What If The Young People "Just Say No"

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2013, 09:04 AM
It's a waste of bandwidth to "quote" you in full ...?

Now, again ... "What is "the lie"?

Do we need to get out the Big Chief tablet for you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I said

sans Jackie, I suppose you could call it a meeting of the minds from the above posters ... but I'll just call it a meeting to keep from telling a lie ... ( you are now included)

what part of that simple comment escapes you Dilbert? do I really need to spell it out for you old timer? raise your grubby hand and I'll go slower ...
LexusLover's Avatar
I said

sans Jackie, I suppose you could call it a meeting of the minds from the above posters ... but I'll just call it a meeting to keep from telling a lie ... ( you are now included)

what part of that simple comment escapes you Dilbert? do I really need to spell it out for you old timer? raise your grubby hand and I'll go slower ... Originally Posted by CJ7
Still can't identify "the lie" .................... I see. Reading comprehension skill?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2013, 09:58 AM
Still can't identify "the lie" .................... I see. Reading comprehension skill? Originally Posted by LexusLover

you, having a mind.
the majority of the new clients will get a subsidy primarily because they cant afford insurance in the first place ..

the people that already have insurance are parting with their money anyway ... they can compare what they have to what they can get and go from there .. ie an option

so your argument about people (forcibly} parting with their $$ is a moot point Originally Posted by CJ7
Well why don't you explain this since you know all about Obamacare. Whats the fine for if you don't purchase Insurance?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2013, 10:26 AM
Well why don't you explain this since you know all about Obamacare. Whats the fine for if you don't purchase Insurance? Originally Posted by acp5762

* don't know ALL about it, but I can read and learn ... try it sometime.
  • For 2014, $95 per uninsured person or 1 percent of household income over the filing threshold,
  • For 2015, $325 per uninsured person or 2 percent of household income over the filing threshold, and
  • For 2016 and beyond, $695 per uninsured person or 2.5 percent of household income over the filing threshold.
There is a family cap on the flat dollar amount (but not the percentage of income test) of 300 percent, and the overall penalty is capped at the national average premium of a bronze level plan purchases through an exchange. For individuals under 18 years old, the applicable per person penalty is one-half of the amounts listed above.
Beginning in 2017, the penalties will be increased by the cost-of-living adjustment


kinda funny, the people that don't have health insurance aren't the people bitching about it, and the people that have health insurance keep reminding the country how fucked up it is to have health insurance.
* don't know ALL about it, but I can read and learn ... try it sometime.
  • For 2014, $95 per uninsured person or 1 percent of household income over the filing threshold,
  • For 2015, $325 per uninsured person or 2 percent of household income over the filing threshold, and
  • For 2016 and beyond, $695 per uninsured person or 2.5 percent of household income over the filing threshold.
There is a family cap on the flat dollar amount (but not the percentage of income test) of 300 percent, and the overall penalty is capped at the national average premium of a bronze level plan purchases through an exchange. For individuals under 18 years old, the applicable per person penalty is one-half of the amounts listed above.
Beginning in 2017, the penalties will be increased by the cost-of-living adjustment


kinda funny, the people that don't have health insurance aren't the people bitching about it, and the people that have health insurance keep reminding the country how fucked up it is to have health insurance. Originally Posted by CJ7
You really didn't answer the question. This crap you posted everyone already knows about that.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
As of right now, if younger Americans, people under 30, decide to simply pay the fine instead of purchasing insurance under The ACA, what will happen.? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yea, well I am one of those young people JackieS.

I finally applied and got my insurance. A lot of my college buddies are doing the same. Young people, Jackie, don't like having to go broke from paying out of pocket costs associated with every damn doctor visit. We get the flu, allergies, bad colds, and mishaps like a broken leg, arm, etc. Not too mention our parents are damn tired of paying for our medical bills. Not one of my classmates has said they wouldn't get the insurance through the ACA and most are excited they are finally getting a chance at affordable health insurance. I qualified for a major subsidy btw.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yea, well I am one of those young people JackieS.

I qualified for a major subsidy btw. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp

How come the college doesn't have a student group plan?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2013, 03:55 PM
You really didn't answer the question. This crap you posted everyone already knows about that. Originally Posted by acp5762

Well why don't you explain this since you know all about Obamacare. Whats the fine for if you don't purchase Insurance

you ask what the fine was for being non compliant... I answered you.

if you already knew why did you ask?
Well why don't you explain this since you know all about Obamacare. Whats the fine for if you don't purchase Insurance

you ask what the fine was for being non compliant... I answered you.

if you already knew why did you ask? Originally Posted by CJ7
I didn't ask you if you knew what the fines were. I asked you if you knew what the fines were for. There is a difference.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2013, 04:22 PM
I didn't ask you if you knew what the fines were. I asked you if you knew what the fines were for. There is a difference. Originally Posted by acp5762
kinda like driving 100 in a 65 and getting busted ... your breaking the law, and you know it
Yea, well I am one of those young people JackieS.

I finally applied and got my insurance. A lot of my college buddies are doing the same. Young people, Jackie, don't like having to go broke from paying out of pocket costs associated with every damn doctor visit. We get the flu, allergies, bad colds, and mishaps like a broken leg, arm, etc. Not too mention our parents are damn tired of paying for our medical bills. Not one of my classmates has said they wouldn't get the insurance through the ACA and most are excited they are finally getting a chance at affordable health insurance. I qualified for a major subsidy btw. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
I don't mean to be rude, but if you are still in school, you don't even qualify to be in this conversation. Wait until you get out into the real world and find out that it's not somebody else's money you will be spending, but your own.

That is if you plan on being part of the solution, and not part of the problem.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
I don't mean to be rude, but if you are still in school, you don't even qualify to be in this conversation. Wait until you get out into the real world and find out that it's not somebody else's money you will be spending, but your own.

That is if you plan on being part of the solution, and not part of the problem. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Oh I see, working to pay my way through college means somehow I don't understand the real world, and that somehow I am spending someone else's money... LOL

Oh let's not forget the little detail that I am having to pay monthly for the ACA health insurance I just applied and qualified for.

Yes, I am a real Slacker according to an anonymous poster who thinks people like me are getting everything for free!
Jackie s just turned into jackass ..
Yea, well I am one of those young people JackieS.

I finally applied and got my insurance. A lot of my college buddies are doing the same. Young people, Jackie, don't like having to go broke from paying out of pocket costs associated with every damn doctor visit. We get the flu, allergies, bad colds, and mishaps like a broken leg, arm, etc. Not too mention our parents are damn tired of paying for our medical bills. Not one of my classmates has said they wouldn't get the insurance through the ACA and most are excited they are finally getting a chance at affordable health insurance. I qualified for a major subsidy btw. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Sounds like you are overly sick for a college student, just may be a good deal for you.