That's another similarity between this thread and the NBA thread.
"The question has been answered..."
"No it hasn't..."
"Yes it has..."
Anyway, getting back to the OP, here's a thought...
I wonder if any data has been collected from dating sites in terms of NBA. The original poster observed that civilians tend to be more tolerant. I'm just wondering if data matches this observation. Of course, it's quite possible that dating sites have strict policies against NBA. I wouldn't know. Oh well. Just a thought.
Originally Posted by emptywallet
In this context the NBA thing is a hobby phenomenon. In everyday life pre-civil right segregation is the only business world comparison that leaps to mind. I had never heard the term in this context prior to getting into this.
Dating sites will let you pick the criteria you are interested in, including ethnicity. Some will let you rate how important those criteria are. But since they are calculating several other factors as well it doesn't mean you won't be matched with someone who doesn't fit your choices, or you may be matched with them because you fit theirs. You are just as likely to get paired because you both want kids, over your ethnic choices. I don't think dating site operate on the assumption that there customers are that close-minded that they would even consider some that didn't match 100%. The whole point of their business is to pair you off with people you have a lot in common with so if you are 80%+ compatible, let the chips fall where they may. The best reporting you could do is how many women only choose white guys in their profile, but doesn't tell you if the would or wound't date a black man (or any non-White guy) if he was a high match otherwise. The same is true for any who didn't check black men.
Besides I wouldn't trust any stats reported from a dating site. The ones they use in their commercials sound completely made up.