime mover". A primer mover is a paint salesman.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-26-2012, 05:00 PM
I'm staying out of it. But I just dropped by to say that was funny right there. Originally Posted by JDNorthface

idiots calling idiots idiots, can be quite funny

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-26-2012, 05:01 PM
Lol. I learned about quarks in 5th grade. This subject is child's play. Essence isn't even a doctor. He just pretends to be one. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
Do you really believe in God?

That he made the universe?

That you can talk to him and he will listen?

That there is a heaven and hell?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I don't see what the big deal is; evolution and creationism can both co-exist here. God (or the Supreme Sacrificial Alien if you watched "Prometheus") dropped a load and then started pushing the protozoa to do better (kinda like your mama did with a switch when you were in school) and get to a higher grade. With a little nudge from time to time (the asteroid that whacked the dinosaurs, the Black Plague, the Crusades, the Middles Ages, WWI and II and that big KAPOW over Hiroshima) Earth evolved Bigfoot, Nessie, chupacabras, giraffes, chihuahuas, Gummi Bears, microwave popcorn, Facebook, Viagra, Charlie Sheen, Howard Stern, Lindsay Lohan, and the Jersey Shore peeps. Jesus, Da Vinci, Einstein, Darwin, Elvis, Michael Jackson, and the Men in Black were beamed up by Scotty and are in the Giant Flying Saucer overhead with Buddha and some bulbous-headed, silver-skinned, 3-dicked dude whose chortles, clicks, and other indecipherable noises from his blowhole sound like "Allah," and they're all laughing their asses off watching the continuing science experiment. The Intergalactic Nielsen ratings are off the charts.

Who created the guys that started our petri dish is a debate for their planet to argue.
joe bloe's Avatar
I agree. I think evolution with god's assistance is probably the most likely answer. Evolution can't be the whole answer; life is too complex. It's apparent that the fossil record is more or less consistant with evolution, not the creationist view. It takes a real leap of faith to think everything just happened with no intelligence behind it; I don't think that's plausible.
BigLouie's Avatar
. It takes a real leap of faith to think everything just happened with no intelligence behind it;. Originally Posted by joe bloe
What leap of faith, just read some of CuteOldGuys post.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Damn you, Louie! Don't insult me with funny posts. I should be mad, but that made me laugh!