White House blacks certain media outlets....

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  • R.M.
  • 02-25-2017, 04:23 AM
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LUKE-WYATT 02-23-2017, 11:29 AM Post #59

“Sir I only paraphrased what another hobbyist claimed you stated - I am hoping it was false but he was adamant and stands by his statement.”
So, identify this "hobbyist"!

You lie about your military service.
You lie about your "war wounds."
You lie about your medical history.
You lie about where you were when you voted.
You lie about the reason you are fat.
You lie about other people on here.

If you don't disclose the "hobbyist" you are lying about that!

You're worse than the media reps who were "banned" as you claim!
LexusLover's Avatar

Post #83 ..."My Sincere Apology" thread ... 07-28-2016, 04:16 PM

Luke_Wyatt; "
I haven't threatened anyone- I come here to have a serious debate and in return get called names and have sexual and/or gay innuendos thrown my way. I basically have told these guys to walk the walk- if we were discussing this in the street I highly doubt they would call me any names for the obvious reasons.Secondly, do you have any clue of what "disabled" veteran encompasses? It doesn't mean I am in a wheelchair or missing a leg. I do have slight battles of PTSS and have awful migraines as a result of shrapnel which was removed a few inches from my brain."
And then the LIE CONTINUES ...

post #21 ..." Biden claims Trump unfit to carry nuclear codes......." thread 08-16-2016, 07:08 PM

For anyone who wants to know when I was defending this country I love I had several shrapnel pierce my skull and lodge into parts of my brain. One of the areas it struct was the hypothalamus area which caused to gain a lot of weight. Two years ago I was at 425 lbs and today I am proud to say I hovering around the 280 lbs Mark and steadfastly losing the weight based on my strict diet.
You lie about yourself, and then you LIE ABOUT OTHERS!


Post #83 ..."My Sincere Apology" thread ... 07-28-2016, 04:16 PM

And then the LIE CONTINUES ...

You lie about yourself, and then you LIE ABOUT OTHERS!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Quit the Bullshit- Sistine Chapel called you out on your stalking ways on this thread:https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1975859&page=8

Here's his quote on post 100:

I said no such thing about revealing anything about your creepy ass except what I'm revealing here...which is you like to stalk and look up personal info on massage therapists...you admitted you get their massage license number while in their office and then spend up to 45 min getting personal details on them. Why do you do this one can only guess. You are a total and complete loser and a punk ass simp to your heart. You know you are and you're so bitch made. I can't stand punks like you. Creepy fucking asshole. hahaha and you have the nerve to talk shit? Dude fuck off. You fucking little bitch.

you know you fucked up by admitting that and there's no taking it back no matter how you try desperately to re-spin it. You said it now fucking own it...
Quit the Bullshit- Sistine Chapel called you out on your stalking ways on this thread:https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1975859&page=8

Here's his quote on post 100:

I said no such thing about revealing anything about your creepy ass except what I'm revealing here...which is you like to stalk and look up personal info on massage therapists...you admitted you get their massage license number while in their office and then spend up to 45 min getting personal details on them. Why do you do this one can only guess. You are a total and complete loser and a punk ass simp to your heart. You know you are and you're so bitch made. I can't stand punks like you. Creepy fucking asshole. hahaha and you have the nerve to talk shit? Dude fuck off. You fucking little bitch.

you know you fucked up by admitting that and there's no taking it back no matter how you try desperately to re-spin it. You said it now fucking own it...
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Except SC never could produce a thread or post that backs up his / her claim.
LexusLover's Avatar
Except SC never could produce a thread or post that backs up his / her claim. Originally Posted by canuckeight
LukeWarm .... states what SissyLips said ...

.... then embellishes it!!!

...this is the LIE by SISSYLIPS:

"... you like to stalk and look up personal info on massage therapists...you admitted you get their massage license number while in their office and then spend up to 45 min getting personal details on them."

Here is LukeWarm's LIE:

LUKE-WYATT 02-23-2017, 10:54 AM Post #54

“....it's been proven out of your own mouth that you visit massage parlors and purposely write down the ladies license numbers so you can look up heir RWI? So tell me who is the more dangerous person - ... you for stalking ladies by probing into their RWI- you are a danger to providers on this site you sick bastard.

So, LukeWarm isn't repeating the LIE OF SISSYLIPS ....

... he is just making up shit again!

Just like he did about his "war wound" ... started out as a piece of shrapnel "inches from his brain" and then became several pieces of shrapnel ... IN HIS BRAIN !!!
I am a second generation proud Italian-American and I was born here asshole. I am the only one commenting in this thread that has bled fighting for this country and fighting for your freedom. I refuse to have some facist wannabe president try to silence free press! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
" Only one that has bled for this country ..." LIE some MORE "seArgent " shitburner, ya stolen valor POS ! "bled " after stumbling over one of the " honey buckets " that YOU were assigned to burn LUBE ? Were ya moving to YOUR favorite DOWN WIND position and your fat ass stumbled, only to cut yourself on the sharp edge of the " honey bucket ? Fuggin Shmuckatelli !
And quit trying to be "noble " by saying that you fought for other peoples freedom. You are a loser that couldn't fight the flies off of those " honey buckets " of those field latrines. Fuggin POSER ! Fuggin fake review writin', tranny troller.
LukeWarm .... states what SissyLips said ...

.... then embellishes it!!!

...this is the LIE by SISSYLIPS:

"... you like to stalk and look up personal info on massage therapists...you admitted you get their massage license number while in their office and then spend up to 45 min getting personal details on them."

Here is LukeWarm's LIE:

So, LukeWarm isn't repeating the LIE OF SISSYLIPS ....

... he is just making up shit again!

Just like he did about his "war wound" ... started out as a piece of shrapnel "inches from his brain" and then became several pieces of shrapnel ... IN HIS BRAIN !!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
And LUBE first said he was a "Master seArgent " when he started posting here last year, then later promoted himself to " seArgent Major " . He even tries to make his sorry WIDE ASS look good by claiming it in his sig line ! HE'S A FUCKING FRAUD AND STOLEN VALOR POS ! He lies so much, he's gotta be a CLINTON !
LexusLover's Avatar
And LUBE first said he was a "Master seArgent " when he started posting here last year, then later promoted himself to " seArgent Major " . He even tries to make his sorry WIDE ASS look good by claiming it in his sig line ! HE'S A FUCKING FRAUD AND STOLEN VALOR POS ! He lies so much, he's gotta be a CLINTON ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
He can LIE ALL HE WANTS ABOUT HIMSELF ... I'll call him out on it.

But when he starts making up shit about others, which vilifies them "to the rest of the community" as "being dangerous" he needs to come up with PROOF of what he alleges are shut it up!

Again, here's his LIE:

"...it's been proven out of your own mouth that you visit massage parlors and purposely write down the ladies license numbers so you can look up heir RWI? So tell me who is the more dangerous person - me for telling jokes about DSK who I couldn't identify and don't know or you for stalking ladies by probing into their RWI- you are a danger to providers on this site you sick bastard.”
1. "out of your own mouth"
2. "you visit massage parlors"
3. "purposely write down the ladies (sic) license numbers"
4. "so you can look up heir RWI"
5. "stalking ladies"
6. "probing into their RWI"

then he says based on the above ...

7. "danger to providers on this site"
8. "sick bastard"

PROVE #1-6 ... since we've NEVER SPOKEN TO ONE ANOTHER ..

Forum, Thread, Post Number, and QUOTE of the above words!

You have 24 hours to do it or

Yssup Rider's Avatar
It was a White House briefing while the President was speaking at CPAC. It was held in Spicers office. It's only so big. Even a Fox guy did not get an invite. Don't meltdown snowflakes, sometimes you just have to stand back and evaluate whole situation. Problem with you liberals is you cannot see the "forest through the trees".
Always hitting the panic button. Originally Posted by canuckeight
What a LAME excuse.

Spicy will stroke out and be replaced by a loaf of bread...

The problem with you Twitler apologists is that you haven't figured out what's more important, winning or living in a free society.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you? then what up with all the whining about Trump winning? Any conservative Republican woulda voted Trump on principles alone. bhaahha that's a no brainer.

face it lame brain the very core principles you claim swept Trump into office. so what was your point again?? bahhaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Says a proven hatemonger who wouldn't know principles if they crawled through the eye holes of his white hood and attacked that small lump of gray shit occupying his hollow head.
LexusLover's Avatar
"The problem with you Twitler apologists is that you haven't figured out what's more important, winning or living in a free society."

Is this your idea of a "free society"?

Or are you speaking of an "Entitlement Society"?

Which one? Because that's what the "tantrum" is about!!!!

No more free shit!
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump won the election on November 8, 2016.
LexusLover's Avatar
And LUBE ... HE'S A FUCKING FRAUD AND STOLEN VALOR POS ! He lies so much, he's gotta be a CLINTON ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
And then he quotes SissyLips as "PROOF" ... but ...

.. what LukeWarm aka LubeAss posted was ....

"...it's been proven out of your own mouth that you visit massage parlors and purposely write down the ladies license numbers so you can look up heir RWI? So tell me who is the more dangerous person - me for telling jokes about DSK who I couldn't identify and don't know or you for stalking ladies by probing into their RWI- you are a danger to providers on this site you sick bastard.”
lustylad's Avatar
Someone told me you really like BBC (BIg Black Cocks) Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Last November was my first time sucking a BBC. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
So in your case being "blacked" is a good thing?