No new deaths due to Covid

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
There's a pandemic. My answer is the pandemic is overblown. I am mainly concerned about deaths, not if someone was sick for a few days. And I'm not concerned if a lot of people over 80 or are in stage 3 cancer die. They were going to die anyway.

You're the conspiracy believer. I said long ago that since young people aren't affected schools should remain open people but people like you demand schools be closed. I don't think most masks are that effective and most aren't but people like you demand that they be worn.

At the end of all this, I'd like to see an audit of all the COVID declared deaths. IMO, age and co-morbidities will be shown to play a huge role on whether a person died, hospitalized or just got inconveniently sick for a few days like the flu.

I've been very consisent with this, especially around COVID deaths. Remember the Harris County judge set up two large emergency hospitals for COVID patients and few showed up. Believe the evidence. BTW, the parking lot of the hospital by is about 30% full. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I don't disagree with you on many of your comments but here are 3 points to consider:

1. A person with co-morbidities (e.g. asthma, heart problems, cancer) gets COVID-19 and dies. The unanswerable question is how long that person would have lived without contracting the virus. Maybe days. Maybe years. "They were going to die anyway" is the simple answer to the minority of the cases.

2. No one knows the negative long-term impact of COVID-19 for those who contracted the virus and lived. I have read and heard about people who have had brain, liver, lung, and muscular problems long after they "recovered" from their bout with the virus.

3. One of my grandsons is quarantined at home for 2 weeks because someone in his 4th grade class tested positive for COVID-19. Do you think that that is correct procedure or would you recommend some other procedure?
sportfisherman's Avatar
No I want to legitimately know.

No riot and looting for me.

You seem to know so much about it and speak confidently regarding it.

Do I get the money from Medicare ?

Enlighten all of us about "Federal Funding for Covid".
winn dixie's Avatar
No I want to legitimately know.

No riot and looting for me.

You seem to know so much about it and speak confidently regarding it.

Do I get the money from Medicare ?

Enlighten all of us about "Federal Funding for Covid". Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Non sense post! Google it. Health care providers are getting funding for treating covid! This has been discussed over and over already!
winn dixie's Avatar
No I want to legitimately know.

No riot and looting for me.

You seem to know so much about it and speak confidently regarding it.

Do I get the money from Medicare ?

Enlighten all of us about "Federal Funding for Covid". Originally Posted by sportfisherman

This should satisfy you. Although I dont agree that there is not rampant fraud claims of covid!
Look at the stats for co-morbid deaths. WAY DOWN!
Those administrators ARE FUDGING the numbers!
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Excuse if this has already been posted.

A Johns Hopkins researcher found theres been no additional deaths due to Covid bases on CDC numbers. For example, deaths due to heart disease have gone down suspiciously the same amount. Originally Posted by gnadfly
What you meant to say was that there are additional deaths due to old age, and there have been none since mid March, everyone who has died has been of covid-19 for the last 8 months or so.

You cannot blame hospitals and the media reporting that, after all, the more reported covid related deaths, the more federal money for the hospital and the media of course just likes to stir shit up for ratings.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Difference between WITH covid 1984 and FROM covid 1984
You're the conspiracy believer. I said long ago that since young people aren't affected schools should remain open people but people like you demand schools be closed. I don't think most masks are that effective and most aren't but people like you demand that they be worn. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Exactly what conspiracy do I believe in, nimrod?

For starters, I do NOT think that schools should be closed - so stop trying to put words in my mouth.

I don't think restaurants should be closed either. They should be 50% open with masks for staff and social distancing.

Big venues, like concert halls, should be shut down. No super spreader events.

And what exactly does "that effective" mean? Masks only work half the time? That's pure BS. Stop making perfect be the enemy of good. Masks aren't perfect, but they do cut down transmission rates (how could they not) and we need all the help we can get. That's also not a "conspiracy".

We know there are superspreader events - like big weddings and church services - where people don't wear masks and LOTS of people get sick.

But you don't hear much about people who go to church in small groups and keep their masks on having a superspreader event. That's because masks and distancing DO work, even if not perfectly.