IMF Boss Dominique Strauss Kahn alleged hotel rape Originally Posted by WTF
thanks for that link !
I realize that a lot of people like to read about all the tawdry little tidbits offered up in stories about sexual misbehavior. But I wish the media would pay attention to the real scandal involving the IMF -- namely, that it's been doing far more harm than good for many years.

The fact that we flush so much money down that giant rathole is a thorough disgrace.
John Bull's Avatar
The only conspiracy here is the asshole thinking he could get a quick bj and then hop the plane to safety when she screamed. He has conspired with a bunch of high priced lawyers to obfuscate the issue.
The only conspiracy here is the asshole thinking he could get a quick bj and then hop the plane to safety when she screamed. He has conspired with a bunch of high priced lawyers to obfuscate the issue. Originally Posted by John Bull

you seem to be right with that one. Plus, as far i have read in papers, there have been more than 14 !!! women who next to Banone (according to some newspaper who wrote about Banone) he did the same act.

It is astounding for me that none of these women, and not even Banone, files charges against him. That is what is for me condoning what he did. The fact that he is a man with power will be waived when all these women gather up. I think its a lousy excuse. Plus, Banones presence in the press and his known affairs should do the other things. It happens far too often that women condone men abusing them. No matter if they are in power or not.

Its a shame that some part of society still thinks that if a woman gets attacked then she has to take care of not ruining it any further by not proceeding charges.

If you have a mother like Banon`s mother (who is participating in some socialist party) who tells her daughter to not press charges because her political career is more important, then you certainly don`t need any more enemies. This elite people are so afraid of losing their power and their status that they even sell their own daughters because living like "an ordinary person" is not appropriate without all that "kiss kiss connections" and "ass crawling" for money and status.
To me it sounds like another arrogant, elitist Euro got caught indulging his inner demons. Originally Posted by gnadfly
So do you agree now Nina?
he could get a quick bj and then hop the plane Originally Posted by John Bull
I hate when people steal my ideas. Granted, my interaction would be permission based (with a fee) not assault/rape.
Jumping in this thread

I thought I saw on several News channels that the hotel actually had a number of video camera's that picked up enough of what was going on to substantiate and back up what the rape victim said. Apparently there are a number of witnesses who can corroborate the rape victims story. The news said that actual pictures of her with bruises and a bad cut were taken. Now they are saying the rape victim is a "Muslim" woman who is widowed raising a child. I guess that is implying that she would not be someone who would indulge in such "sexual type" behavior?

I don't know, it does seem that things are not looking good for the IMF guy.. as far as conspiracy theories go, I never put anything past "powerful people and politics". It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

I really don't care for the whole "blame the victim" thing though. No woman, girl, child should be blamed for someone attacking them. But that is a whole other thread.

I have in my own lifetime, experienced "men with money" who do think they can get away with some pretty bad behavior when it comes to the opposite sex. If the IMF guy has a history of this and the French have been aware, it really shouldn't be too much of a surprise that he takes it a step further. There is a pattern there.

Hopefully the truth will make it's way out in court.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-23-2011, 06:57 AM
I realize that a lot of people like to read about all the tawdry little tidbits offered up in stories about sexual misbehavior. But I wish the media would pay attention to the real scandal involving the IMF -- namely, that it's been doing far more harm than good for many years.

The fact that we flush so much money down that giant rathole is a thorough disgrace. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
It is just another huge transfer of wealth to the well connected.
I realize that a lot of people like to read about all the tawdry little tidbits offered up in stories about sexual misbehavior. But I wish the media would pay attention to the real scandal involving the IMF -- namely, that it's been doing far more harm than good for many years.

The fact that we flush so much money down that giant rathole is a thorough disgrace. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I am very interested in your opinion, feel free to share :-). (a friend of mine posted on facebook where i posted similar links like here "the IMF rapes other countries so Kahn probably thought he does business as usual"
I think that kind of cynicism is great for starting a discussion :-)...)

Although, and that is the contradiction here, as i posted above, Kahns politics seemed to be much more considerate of thirld world countries than usually is the case. So - this might have been a bad slap in the face for the IMF as well to have lost him due to his "pervert" activities.
I consider this to be another form of "God complex" gone bad for people who have never been shown firsthand that others have power too AND are capable of defending themselves.

I hope someone (Kahns political enemies) pay a great (or more than great) attorney for that woman. Unfortunately due to the fact she is the only one pressing charges (since women like Banon and the 14 others rather play politics and opportunism here) it migh be his word agains hers, although his previous behaviour can be held against him.

What do you guys think about Banone`s mother and Banone`s attorneys that rather tell her to not press charges and let it go? I mean i can kind of relate to "career mummies" opportunism although i don`t condone it, but an attorney? Wow!!! That is gross. If you have mothers and attorneys like that you certainly do not need enemies.
So do you agree now Nina? Originally Posted by gnadfly
lol good one. I admit you got me right there ........ i concur ... but but but... americans have also elitists who let out their inner demons so lets make a consensual solution to elitist without the Euro?

I have in my own lifetime, experienced "men with money" who do think they can get away with some pretty bad behavior when it comes to the opposite sex. If the IMF guy has a history of this and the French have been aware, it really shouldn't be too much of a surprise that he takes it a step further. There is a pattern there.

Hopefully the truth will make it's way out in court. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
I completely agree. People are predictable and do what is convenient and the least "effort" for them. If he got away with that, of course he does it again. I also agree with you not blaming the victim, but the abused women could please step up and help this woman that had the courage to do something and to go to the police no matter who that guy is.
If they do so, chances that Kahn will get away are more unlikely than now., where its basically his word agains hers and DNA must sort out the rest, and even then.... we`ll never know.
I consider that backstabbing.
If you know that a fellow woman has experienced the same you did, and you support the man rather than her, than its another case of women against women. Strictly speaking its giving him a free pass.

A female friend of mine got raped in bright daylight in vienna more than 10 years ago, long story short, guy got caught by passers by - went in prison and confessed that he did that with 15 !!!! other women. It was put a newspaper article, and a wide announced TV call in search for all of the other women. NONE OF THEM came forward,
and unfortunately in Austria it is the rule that no one can be sentenced to a crime he confessed but can`t be proofed. So it did not matter he confessed to raping 15 others, because none of them came forward.

The result was that the guy got a prison sentence but is going free again after he served that. Had the other women came out as well then he would have been imprisoned for life and never ever came out again.
So it makes a difference.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I think this predator has finally gotten what he deserves and his cooked is now fully cooked.

A story in the Washington Post says that DNA evidence has linked him to the crime.

The maid spat out the semen he forced into her mouth during the attack and police cut out a sample of the hotel room carpet for analysis in the lab and they found a match.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I can't imagine the horror and shock of being assulted or raped & I've never had a penis in my mouth, but I have always wondered why the victim doesn't bite the damn thing as hard as she can.
I think this predator has finally gotten what he deserves and his cooked is now fully cooked.

A story in the Washington Post says that DNA evidence has linked him to the crime.

The maid spat out the semen he forced into her mouth during the attack and police cut out a sample of the hotel room carpet for analysis in the lab and they found a match. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
just read it. Now he said it was consensual and some of his "handlers" tried to offer her family back in Africa money. Gross. At least conspiracy theory is out of the question now. Now its to proof that the act was not consensual, which is likely to believe, but it still has to be prooven.

Congratulations to that maid that she came forward. There were testimonies also to that scenario which heard him shout to the maid really loud "don`t you know who i am?? " a few times. Gross.
I can't imagine the horror and shock of being assulted or raped & I've never had a penis in my mouth, but I have always wondered why the victim doesn't bite the damn thing as hard as she can. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
True, but that is such a violent act to do that, i imagine you are just not thinking straight when such things happen,and you`re probably so busy defending yourself or catching air that you don`t think straight, i might imagine, and who knows how long it took him, or if he even had it in her mouth directly. Medias reports about what happened are biased as well, so we cant take what they write for granted. But i am sure this question will be asked in court as well.