CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-12-2012, 01:40 PM
Please understand the plan before poo-pooing it out of hand, you missed the whole prebate provision. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

poorly worded on my part
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, dimwit, but the tax only applies to NEW goods. If you buy a used car, no tax. If you buy a used house, no tax. If you buy used clothing, no tax. If you buy a used TV, computer, washer, dryer, etc. NO TAX. Plus you get the prebate to cover any tax you might pay up to the poverty level, so NO TAX.

This effects the richer people in America much more than the poor. It's actually quite a progressive tax. Also, there are fewer places to hide loopholes, and it is understandable by everybody. No more spending hundreds of dollars getting your income taxes prepared. You get to keep your ENTIRE paycheck. And merchants are no longer unpaid slaves for government tax collectors. They get to keep 1% for their service in doing this for the government.

The underground economy will be hurt significantly. Criminals will pay tax from their stolen or illegally obtained money.

Investors will be able to grow their wealth TAX FREE. This includes grandma's mutual fund. The money invested will be lent to businesses to grow their business.

And just imagine, if GM, Ford, Boeing, et. al. were able to sell their products overseas for 23% less than they do now, their business would boom! And foreign exports here would be taxed just the same as domestic products. America would become a haven for business and manufacturing. Our economy would turn around practically overnight.

See? You know NOTHING about the FairTax. You may have read about it, but you didn't understand it, as usual.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-12-2012, 01:47 PM
how much used shit do you buy?

how much used shit do you expect everyone else to buy?

speaking og GM et al, how much more would new car sales suffer if everyone bought used shiboxes?

bet youd like that eh ... you could yammer endlessly about the car guys defaulting on the Bush bail out and how its all LIAR Obies fault ...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I'm afraid to bring up the subject of embedded taxes here, CJ since you haven't quite grasped the prebate subject yet.

Seriously, you really should read for yourself about the FairTax and what it includes and excludes, not just the typical anti FairTax talking points. I would absolutely love to have a thread dedicated to debating that.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The thing is, idiot, that new car prices would not go up. The same people who buy them now will continue to buy them, as would be the case with all new items. In fact, more people would likely be able to afford them since they would receive their ENTIRE PAYCHECK. More consumer income, plus stable prices = increase in sales.
LOLOL.....COG, CJ et al are complete imbeciles on autopilot.

We have programmed these Obamatrons too well....they now react to us without thinking !


Chica Chaser's Avatar
Embedded taxes COG. The cost to GM for all the parts used to build the new car comes down as the taxes on those parts are removed as well. Overall cost comes down to the manufacturer...and free market takes care of the rest, for the suppliers to GM and to the vehicle price on the street.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-12-2012, 02:08 PM
The thing is, idiot, that new car prices would not go up. The same people who buy them now will continue to buy them, as would be the case with all new items. In fact, more people would likely be able to afford them since they would receive their ENTIRE PAYCHECK. More consumer income, plus stable prices = increase in sales. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I didnt say new car prices would go up ... the middle class buys MORE new cars than the top 2% does THEY are the people responsible for continuing new car sales ... in fact, the upper crust LEASES more cars than they buy because its CHEAPER to lease a brand new Rolls and swap it every 2 years than it is to buy and and lose when you sell based on depreciation ...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why would you encourage buying or leasing foreign cars, CBJ7. The FairTax will restore America!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-12-2012, 02:17 PM
Why would you encourage buying or leasing foreign cars, CBJ7. The FairTax will restore America! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I dont, its just a simple fact of life ... big shots lease BIG expensive cars, foreing and domestic. ... besides that, explain to me how 2% of the country can buy more cars than 98% of the country ... last time I checked the gazillionaires werent lined up to buy a Chevy, Ford or Dodge ..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So you don't think that with incomes rising, American car prices stable, and the cost of foreign cars increasing, that it is still bad for the middle class? American cars will cost roughly the same, foreign cars will need to add the tax on top of their already internalized tax and compliance costs, which American makers won't have anymore, and buying new cars won't be attractive to the upwardly mobile middle class? Not to mention that American cars will suddenly cost about 23% less on the foreign market.

That really sounds pretty good to me.

And think of defense spending. Once the companies no longer have the internalized tax and compliance costs, the price of our war machinery would drop dramatically, since the government would simply be paying the tax to itself.

Where's the downside in all this? There isn't one, compared to our current corrupt and loophole riddled code. The only downside is that government would have less control over our lives, and politicians hate that.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-12-2012, 02:37 PM

look in the about us ... right bottom

sports division
legal division
medical division

specifically set to cater to jocks, docs, and laywers and their taste for high end rides

get qualified, place your order, and the car is delivered anywhere you want it ... you never leave your easy chair .... dealerships are for 98% of the buyers, 2%'ers, not so much
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What does that have to do with the FairTax?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-12-2012, 03:46 PM
What does that have to do with the FairTax? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

durrrrrrrrrr .. havent been following the thread and paying attention have you?

ok lets take your used (everything) no tax theory

since you cant make used shit, used everything becomes at a premium, so by nature of demand and lack of product prices go up on anything 'Used'


sales go down on NEW taxed items because 98% of the population wants to avoid taxes and are buying used ... pices go up to offset the reduction in NEW sales or the business folds up completely

coupled with wealth redistribution thats pretty much a given under a not so fair tax, nothing is good about your fair tax ...

its not your fault either
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I didnt say new car prices would go up ... the middle class buys MORE new cars than the top 2% does THEY are the people responsible for continuing new car sales ... in fact, the upper crust LEASES more cars than they buy because its CHEAPER to lease a brand new Rolls and swap it every 2 years than it is to buy and and lose when you sell based on depreciation ... Originally Posted by CJ7
Bad argument. So what if they lease? The leasing company purchased the vehicle before they lease it out to those horrible rich folks. Hell man, I have a lease car and I damn sure ain't rich by any measure.

In your example above, the flex-whatever company is purchasing the car.