Racist Fetterman Vandalized a Black Owned Business

berryberry's Avatar
careful= how do you know if Rodriquez was a person of color or not; but that's really not the case. I cited where Fetterman stated publicly what his intent was in the changes to the incarceration system. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Changes to the incarceration system - please.

Releasing cold blooded murderers back on the streets goes far beyond changes to the incarceration system unless you are a criminal like Fetterman who supports his fellow criminals

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. and Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman last year cast the lone vote in a failed bid to free a man convicted of murdering a student.

Alexis Rodriguez is serving a life sentence in Dallas after he was one of five suspects convicted of first-degree murder in the 1989 killing of Sean Daily, a high school junior and the son of a Philadelphia police officer.

Rodriguez, then 18, and the others were accused of beating Daily with a baseball bat before fatally shooting him in the back in a gang-related, revenge motivated attack. The killing sparked racial unrest in Philadelphia at the time, because the victim was White while the suspects were majority Hispanic.

The Pennsylvania Board of Pardons, which Fetterman chairs, held a public hearing for Rodriguez on Dec. 1, 2021, and Fetterman cast the lone vote in favor of commuting the convicted murderer’s sentence.
eyecu2's Avatar
Again - the story in this thread is from WTAE, a liberal TV station.

Only one person mentioned Fox in this thread and that is you. It's clear to all you can't defend Racist Fetterman's actions so you try to deflect and change the subject

Fetterman is racist vandalizing black owned businesses and attacking unarmed innocent black joggers.

Quit making fucking excuses for racist Fetterman just because he is a socialist libtard Originally Posted by berryberry

with any due respect; the title of the thread is:
Racist Fetterman Vandalized a Black Owned Business

just because you use a source that states one thing, I have shown several that offer not only a different conclusion, but also the salient points that support those conclusions.

But go on about how you how racist he is and how he is a socialist. It's very laughable that you always fall back to the the cuck suck off from Rightwing fantasy news. They should send you the whole box of cookies! Cuck flavor must be a favorite for all you cucky's
Jacuzzme's Avatar
careful= how do you know if Rodriquez was a person of color or not.
Seriously? You figure he’s Chinese? *facepalm*
berryberry's Avatar
with any due respect; the title of the thread is:
Racist Fetterman Vandalized a Black Owned Business
Originally Posted by eyecu2
And that is totally true.

Are you now denying he vandalized a Black Owned Business?

Are you now denying vandalism is a crime?

Are you now denying he committed a crime by vandalizing a Black Owned Business?

Are you trying to claim he is above the law?

It's funny how much you defend Racist Fetterman
eyecu2's Avatar
I'm saying your posts are shit; you claim he's a racist because he stopped a guy who was running from an area where shooting happened.

He's put "Not" in front of a Opening soon under new management" sign. I'd hardly call that vandalism, but if you can point me to the place where he was charged with vandalism, or any other crime such as kidnapping or such as you're dear old Right-wing media is claiming, but without any charges, then we can chat.

Without charges its just innuendo; and not illegal.

So while you go an clutch at straws about racism or the like, show me the charges- I'll wait. Charges of him vandalizing property, which if you knew anything in PA is likely not even chargeable for less than 150.00 in damages. LOL. And the dude running around who was held till police showed up and released. Did the cops charge Fetterman? I'll help you out- NOPE.

You know who did get charged with a lot of shit- Your cuck-master Trump.

So till I see some charges, you are just blowing-----well you fill in the rest.
berryberry's Avatar
I'm saying your posts are shit; you claim he's a racist because he stopped a guy who was running from an area where shooting happened.

He's put "Not" in front of a Opening soon under new management" sign. I'd hardly call that vandalism, but if you can point me to the place where he was charged with vandalism, or any other crime such as kidnapping or such as you're dear old Right-wing media is claiming, but without any charges, then we can chat.

Without charges its just innuendo; and not illegal.
Originally Posted by eyecu2
Racist Fetterman chased an innocent unarmed Black man who was out jogging with a 20 gauge shotgun and held it to his chest

Racist Fetterman BROKE THE LAW by vandalizing a BLACK OWNED BUSINESS

You know damn well the only reason he wasn't charged is because he was Mayor when he did these crimes and was in charge of the police force. So fuck that BS about it just being innuendo. There were news stories, photos, etc. reporting Racist Fetterman's actual crimes. And yet you want to claim they didn't happen. How pathetic
berryberry's Avatar
Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta:

"Why won’t John Fetterman apologize? He held an illegally stored shot gun to the chest of an unarmed man that he chased down.

He was wrong "

Black Democrat Politicians publicly called out Racist Fetterman for putting a shot gun to the chest of an innocent Black man who was simply out jogging but Eyecu2 wants to pretend this never happened

This is just another example of how the left continually lies. It's pathetic. An incident that was the subject of news stories and condemnation from multiple black politicians and EyeCu2 says

Without charges its just innuendo; and not illegal.
Originally Posted by eyecu2
berryberry's Avatar
According to EyeCu2 - don't believe this video from WTAE showing Racist Fetterman vandalizing a Black Owned Business

EyeCU2 says it never happened because there were "no charges filed so it is just innuendo"

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 10-05-2022, 02:39 PM
To be clear, nobody has the right to pull a weapon on someone fleeing unless you have clearly seen him commit a crime.

In my situation, I stopped a probable crime in progress, told the perps to stop and wait for the cops to come, and, then after repeated warnings, I used my weapon to make the one perp stop moving towards me, and, he complied, we waited for the PSP to come, they took my pistol and it went from there.

They even handed it back to me before everybody was placed in the cars and arrested, further, it was my property and not in a public area.

Back then, there was NO castle doctrine, you had a DUTY TO RETREAT, and that changes the entire legal picture entirely.

Fettermug was a VIGILANTE, operating outside of the law, attempting to arrest a black man with no evidence he committed any crime, worse, he pointed a firearm AT HIS PERSON, with no evidence of a threat, or a weapon, and, had he seen one, he STILL HAD TO RETREAT IF HE COULD!

People have been charged in Alleco for defending themselves if far more dangerous situations, one, I remember in particular was because the DA claimed he could have went upstairs, exited out a window, and jumped off the roof instead of using his firearm in self defense.

You cannot justify what he did as legal, or even moral.

And one of the first rules of firearms safety is never point a gun at something you don't want to kill.

But, I wonder if thats something his parents even taught him, kind of like how to get a job and earn a living.
eyecu2's Avatar
Vigilante Fetterman???

You mean like vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse who was also found innocent and celebrated. He wasn't on his own property... But yeah I guess that doesn't fit the narrative against Fetterman so go ahead and ignore it, cuz he's racist and all. Despite the fact that fetterman never discharged his weapon, nor killed anyone unlike good old Kyle, poster boy of the Trump cuck society.

You all should look up the word hypocrisy, because it's about everything the GOP and cucky conservatives point to the left with accusations, but are equally guilty of the same. Disgusting liars spreading despicable false conclusions and narratives
eyecu2's Avatar
According to EyeCu2 - don't believe this video from WTAE showing Racist Fetterman vandalizing a Black Owned Business

EyeCU2 says it never happened because there were "no charges filed so it is just innuendo"

https://twitter.com/i/status/1576917807610368000 Originally Posted by berryberry
I see a figure that may or may not be Fetterman approach the building, but I don't see any item like paint or any other item pulled out to deface property. How do you know this was fetterman at all, or if he was just putting a flyer on a piece of property? The answer is you don't but please-Go on, and show us the damage that Fetterman did to this sign, - I'm sure it is a gigantic nothing Burger even if you could find it. Last time I checked the word NOT was deemed neither racist or a slur against minorities. But please Sir copy and paste, please show us the damning photo of such alleged vandalism.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 10-05-2022, 05:21 PM
No comparison with Rittenhouse, who defended himself from multiple attackers and was found not guilty of any crime.

Fetterman even admitted he was probably doing something illegal, and, he was correct.

You just can't admit you are wrong, which, shows something to us.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 10-05-2022, 05:22 PM
It shows us you have no moral compass when it comes to putting someone into an elected office, even when its clear he's not a good mayor, let alone a Senator of the USA.

It has to be a liberal, for any reason, just because its not an R.
HDGristle's Avatar
... Who's pretending??

... But don't bugger up this thread... Start another.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Adorable. Enjoy your day, mate
berryberry's Avatar
I see a figure that may or may not be Fetterman approach the building, but I don't see any item like paint or any other item pulled out to deface property. How do you know this was fetterman at all, or if he was just putting a flyer on a piece of property? The answer is you don't but please-Go on, and show us the damage that Fetterman did to this sign, - I'm sure it is a gigantic nothing Burger even if you could find it. Last time I checked the word NOT was deemed neither racist or a slur against minorities. But please Sir copy and paste, please show us the damning photo of such alleged vandalism. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Racist Fetterman admitted he broke the law and vandalized a black owned business.

But you go on pretending this didn't happen or it wasn't Fetterman.

And this is not his only racist action. Racist Fetterman also held an illegally stored shot gun to the chest of an innocent unarmed black jogger that he chased down.

As Devo noted, you have no moral compass not only supporting, but making excuses for Racist Fetterman breaking the law. And you just like Racist Fetterman, you can't admit you are wrong