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  • 10-14-2012, 09:21 AM
There, I fixed it for you! Originally Posted by bigtex
I support free speech and the right of individuals to pool their money in the exercise of that right.

How about you ?
I support free speech and the right of individuals to pool their money in the exercise of that right.

How about you ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
WhiryTits, I also support the right of "free speech" and my unrestricted right to pool money that I win through wagers.

Are you interested in helping me out?
LexusLover's Avatar
LL, since you failed to specify which Biden you were referring to, I did not want to assume you were speaking of the Vice President. Originally Posted by bigtex
You can assume, safely, I was speaking about the current VP.

I have reason to believe that the son has more sense than "dad" ... so far.

Hopefully the son will not disappoint me. "rage" and "disdain" ... ?

As the Republicans could do better than their selections, so can the Democrats. It is, and has been, that I have been inclined to pick the Republican candidate for the job over the Democratic candidate for the JOB, because the rank-file of the Dem.Party keeps sending hard-core liberals, losers, or predators to run for the office ... beginning with Humphreys and following with a few bright spots like Kennedy. Since I became engaged in politics in Texas in South Central part of the State I was inclined to be a Democrat although I believed strongly in qualified Republican candidates running and winning so that Texas could maintain a 2-party system and void the choke hold the Democrats enjoyed over most of Texas with the exeption occasionally of Dallas and Houston, which were for years Republican pockets of strength.

Unfortunately the liberal elements of the Democratic Party have almost made it intolerable and some recent antics at caucuses and meetings in the past 15 to 20 years have been disgusting ... I still believe that remaining with an association with the Democratic Party has been a good idea, even though there are some Republicans in office with whom I have associated.

Do I sound more "independent" to you? Or do you have too much "rage" and "disdain" to open your mind to something contrary to your belief system and bullshit....Austin does that to you, you know.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The democrats are the ones that had it set up if they lose. I heard it myself on the Left radio. The dude said if Obama loses its because the rebublicans bought the election. That's pretty funny considering Obama has out raised Romney in cash. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Kayla why do you even post on here- do some Freaking research- the GOP Super Pac have raised far more money then Obama's camp- you seriously don't know what the fuck you are talking about and you make an ass of yourself every time.
LexusLover's Avatar
Kayla why do you even post on here- do some Freaking research- the GOP Super Pac have raised far more money then Obama's camp- you seriously don't know what the fuck you are talking about and you make an ass of yourself every time. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I didn't see where she mentioned GOP or any "super pac" ...

.... not sure who the ass is. May be you?

Wall Street Journal: Sunday, October 14, 2012 As of 5:59 PM EDT
"A person with knowledge of the campaign's fundraising operation said Republicans' September total isn't expected to outpace the $181 million the Obama campaign and related Democratic parties raised last month. The data are scheduled to be released Oct. 20. Mr. Obama has so far directly out raised Mr. Romney, pulling in $742 million with his party through August compared to $638 million for Mr. Romney and the Republican National Committee."
.... not sure who the ass is. May be you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Who died and appointed LL to be "the decider?" Perhaps "the ass" is actually LL! After all, he does have a considerable amount of experience with being "an ass!"
joe bloe's Avatar
Kayla why do you even post on here- do some Freaking research- the GOP Super Pac have raised far more money then Obama's camp- you seriously don't know what the fuck you are talking about and you make an ass of yourself every time. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Maybe you can enlighten us. What is the grand total for money raised by both sides. I wasn't able to find anything current, that gave the grand totals. You seem very sure that Romney has raised more, so I'm sure you must have a reliable source. Otherwise, you wouldn't know what the fuck you were talking about and would just be making an ass out of yourself, again.
LexusLover's Avatar
Who died and appointed LL to be "the decider?" Originally Posted by bigtex
Yes, I can be one. But I can also be respectful. Try it sometime.
LexusLover's Avatar
I wasn't able to find anything current, that gave the grand totals.

Otherwise, you wouldn't know what the fuck you were talking about and would just be making an ass out of yourself, again. Originally Posted by joe bloe
There will not be anything "current" due to #1 reporting deadlines #2: Obaminable has overseas collections coming in from internet resources and those will not be processed immediately. If I recall correctly in 2008 the internet contributions were "lagging" as far as reporting until they were ... err..... "investigated and verified."

Seems this administration likes to "investigate" and "verify"

.... a lot to avoid truth.

You will have to wait until after the election to determine just how much Middle Eastern money was contributed over the internet.
joe bloe's Avatar
There will not be anything "current" due to #1 reporting deadlines #2: Obaminable has overseas collections coming in from internet resources and those will not be processed immediately. If I recall correctly in 2008 the internet contributions were "lagging" as far as reporting until they were ... err..... "investigated and verified."

Seems this administration likes to "investigate" and "verify"

.... a lot to avoid truth.

You will have to wait until after the election to determine just how much Middle Eastern money was contributed over the internet. Originally Posted by LexusLover operates out of Shanghai China. It's run by an Obama bundler with ties to the Chinese government. His company's name is Acorn International; tell me that's not an inside joke. Obama outsourced his own fund raising company! Just imagine if Romney had done that. Obama would have had a field day.
Yes, I can be one. But I can also be respectful. Try it sometime. Originally Posted by LexusLover
My Dad once told me that respect is something earned.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news LL but you have yet to earn my respect!

Keep trying though! Perhaps one day!!!!!

On the other hand, if I awarded respect to egotistical, condescending jerks, you would be first in line!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'd be embarrassed to have your respect, BigTurd. I'd lose respect for myself if that happened.
I'd be embarrassed to have your respect, BigTurd. I'd lose respect for myself if that happened. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
StupidOldFart, you would be breathing down LL's neck for the #1 spot.
StupidOldFart, you would be breathing down LL's neck for the #1 spot.

double post for additional emphasis!